
The testimonials below are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling.


Ever since Doug Kaufman has introduced you on his program, your products has not only helped my family achieve regular elimination but had helped my husband while he battled an auto immune disease & cancer as well! I still continue to share your products & information with family & friends across USA!

— Katherine, Las Vegas, Nevada


Dear Scott

You have no idea how often I think of you, and always with much affection and appreciation! You remain one of those extraordinary humans, who I have never met, but who has contributed profoundly to my healing… and also to my life. Connecting with you, in the wee hours of the night (Aussie time) all those years ago turns out to be one of those forks in the road… you not only offered me your products, but also access to your big heart, warm humour and extraordinary kindness. Plus you steered me in a way that I knew was intuitively right, away from mainstream medical intervention… and also into the shared attitude that everything is possible, when you give over to God and give over to holding life with true appreciation and love. And so thoughts of you often arrive and linger, at the same time it is true that I am truly bad at keeping up with the admin of life, inclusive of reaching out to those that are precious to me, but when I eventually grab the moment it feels so important to say some big, heartfelt things. So thank you Scott Olsen. Truly, deeply thank you. You remain one of my most favourite humans on the planet.

I hope your world is magical. That the love of family and friends is felt deeply. That your meaningful, wonderful work continues to inspire you. And that you feast well and laugh lots this Christmas.

Please remember that your little Aussie mate thinks the world of you. And you, and/or any of yours, are so very welcome in the land Down Under if you would like an adventure with a host and tour guide… just sayin’

Big hug Scott
With my heart full of gratitude

— Kxx

PS in case you were wondering I am healthier these days, with more energy and capacity than I ever thought possible. I don’t think I even arrived in the world of what I once termed ‘normal’ function, but passed on through it and surpassed it. Blessings to you my friend.


“Poopdoc has been a lifesaver for our whole family so much even down to my littlest who asks for it when she feels uncomfortable and has learned from difficult health issues with our oldest, constipation is nothing to mess around with.  Constipation can even land you in the hospital if it is severe.  Sometimes you will not even be able to tell in little kids they are constipated; they can start losing weight and not look at all like there is a problem and not want to talk about gut problems so I give out poopdoc out at night now when we have tea before bed, and it gives me a casual chance to easily ask my kids if they need some that night and is a real game changer!   Constipation can also contribute to worse complications with other issues….parasites, etc so please address that while simple with the help of this great product before it becomes much harder. Our daughter had so much frustration with high dose laxatives the doctors put her on and not feeling well with it. This has been so much better! Our son had issues with constipation since covid as well and taking this product every night has helped him so much to where he can be himself again and not so sad and in pain all the time!  Thank you so much, PoopDoc.  The probiotic is amazing too and an incredible game changer if you are needing to add in some good probiotics, especially if you aren’t able to get enough yogurt to benefit you.  It really helped our daughter bounce back this summer!   Thanks so much, Scott for getting these incredible products out there and caring about the people who get it from you.  So thankful my dad came across an interview one day he had seen with you in it talking about Poopdoc and for your help to our family!”

— Amber, Bloomfield, Montana

“Wow!!! I’ve been using poopdoc products for several years now and they have answered my prayers when I was struggling with not being regular. These products work magnificently. Truly heaven sent.”

— Kim, Huntington Beach, California

“Dough Kaufman of the KNOW THE CAUSE TV SHOW REFFERED me to you! The poop doc works!.”

— William, Okmulgee, Oklahoma

“WE HERE AT Louis V. ministries would like to thank you for your great products and service, It is a pleasure to work with a company that puts the customer service first, thank you and God bless you, amen. The Prayer Doc!”

— Louis, San Antonio, Texas

“Thank you for creating this great product. I heard about through Doug Kaufman and we have been using it for years.”

— Linda, Costa Mesa, California

“I just have to say you guys are awesome. I don’t have problems but I do take your formula to keep things on track since I burn magnesium quickly! And your humor is fantastic! I open all your emails even though I’m a customer, just because they make me smile. Five stars on the advertising and the product! Just had to say it!”

— Ann, Phoenix, Arizona

“Love Poopdoc!”

— Debra, Gloucester, Massachusetts

“I love your products. For yrs I suffered with ibs but once I started using these products and changed the way I was eating I do not have any problems. I have been using them for a few yrs now and it’s wonderful to eat and not hurt or have to run to the bathroom. I watched Doug Kauffman and saw you there. God Bless You Thank you”

— Sheila, Gulf Shores, Alabama

“I just went on vacation with my family, and I would not have been able to enjoy myself and have fun if it weren’t for my You Go Babe! I always get really constipated on vacations and always dread going. This last vacation was a game changer 🙌 🙏 ❤️😁”

— Cortney

Professional Office (Medical) Manager
Scottsdale, Arizona

“I tell my wife, PoopDoc is one of the top 5 companies I deal with on a regular basis. You guys do what you say and you get it done fast”

— Don, Springville, Pennsylvania

“Wow, I’m simply impressed with taking Colostrum from the PoopDoc!
Im going to be 60 years old this coming November and I’ve been a bodybuilding since I was twelve years old, and I’ve never stopped building muscle unless I’ve gotten sick, and unfortunately for me its something that occurred every month or twice a month, I was diagnosed in my 20’s with an Autoimmune Disorder!
So, I’ve taken Immunoglobulin shots twice a month, vitamins and any new supplements that I thought would keep me Healthy, but I never experienced any longevity with anything new on the market!
Since, I started taking two to three scoops a day of the Poop Doc’s Colostrum powder, I’ve noticed my immune system was protecting me and fighting all the germs that I touch on all the equipment as I workout at the gym!
Now, Ive always keep a miniature bottle of alcohol to spray on my hands to protect me, but now I’m trusting my own immune system to get the job done!
I’ve, also experienced a deeper sleep at night and throughout the day more clarity as I make business decisions!
I highly recommend you read about what Colostrum does, and all the benefits!! If you decide to try it then purchase from the Poop Doc with a proven record with me!
Stay Healthy!!”

