Relief for Constipation and Your Health – Did you poop?

Sep 28, 2020 | Alternative Medicine & Health, Constipation

by Scott Olsen

Did you poop

What role does being constipated play in your life? Is it just something to laugh about? Is moving your bowels still the forbidden thing to discuss? Does anybody ask you during the last week a life-saving question like “Does your poop float?” or “Did you poop today?” Are you thinking about what’s going to come out as much as how much you think about what’s going in (eating!)?? You better re-think these funny but Not So Funny thoughts and questions as your life may depend on it.

Do Something NOW and Avoid the Nightmare

The colon IS the foundation to ‘the house’. If the garbage never gets picked up it gets pretty foul very fast. What do you think happens inside YOU? The same thing. ADD bacteria, parasites, virus, lowered oxygen levels (disease loves that state). ADD feeling horrible. So what can you do?

   CLEANSE your colon to start. Do a 2 or 3 day flush…yeah, go 4 or 5 times a day for several days. Only those who did a good flush really knows how GOOD you FEEL after emptying out. Your body will let you know because you feel like skipping to the mailbox instead of walking!

The Goal Today and Everyday

   Poop twice a day, 3 times is better if you eat 3 major meals a day. Eat enough fruits and vegetables so your poop floats. If it doesn’t, take a premium fiber supplement (and don’t scrimp on that – not a plain psyllium or grocery store bottle of chemical!).

    Look every time you go if you don’t already. Easy delivery, multiple bowel movements per day, good floaters, low paper usage and FEELING GOOD are ALL indicators of colon health. Add good nutrition to that. Exercise and do some laughing. Stop and smell the roses! Make up your mind you and your family are NOT going to the hospital throughout your entire life… because you won’t need to!

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