— Billy, Scottsdale, Arizona

“Coming from someone who has suffered from constipation for a solid 4 years now, the PoopDoc and the amazing formulas have completely changed my life. Just as I was giving up all hope, and I mean crying out of frustration and sadness, I can now live my life and not have to live in fear of being uncomfortable and in pain. I was at the point where I didn’t even want to plan family activities and scared to go out and eat. Now look at me, I have a new love for planning- I’m planning my wedding! The PoopDoc has given me a new outlook on life. It’s got me motivated to be healthy and I couldn’t be more grateful and happy.
I found my number, and I can proudly say I am part of the Happy Hiney Club!

Thanks Scott!”

— Cortney

Professional Office (Medical) Manager
Scottsdale, Arizona

‘’I truly believe when Poop Doc introduced Colostrum it saved my life.

I have been a Poop Doc customer for several years taking the Formula 1 capsules to regulate a lazy bowel. I became ill 7 years ago with fatigue and experienced a very furry unpleasant white tongue and acid reflux. Two procedures were recommended to investigate my Colon and Oesophagus. 4 angry cancerous polyps were removed from my Colon, and I was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous condition called Barratt’s Oesophagus. Annual checks were recommended and each year less polyps were removed, until this year, when none were discovered, and he gave the all clear. I asked about my Oesophagus, and to my surprise and joy, the Barrett’s Oesophagus was no longer evident, which can only be due to Poop Docs Colostrum that I have been taking for only about a year. It truly is as it says on the tub, Natures Miracle. I have been signed off for 5 years by my Physician, and I am 70 next year. Sadly, I told him about Colostrum, but he showed no interest in investigating further, as his mind set, and training is cure, not prevention.’’ Beware the Medical Profession!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Poop Doc.,”

— Stuart, Málaga, Spain

“Have been taking poopdoc products for years now, I cannot express enough in words how well these high quality products work.  I’ve fought constipation most of my life until I discovered the “Daily Fiber Supplement Formula 2” powder that you add to water or juice. Relief was immediate, and I am so thankful that the discomfort is gone! The capsules work well too. The fact that this is a natural product is a much added benefit as well.  

Thank you so much for making a big difference in my life!”

— Kevin, Pittsboro, Indiana.


“I’d LOVE ❤️ Pet Probiotics and Immune Formula!! I LOVE that product!! I’ve had so many homeless dogs come to me that are really in bad shape. I give them a scoop of your product on their dog food and their coats grow out shiny, infected ears heal quickly, sores heal more quickly, their poop is always firm & fully formed, and they are happy to be feeling sooooo much better!!!

I highly recommend it to all of my adopters! Most tell me that they’ll order it and I always send them the link to this product. This product is amazing!!”

Owner of Adorable Dog Rescue

Phoenix, Arizona

“Dear Constipated Friend,

Please allow me this opportunity to enthusiastically share this incredible product that actually works! It’s called PoopDoc’s Formula #1.
I have struggled for many years with chronic constipation and having consistent bowel movements. And believe me, I have tried everything out there, but FINALLY found it with PoopDoc’s Formula #1.
A friend of mine introduced me to PoopDoc’s Formula #1 and said it worked for her and it would for me too. I was so tired of feeling bloated and backed up and frankly, you’re just miserable when you can’t poop.
I tried it and WOW…satisfaction! It was easy on my stomach and did not cause any cramping or gas. What an impact having regularity makes in a person’s life.
Thank you PoopDoc for making and sharing this miraculous product; it’s such a blessing to feel good again.
I can unequivocally recommend PoopDoc Formula #1 to anyone who struggles with their Poop!

Beyond grateful for this amazing product,”

— Karen, Gilbert, Arizona.

“I am pretty new to the Poop Doc’s Optimum Health Products, Pet Probiotics, but I can’t say enough about this amazing product! I have a 6 yr. old, 92lb., very mischievous Doberman! He gets into and eats practically anything he can when outdoors. This then leads to bouts of messy diarrhea! After a day, sometimes 2 of giving him the Pet Probiotic, his stool is immediately on the path back to being normal. This clean yet mighty supplement supports his gut and Intestinal health like no other product I’ve seen. It kills bacteria and viruses so quickly. I

“I Thank God for your Awesome Quality Products! Good Job!”

— Marlena, Clarkdale, Arizona.

“Great product.”

— Fred, Plainview, New York.

“Dear PoopDoc, my name is Savannah and I am a loyal costumer of your incredible capsules!! I suffer from Lyme Disease so I have had my fair share of struggles with constipation and it is NOT FUN. Over the past year of getting medical treatment for my disease, poopodoc has been my holy grail. Thank you so much Poop Doc!”

— Savannah, Fresno, California.

“Poopdoc is the best product on Earth!!!”

“Scott – I know you have heard stories.. but (no pun intended).. I built a mini mountain one morning. Before taking poopdoc I was a regular guy, usually going two to three times a day. Not much concern. Occasional irregularity/light constipation, sometimes small amount of light red blood. No concerns. After watching you and Doug one day, I got the idea to try and rid myself of any free loaders.. So I went on the daily fiber to help remove any nasties that might be stuck along the colon wall or elsewhere. After the third week.., one morning I had an easy go, but it kept coming, gently and easily, kept coming out… I had to flush once so the fecal matter wouldn’t touch me. And then on the second bowl, I saw two little swimmers.., whoooa… Awesome ! Goodbye hitch hikers !! Love this stuff !! Thank you !!”

— Robert, Orlando, Florida.

“LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS…I heard about you and have seen your interviews on Know the Cause”

— Cindy, Midland, Texas.

“I have been using the formula #1 for a few years now and it works great. I have always struggled with constipation and I’m in my 50’s.

Thank you!”

— Kim, Maple Lake, Minn.

“Thank you for your products and what they do. I have been using Formula I for a few years now. Won’t be without it!”

— Sandy, Blue Eye, Missouri


— Lynn, Baltimore, Maryland

“Thank you for a great Colostrum product!”

— Dr. Tiina, Tampa, Florida


“Hi – Just been watching you on Know the Cause and my husband says I must email you to let you know how successful your Poopdoc #1 formula is! I now take just 1 capsule each evening and am as regular as anything. Big, big thank you.

Again, thank you so much for your product.”

— Patricia, Garstang, UK


“Without exaggeration, this product has literally changed my life. I suffered from Chronic Idiopathic Constipation for 8 years. In that time, I spent tens of thousands of dollars on both conventional medical treatment and naturopathic treatment. Nothing worked. My life began to revolve around this bodily function (or lack thereof) that is so natural to most people. In June of 2020 I found POOP DOC on Amazon as I was searching for yet another product that promised constipation relief. I bought it in desperation even though I was convinced it wouldn’t work….hope and despair is so much a part of this vicious cycle.

In any case, it arrived in the mail and I took 3 capsules as indicated on the bottle. To my utter astonishment the next morning, I actually had a “normal BM” ….just like that. I was in shock and thought it must be a fluke. Fast forward 8 months and this product (Formula #1) continues to work for me EVERY DAY. I also supplement with the Fiber Powder.

My life has changed and I am forever in the debt of Scott Olsen/Inventor of this product. Bless this man. Bless this product.

— Lori, Hampton, New Hampshire

“The Colostrum is amazing!! I’ve been on it for 2 months and it has given me more energy than any product I’ve ever tried and I’ve tried many, I haven’t been sick, and it makes me feel SO healthy! I even just had a Covid test–negative. Love this product! Thank you Scott for making this available.”

— Maryse, Essex Junction, Vermont


I believe this product (Pet Probiotics) stopped my dog from having seizures.
I will continue to use this product as long as my dog is alive.
Thank you for a great product and helping my dog when no vet could.

— Pat, Prescott valley, Arizona

“I love your articles as well as your products. Thank you for educating everyone on vital info that is sorely needed and we don’t get many other places.


— Joanna, Belleville, Illinois

“Hi, i just wanted to say that I’m taking only one capsule and it’s working so nicely!

I did some things differently and I still need to keep trying more. Experimenting with dose, fiber, etc.
Thank you!
It’s an answer to prayer! God bless you all!:)”

— EH, Pennsylvania

“This is our second order.

Great product.”

— Robert, Anchorage, Alaska

“Our family is thankful for your products!”

— Nancy, Ridgeway, Ohio

“I am beyond thankful for the many people I’ve been able to help as a pastor with Poopdoc Formula 1.

I try to keep my empty 90 count bottles to refill to give church members who have constipation issues and have never heard of Poopdoc. As much of this order that can be filled with the 90 count bottles is appreciated but certainly not expected. Thank you for the blessing you are to so many.”
— Wayne, Valdosta, Georgia

“Love the products!”

— Sheila, Gulf Shores, Alabama

“Thank you so much for this wonderful product!”

— Michael, Darien Center, New York

“I take medication for my COPD that keeps me constipated. I have taken many products with no relief and spent a lot of money. But your products helped me tremendously. I purchased the Formula #1 and the Daily Fiber and it’s helping me with regularity because now I know that I must fix my gut for balanced health. Now I’m back to purchase your Probiotics. Once again, thank you Poop-Doc.”

— Celeste, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

“For ten years my son Suffered from constipation, enemas after enemas and ER visits. On day 3 on poopdoc’s my son started pooping on his own. I can’t tell you how happy we are. No doctor could get his constipation fixed, but poopdoc’s did it. Thanks to Scott for calling us on the telephone and giving us some guidance you are first class.”

Thanks again”

— Wade, Williston, North Dakota

“Working great My daughter feeling better already.”

— Jennifer, Tulsa, Oklahoma

“Dear Poopdoc,
I have had problems with regular bowel movements, and at one time I was put in the hospital because it was so far backed up in my system. They gave me some stuff called Miralax, and I tried it once, but realized the chemicals they used were probably good for de-icing airplane wings, but not something I wanted to put in my body. I have always been watching “Know The Cause”, and decided to check what they had to say, which led me to you. I am taking it slow using the fiber as well as the capsules at night. So far together I am returning to regular, and will keep you informed of my progress. Thank you for keeping in touch!”

— Jim :o), Springfield, Ohio

“Your product is great. I have been using it for 3 or 4 years now. I have been diagnosed with ibs and your product works much better than the medicine they prescribed and it’s all natural.”

— Sherry, Surprise, Arizona

“I ordered your product a few weeks ago and started on the journey a week ago wanting to make sure I had some ‘home time’ to be close to the restroom. Poopdoc did not disappoint. I found it to be gentle and as your company suggests, “the wait was over”. I am so thankful for the valuable research that you have invested in this product. It certainly helped me and I know many others. It is a blessing, again, thank you for caring about an issue that so many of us struggle with, especially women. I have already recommended it to many of my friends. God Bless you & your company. Whew, what a relief!!”

— Linda, Columbia, Missouri


My name is Mary and I’m from Massachusetts. For years, I struggled with constipation but it wasn’t until I had appendix surgery this past year, in which, I couldn’t produce a bowel movement. After my surgery, I ended up having to do the regular powders, stool softeners, laxatives, etc. just so I get some relief; I was in a lot of pain. Trying these remedies helped but I always ended up having cramping, diarrhea, and then constipation again. This was becoming my new “norm” and I knew this was unhealthy for me. Then, one day, I watched Doug Kaufmann’s show “Know the Cause” and he mentioned your product. From Day #1, I was able to have a bowel movement and now I go every day without the cramping which the other products I was using gave me.

I love your product!

I’m regular again and no longer in pain.

Thank you so much!”

— Mary, Massachusetts

“I have to say that PoopDoc is AMAZING! I have had difficulty with constipation since a small child. My grandfathers and mother and sister also have had this issue. I saw a “Know The Cause” special about PoopDoc and was intrigued. My friend and I began the entire system, but even with my friend’s help and reading the instructions, which are easy to understand, I had trouble figuring how to begin. You see, I am very sensitive to many things and have gotten migraines severely just from eliminating certain foods. Well, I received the combo package and at that time was in a long migraine cycle about 3 or 4 days long. I kept looking at the package and instructions, read that the PoopDoc people would help me and I called them. I spoke with Scott and he asked me questions and he gave me so much help! I could not have done it without talking to him because of my thinking being off because of migraine. When I began the program I couldn’t believe how good it worked with no problems! It is so easy to do. I had a cleanse and then got regulated and feel so happy that I don’t have to worry about this issue anymore. (At least a sixty year problem!!!!) My father had colon cancer two times before he passed and now that is another worry ERASED!!!!!

As I take the fiber drink I think to myself, “This is cleaning out my enteric system and it is helping me heal. I thank God for this every day. And I thank you, Scott, for helping me so much. There is no way I could have done this without Scott talking to me and giving me the information about a plan to implement! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Scott told me something I hope I never forget. He said, “You deserve this.” I keep thinking about this and am so grateful. God bless you all. Thanks again, Scott!


— Mary, Temperance, Michigan

“this stuff works great! i’ve never been this regular!! this along with my organic diet is the best thing thats ever happened to me thanks!”

— Terria, Descanso, California

“Hi there, A little about me, I have the hardest time using the restroom, i’m lucky if its once a week. I have been through several doctor visits, and just had my colonoscopy/endoscopy. Results are: Im healthy as can be, except I have a “tortuous” colon is what he called it. All the medications up to this point have NOT helped whatsoever.. My dr is puzzled and at a loss and HE actually recommended poopdoc.com as a last resort. I am HAPPY to say I take 4 before bed, and I have been going daily!! Praise the lord! I am a forever customer! Thank you SO much for your time and such a wonderful answer to my prayers!”

— Cassy, Mesa, Arizona

“Yes, these products really work. I am so happy I am no longer constipated any longer.

Thank you for your products.”

— Michele, Selden, N.Y.

“I found PooPDoc on Know the Cause website. I have been watching/listening to Doug Kaufmann for over 10 years, and since I trust him, I knew I could trust a company he trusts. I was right! Thank you, Scott, for the phone call! You were patient, kind, caring, and freely shared your knowledge…that says a lot about you and your company! My 10 year old daughter struggled with constipation for at least a month. I gave her PooPDoc and the following night she began to poop! And the rest is history! Yay! I kinda felt like I was potty training her all over again as we “celebrated” each time she used the bathroom! Haha Thankfully with no negative side effects or cramping! Thanks again, Scott! I’d recommend this to everyone.”

— Erica, Ocala, Florida

“Poopdoc has been an answer to my prayers! And here is why.. back in 2014 I had major surgery on my right foot. I couldn’t walk on it for a very long time, so I was pretty much stuck lying on my back on the couch for months. Four months after my foot surgery, I started having issues with constipation. When things weren’t getting any better, I was freaking out and saw my doctor who then put me on antidepressants and anti anxiety medication. That only made things worse… Eventually, I went to see my GI doc. about the constipation and he told me to take MiraLax daily. So, I did, but that didn’t help me either and after being on if for several months, I started to retain water in my lower abdominal area, hips and thighs. By this time I had gotten the ok to start exercising from my foot doctor but as I was working out, due to the excess water, it became uncomfortable and harder to perform my workouts. This was concerning to me so I called my GI doc. and he told me to stop taking the MiraLax immediately and start taking a stool softener every night before bed for the rest of my life… The following fall, I had to have major surgery on my pelvic floor. And two more following that one.

My doctor told me because of my pelvic floor disorder that I couldn’t afford to be constipated. Absolutely no straining, or pushing hard. I was then taking 450mg of stool softener along with a Senokot S every night by doctor’s orders. This method worked for a short time but then I ended up having to see a pelvic floor PT for a year to try and help me …but that didn’t always work and soon along with the stool softeners and laxatives, I had to take an enema everyday!!! After awhile, that just left me in a lot of pain and wasn’t as effective anymore.

I tried everything pretty much and nothing helped!! The GI doc had me on Linzess and Amitiza and those didn’t work either, just made things worse and left me in a lot of pain! So, I was at my wits end and so tired of this battle to go #2, that one night I cried out to God for help and he answered my prayer and led me to the poopdoc web site, where I started to read the testimonials. I cried. Could this be true? is this the answer to my prayers?? A few weeks after, I called and I spoke with Scott. This man knows his stuff and is so helpful. I was on the phone with him a lot after receiving my Poopdoc #1 and #2 as he helped me to get started and encouraged me along the way. I am sooo thankful for Scott! I am feeling much better now and everyday, I have to say, I go #2 now.

I prayed to God for help to go #2 and he sent me #1!

Thank you and God bless you,”

— Cheryl, Wisconsin

“Best product ever! It has changed my life. My mother in law purchased formula # 1 and 2 for me. I suffer from severe diverticulitis and since using your product since October I have not had a flare up of any kind and I am pain free thank you so much for changing my life!!! I will be ordering my next fiber supply soon.”

— Lori, Facebook

“After years of chronic constipation and having tried many other products, this is the only one that worked! And from day one! Thank you for this wonderful product.”

— Sara, Teaneck, NJ

“I bought my daughter your #1 Formula and she says it is working great! She has had trouble with constipation for many years and finally your PoopDoc product has helped so much! I am buying her more to keep her healthy!”

— Janet, Buckeye, Arizona

“All we have to say….it keeps on “working”!”

— Nancy, Ridgeway, Ohio

“I LOVE this stuff. Poopdoc is amazing. In my opinion, it’s the best thing on the market to help one become regular and stay regular. When I use it I feel so cleaned out!! That is what makes Poopdoc very unique. When I don’t use it, I can immediately tell the difference; I feel sluggish, tired and drained. I firmly believe that if a person has daily BMs, they will be healthy and whole. I also believe this is the key to living disease free and longevity.

Thank you Scott for Poopdoc. I hope one day it is in every household.”


— Monica, Little Rock, Arkansas

“Thank you, Scott, for the personal call and words of wisdom and Doug Kaufman’s programming where I heard Scott being interviewed a few days ago on TV. Such caring people are hard to find! God bless them!
Look forward to my husband using these products and living a better quality of life.”

— Betty, Yreka, California

“AWESOME PRODUCTS! I use to suffer from HORRIBLE, PAINFUL constipation for many years, as a result of using doctor prescribed Opioids to help manage chronic neck pain. I tried many over-the-counter products seeking some type of relief, and NOTHING worked.

I saw your products on Doug Kaufmann’s “Know the Cause” and ordered “Formula #1” right away. By the third day, I had COMPLETE RELIEF! Your product was a God Send to me. It gave me back some Quality of Life!

I’ve been on “Formula #1” now for over two years; still taking what is considered to be a high dosage of a prescribed Opioid, but thankfully, constipation remains a thing of the past.

Currently, I only need to take one or two capsules for most days. I can easily increase or decrease my dosage based on how I feel.

Thank you so very, very much for creating products that addresses a condition that can make your life miserable. In addition, they’re FANTASTIC for Gut and Colon health.

Wishing you continued success and prosperity in 2018, as well as, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


— David, San Jose, California

“I usually don’t do reviews but im very pleased to say thanks to poopdoc I’ve been able to have painless bowel moments i appreciate all the help you have giving me i had no hope i was depressed and now I’m able to live my life pain and constipated free please continue to provide formula I’m going to be a regular constumer thank you and have a nice day.”

— Aurora, Lowell, Mass

“I have suffered from severe constipation for years. It took stool softeners and laxatives every day, and I knew that wasn’t good for me. Miralax worked for a few days and then I was back to the old grind. Then I found Poopdoc and it changed my life. 2 capsules every night before bed and the next morning I have no problem. There’s no cramping at all, and it continues to work.”

— Kathy, Rockville, Maryland

“Thank you, your product speaks volumes for itself. I have had a chronic bowel syndrome all my teenage and adult life, have seen many physicians, not to criticize, but to no change or benefit. Thank you for your product, which I will now order your whole package on probiotic etc. to further help myself. Many, many Thanks for such a delicate subject, something no one wants to talk about.”

— Shirley, Wichita, Kansas

“Our son has been relying on your great products for a decade. Your products are a life saver!”

— Nancy, Ridgeway, Ohio

“My wife found PoopDoc via Know the Cause. I have never been regular in my life, but PoopDoc has changed that. I am feeling much healthier with this product. Will be part of my nightly regimen for the future.”

— Kevin, Elizabeth, Colorado

“I have been taking Formula 1 and 2 for a year now and just as all the other testimonials say, it works amazingly well and it helped me to go daily after a surgery which left me beyond constipated. But now, I have started taking the probiotic and it has amazing affects as well. My energy level is amazing, my mental focus is noticeably improved and most of all my sleep has improved. I have always had trouble sleeping, but last night I slept 7 hours straight through with just one wake up and back to sleep. For me this is unbelievable. I usually sleep 2 hours, wake up and have trouble getting back to sleep then sleep 3 hours and always feel tired in the morning. When I wake up I just want to take a nap and get tired just thinking about all I have to do during the day. Thank you Scott. I know it is the probiotic helping me. I am so excited and grateful for these wonderful products.”

— Betty, Sacramento, California

“When I learned about Poopdoc.com from a friend I was at my wits end. I’ve been with acute constipation for years but has gotten much worse this past year. I could only go one in seven days by taking laxatives. In 2016 I developed ecoli bacteria in my esophagus which has caused permanent damage.

Now I must be treated with prescription strength anti-acids for any food I eat.

Would I not have had a colonoscopy I would not have learned about this progressive bacteria which caused me to be in so much pain before it became too late.

I tried everything there is on the market, all what my primary doctor prescribed.

NOTHING – worked until I learned of Dr. Scott Olson with his poop formula. I was shocked by how much waist came out of my body.

I feel so much better each and everyday.

I have so much energy and I get up feeling happy to start my day.

I have only Dr. Scott with his poop formula to thank.”

— Emma, Plaucheville, Louisiana

“I have had a problem with constipation my entire life. About four years ago I did some research on the web trying to find some help. I saw the video about PoopDoc and spent a couple of hours reading the testimonials. I figured what the heck, I will give it a try. Was so pleased with the results!! I take one every night and sometimes two if I do not get the results I want with one. I also recommended it to a friend at work who was having problems with constipation. It worked wonders for her also. Later I was talking to my daughter. She mentioned her husband had not gone for two weeks. I gave her some of mine for her husband to try, It worked wonders and he has been using PoopDoc every since. Thank you so much for the wonderful product.”

— Diane, New Hope, Minnesota

“This stuff works miracles and it works fast! I feel clean and lighter, since my stomach has been cleansed from the toxic (mess) that it was in, and I have more energy. I will be ordering more plus the fiber that goes with it. Thank you guys so much.”

— Kaylonie, Wichita, Kansas

“I want to thank you for your product and your compassion. I am 65 and have been constipated most of my life. Nothing ever worked and I’ve tried it all – including diet. Even a raw diet didn’t work. I recently became so backed up I was going to have to go to the ER for help. That’s when I spoke with Scott and everything changed. He told me the most important thing is to drink half my body weight in plain water. Since it was mid afternoon, and I was already so “full”, it was hard to do. Within 5 hours, I had complete relief – constipation gone! I want to Shout Water To The Rooftops!! Now I crave the water and follow Scott’s recommendations for the PoopDoc products and I’ve never felt better! My husband started the water protocol too, even though he’s not constipated, and he has much more energy and lower blood pressure. Thank you Scott and the PoopDoc Staff!!!”

— Carol, Plantation, Florida

“I have been on opoid pain medicine for several years now and the chronic constipation and even bouts of the horrors of impaction have been a constant problem. I tried everything there is on the market with minute results or worse, no results. I had bowel movements and immediate relief after just the first dose (of PoopDoc), the first day!! Now 3 weeks later i feel amazing and bowels move daily. I have evem lost a few pounds and my belly swelling has gone down. I take the fiber daily and the capsules as needed now. This product truly lives up to its claims and its just been a God send for me! My constipation was very severe and very chronic. I strongly recommend PoopDoc, you wont regret it!”

— Christine “Chrissy”, Mexico Beach, Florida

“I wanted to share my testimony in thanksgiving to Scott and the PoopDoc company as well as to possibly help others searching for answers to their ailments. I was introduced to PoopDoc from Know The Cause (TV Show) maybe eight years ago around my breast cancer diagnosis. I immediately connected with the passing of Scott’s wife from cancer. I also had constipation & immediately ordered formula 1. I could not believe that I was speaking to Scott himself when I placed my order and the amount of personal help he gave me. I have been free of cancer along with constipation once starting the supplements! I know God directed me to Scott and I am extremely grateful for it! In addition to this, my daughter who eats extremely clean and exercises daily could not figure out why her tummy was bloated. While I was pregnant with her I received large amounts of antibiotics due to having placenta previa and C-section. Even though she was not constipated she must have had this in her system even seventeen years later. However once she began taking PoopDoc her bloating has disappeared! Another huge answer to prayer! One of my sons was diagnosed with Aspergers nineteen years ago at age three and continues to have some traits due to this disorder. Recently he had one chelation IV treatment which revealed high toxicity of aluminum, lead and nickel which are metals found in contaminated vaccines. With the colon the body’s major detoxifier we are optimizing his colon health as well as a great referral I received from Scott to a scientist he knows specializing in heavy metal toxicity. Even that scientist uses PoopDoc for his patients Scott was sharing with me. I praise God for Scott and PoopDoc!

God bless,”

— Kathleen, Tampa, Florida

“None of us like to talk about constipation, right? But the truth is ….we all will face it at some point in our life.
PoopDoc’s formula does EXACTLY what it promises!!! NO Cramps, everything just comes naturally. I couldn’t believe it.
I will continue to buy this product and I highly recommend it to EveryOne that battles constipation.”

— Teresa, Effingham, South Carolina

“I want to say “thank you” for your great product. I placed my order on Monday, and by Wednesday it was delivered to me. PoopDoc has taken care of my constipation and also, my leg cramps.

I’m telling my friends about this product.”

— Irene, Bellflower, California

“I love poopdoc!!! I plan never to be without it. It has regulated my system and consequently I am feeling great. Years of irregularity has been totally erased!! Highly recommend to all!!”

— Carolyn, Apple Valley, California

“Love it!!!! Had problems since I was little. My mother ordered the the (Poopdoc) medicine and it works wonderfully! I have a bowel movement every day! Tried everything, nothing else works! Again thank you!!!!!!”

— Tammy, Tionesta, Pennsylvania

“I can’t say enough about all of the PoopDoc products, two of which I’ve been using for at least three years (Formulas #1 & 2). I spoke with Scott Olsen back then and more recently again, who always remains so very kind while giving educated information which helps you feel secure about the products. It’s also important to know that he never ever makes you feel embarrassed to speak of your personal ‘issues’. His knowledge of the digestive tract and of what good products must safely contain makes you know that these are all natural and contain absolutely the best ingredients.

I’ve lived almost my whole life being constipated without any seeming cause. I had tried so many laxatives and other ‘natural’ products but they never worked for an extended period of time without causing problems. When I started using PoopDoc products everything changed and I finally became safely regular. On & off again I tried a number of different probiotics as I also realized the importance of using them. There never seemed to be much difference with most of them. Finally PoopDoc came out with their own version. I listened to Scotts’ earlier video explanation of them and decided to try. These really make a difference! I spoke recently with Scott again while he explained to me more in depth about the PoopDoc probiotics and I feel more strongly than ever that these are THE probiotics to use.

I plan to use these natural, non-addicting products that are super healthy for your body as long as is possible. I can say honestly that Scott Olsen and his company are totally trustworthy. Thank you Scott & company!”

— Mary, Essex, Vermont


— Keith, Bushnell, Florida

“Hi my name is Jeanetta and wanted to praise my Lord Jesus first of all for leading me to men of God that produce a product as great as Poopdoc!! And Im amazed at the personal care and attention to each person who buys the product! Ive been constipated since a child of three years old and now 63 years of age. I have had asthma, psoriasis, and then migraines and food allergies as a result of constipation!! Just recently i found out because of constipation parasites were growing and producing much poison and from medical drs prescribing antibiotics and drugs, they multiplied!! I had started the cleanse with other herbs and became very sick due to poison floating around but finding poopdoc was a blessing to get rid of them and the toxins in a process at a healthy level. Thank you, you are a blessing and God send in my life!!!! Praying for you to continue helping people!! It works!!!”

— Jeanetta, Ozark, Arkansas

“POOPDOC is an absolutely UNBELIEVABLE product!!! No pun intended, Bottom line – THIS STUFF WORKS!!!”

— Steve, Lebanon, Missouri

“We recently ordered PoopDoc for our 21-year-old son who is treating non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma completely naturally. This product worked so well and he was provided relief within 12 hours! He is thrilled with the product and will continue to use it as needed.
Thank you!!”

— Beth, Traditional Naturopath, Otsego, Minn

“I arrived in this world with an uncooperative digestive system and went on to completely ruin it with an eating disorder in my teens. That was 35 years ago and since then I have struggled and suffered and searched for a solution. On that last I have worked hard, from clean eating, good exercise routines and more modality and products interventions than I can count. I had brokered peace with my inability to completely heal my broken body, but I do need to be able to poop!

I was trawling the internet in the middle of a sleepless night when I stumbled across PoopDoc.com. And I was speaking with Scott pronto. I got a sense of his commitment to the care of his clientele when I called at 7pm his time and to hear him yelling in the background “is that the girl from Australia? Put her through”.

The pattern with my body is that I find something that helps for a little while and then I seem to develop a tolerance to it and I’m back to square one. Without intervention, I can go for a month, sometimes more without eliminating, and even then it is minimal. Scott was confident I would find his product different, but not in an arrogant way, in a gently compassionate way that filled me with hope.

I have been taking his product now for 2 months. I am not developing a tolerance; in fact, I am watching my body begin to heal a little, needing a lower dosage than I did two months ago to function. I no longer get bloated and uncomfortable; I’m able to enjoy a wider variety of foods; I am sleeping better; my energy is slowly improving. Every day I send PoopDoc a gratitude blessing.

Scott Olsen has been a great support, mentor and friend to me on this journey. He has listened, tweaked, educated, encouraged, cheered and supported me…over and over again. He is amazing, And his product is amazing

Blessings Scott and PoopDoc.com”

— Kathryn, Psychologist, Melbourne, Australia

“have to say …. with the problem that I seem to have periodically …. poopdoc comes to the rescue …. & boy I am so thankful …. I would recommend this product to those that are in question about their constipation…. along with their relief …… thank you poopdoc…”

— Dudley, Phoenix, Arizona

“Hello, I wanted to let you know about how PoopDoc has helped me.
First, I have been on the Doug Kaufman diet for 4 years and my movements have been good, I THOUGHT, but after using PoopDoc the first time, I WAS AMAZED HOW MUCH BETTER MY MOVEMENTS ARE NOW.
I even feel better, I have more energy and even lost some weight. I can’t thank you enough for caring SO MUCH to help the world with this FANTASTIC product.
I will use it forever.
I hope you all are Blessed with much love, kindness, gifts, and great health. Everyone Have a Blessed day. ”

— Debra, Emmaus, Pennsylvania

“I just want to thank you for your product at this time as it has been a complete Godsend for me… As someone who has had difficulty with constipation my entire life and especially so after I began having to be on chronic pain medications it has helped me immensely and I will now continually take this product for as long as it is available… If someone is reading this and wondering if they should try this product I give it a huge thumbs up and say absolutely that you need to try it because it is gentle and safe and has absolutely changed my very life… Thank you so much for a wonderful product and for everything that you all do there at POOPDOC… I can never tell you how much this has helped me and I am so very thankful to you all for that!”

— Pamela, Brunswick, Georgia

“Dear Scott,

This letter has been a long time in coming, but I can now say with confidence that your products have given me a new life. Since the 1960s, I have been plagued with constipation, bloating, and mucous from IBS. The prescription that seemed to help me the most (dicyclomine/Bentyl) ) became part of my daily regime (but) traveling always produced severe problems for at least the first week.

After trying many new meds on the market, my gastroenterologist, whom I adore, finally suggested that I see a naturopath Dr. in her office. In Oct of 2015, the Dr. suggested that I try PoopDoc; so I made my first of many calls to you.

I thank you for your unbelievable patience in dealing with my problem. You always make yourself available when I hit a wall. (I found my dosage after lots of help from you now and I work like a clock!) Ever since then, I have been taking (Formula 1) along with one or two capsules of your probiotic (Formula 3) every evening before bedtime and in the morning, one half scoop of the powder (Formula 2).

In the past seven months, I have traveled to Spain for two weeks, Connecticut for three weeks, a few long weekends in California and Arizona without any stomach difficulties whatsoever! The final success story for your product is that I had a colonoscopy earlier this week, and completed the cleanse, ordered by my doctor, without any difficulties. Prior to taking PoopDoc, my IBS was horrendous during these preps and I dreaded them. I breezed through the prep and the procedure and 2 days later am back on my regular schedule. I also no longer need the prescription med.

In addition, my partner, has had equal success from using your 3 products, and after years of trying just about everything available, he is now just as regular as can be.

I AM a huge supporter of your products.


— Nancy, Scottsdale, Arizona

“I have seen advertisements/testimonials regarding Poopdoc.com for many years. However, I didn’t think it necessarily would be for me because, I thought all laxatives were basically the same. Also, I relied on my doctors recommendations. About a year ago, I encountered a problem with my lower bowel/colon that required surgery. During recovery, I tried every product my doctors recommended, but I still felt irritation in the lower bowel area.

One day, my daughter told me about Poopdoc.com. She said that her family was using it and we’re very pleased with the results. I ordered my first large size, Poopdoc Formula #1 after that telephone conversation. I was very happy to receive the order so promptly. Now at our house, three of us are using Poopdoc with successful results. After three months, irritation that I have experienced is becoming less after using Poopdoc.

Thank you for such a helpful product and service. May God bless you and your staff for all your efforts.”

— Uveta, Montgomery, Alabama

“PoopDoc is a Life Saver for me.

It’s never too late….
At 87, what a relief to know that my family history of IBS which was passed on to me, has now found a cure. After years of suffering with constipation associated with IBS, having taken innumerable drugs, powders, stool softeners, etc., my sweetheart turned me into a dedicated PoopDoc user. What a relief! I’m now as regular as anyone could ever hope to be. No more pushing to the point of passing out on the toilet; no more having to stay home to use laxatives or feeling bloated to the point of not wanting to eat. Formulas 1, 2 & 3 have improved my life immensely. Thank you for developing such a great product.”

— Marty, Scottsdale, Arizona

“This product is amazing! My mom was told that she would have to come in to the hospital to get cleaned out 2-3 times a week or have a bag put in. The amazing lady that is now taking care of my mom has been religiously given her the PoopDoc for almost a month now and Mom is going to the bathroom 3 times a day on her own!!!! Thank you so much for your product…..And the best part is that it is Natural! God bless you!”

— Judy, Boise, Idaho

“Here is my testimony! I cannot thank you enough

I am 18years old and have had stomach problems for as long as I can remember. When I became a teenager my problems became increasingly worse. Extreme bloating and uncomfortableness was the daily norm for me. I had gone to the hospital multiple times for excruciating pain and distention. Despite my extremely healthy vegan diet and many natural supplements, this was not enough to clean me out. I was diagnosed with a severe case of IBS-C and was put on several medications such as linzess as well as an antidepressant because they said I had a serotonin problem. I had lost all hope and was very discouraged at the fact that I would have to live the rest of my life like this because the medicines barely helped. Nothing seemed to be working and my symptoms only increased. Then my grandma recommended Poopdoc! I was apprehensive at first because the only ingredient was oxygenated magnesium, and I had done magnesium multiple times which only helped a little. But after the first three days I noticed significant improvement. After a month of taking the entire program I am happy to say my stomach is as flat as ever and I am so much happier! Thank the Lord! I can finally have a normal life thanks to Poopdoc, and I am so glad that God led me to this product so early in life. I owe you the world Scott!”

— Kayla, Glendale, Arizona

“What can I say? I am so glad that I finally found this product. I suffered from constipation and heartburn for years. It all began with my first pregnancy. I have 6 children, and in total, was pregnant for 9 years from 1993 to 2002. That takes an enormous toll on the body. I’ve tried changing my diet and exercise. I lost 52 pounds, but I often felt uncomfortable in my own skin due to digestive issues. I was in a car accident last year, and my mobility was limited. I began to gain weight again, but unlike pregnancy, it was embarrassing and painful. No matter what I did, I could not find relief until I saw Dr. Scott on Doug Kaufman’s show “Know the Cause” and thought to myself, “maybe this could work.” I was intrigued by Dr. Scott’s urge for people to get their digestion and bowl movements in check since I had never heard the subject discussed so straight forward before. I’ve only placed one order, and that was 3 weeks ago, but I feel better now than I have my entire adult life. I encourage my coworkers, mother, and anyone with ears to listen how great PoopDoc works. I hope they decide to give it a try, and see for themselves. I realize it will take some time to get where I should be. However, my body’s initial responses were: more complete elimination, zero heartburn, fewer migraines, better sleep, less back pain, and increased faith that some physicians really care about the patient’s health and well being.

Thanks again,”

— Kimberly, Clarksville, Tennessee

“Thank you! Your product is great, and I will recommend it to any one who needs help. Thank You again.

Blessings Sincerely,”

— Ann, Chatham, Virginia

“Dear Mr. Kauffman and Mr. Olsen,

I will go on record saying that Know the Cause has been a true blessing to watch. I think Doug Kauffman is a true hero on several levels. He not only served our country in Vietnam; but, he continues to serve our county by informing its citizens of choices and alternatives for their best health!

I am a true advocate of several products that I have purchased via watching Mr. Kauffman’s guests and sponsors. I purchased a Pionaire 1500 for my parents this past winter.

Additionally, I have been a customer of PoopDoc’s products for almost a year.

I have had a long history from childhood through adulthood of digestive woes and food intolerances. PoopDoc has been a wonderful addition to my ongoing Phase One diet/life plan.

I was pleasantly surprised to have Scott Olsen directly answer my telephone call when I was placing an order. Although digestive woes are far from humorous, Mr. Olsen and his team, have created a marketing campaign that is both creative and informative. Furthermore, Mr. Olsen brings a great deal of humor and knowledge to a sensitive subject. He has a great way of balancing his product knowledge and development with a outstanding customer service. If only all companies followed suit….

Personally, as a certified nutritionist, I understand first hand that the topic of elimination is first and foremost to understanding one’s health. I have always felt that one is drawn to that which heals them. By which I mean that a person’s calling in the way of their profession and/or passion is often due to the healing aspects it has the potential to provide for whatever ails them in spirit, body and mind. That is my perspective anyhow. It is also the reason why I have pursued and have dedicated so much of my life to education in the areas of health, nutrition and fitness.

Although I would not wish constipation and or the side-effects from mold exposure on anyone, I feel extremely blessed to have outstanding pioneers, like Mr. Kauffman and Mr. Olsen, spearheading efforts to spread knowledge and encourage levity while addressing serious issues. Personally, having had to adjust my life considerably due to both issues mentioned above, I am humbled by the expertise that is available via Know the Cause.

Thank you for your continued and tireless efforts to bring forth health to a nation that is invested in disease and disorder on many fronts. I find Mr. Kauffman’s candor quite refreshing with respects to the research he provides showcasing the politics of disease and staggering investments of big pharma in America!!!

In closing, I watched Know the Cause faithfully on the TLN network via Comcast Cable both in Chicago and, now, in Northwest Indiana since 2011. However, around January 2016, I have had difficulties finding your show on TLN or other local networks.

I would love to know if I can watch on any other stations that I am unaware exist. Thank you in advance for any feedback regarding this issue.

Again, my sincere gratitude is being sent to you both daily for my better health. Peace of mind is my main goal in life….thank you for making it more of an ongoing reality.

With Deepest Respect,”

— Kristen, Chicago/Valparaiso

“Great results with natural/easy on the body ingredients and no cramps.

For years my husband used HerbLax with good results but believe The PoopDoc formulas are even better. It is easy to tweak the amount of fiber as the body has needs or add an additional capsule at night.

Thanks also for prompt & helpful info when calling PoopDoc. The info provided additional guidance.”

— Lois, Cedar Springs, Michigan

“This amazing product has turned my life around from years of constipation and saved me from bowel surgery. My bowel is twisted in two places. My bowel surgeon has given me the green light to continue taking PoopDoc…….in his words, indefinitely!” You can imagine my elation to not have to face surgery. Thank you”

— Vicki, Buddina, Australia

“My friend gave me my first bottle of PoopDoc Colon Cleanse (I’m sure because she got tired of hearing about my ‘poop’ problems and she said they worked for her). Almost right away I felt a difference, I just ordered my second bottle! I am 51 years old and struggled my whole life with constipation and irritable bowel movements. I would sometimes go FIVE days without going!!! I took stool softeners, Miralax, laxatives. They did not work and was too hard on my system. Now on PoopDoc I go daily…usually in the morning on a pretty regular schedule. It’s wonderful! No more stomach aches, no more wondering when a bowl movement is going to hit, no more stomach bloat or smelly gas! No more pain with a bowl movement! For the first time in my 51 years of life I can finally say that I am regular! I will continue taking these pills…they really do work! It’s changed my life and my health for the better! I will be a lifetime customer. Try it…you will not be sorry!”

— Carol, Plano, Texas

“Works Great! I would recommend poopdoc to anyone who has a slow moving system.”

— Rachael, Cincinnati, Ohio

“Thank you for this amazing product!!! Thumbs up!!!”

— Andre, Indian Head, Maryland

“Oh my goodness what a blessing you are. I learned of your product via Doug Kaufmann’s Know the Cause. I listened to your webcast as well. I was hospitalized right after Thanksgiving for stomach and bowel problems. My hemorrhoids got really bad, got constipated, ate a big turkey dinner and then was really sick the next day. I started running a low grade fever. Went to the Dr – stated it was diverticulitis. She gave me ciprofloxacin HCL 500 2 X a day and Metronidazole 500 mg 3 times a day. She told me to take Mag Citrate (this is exactly what Doug Kaufmann said he used to prescribe to patients) I felt like I was going to explode – I knew I was in trouble when I couldn’t even swallow water. That is when I went to the emergency room. I was kept over night for testing. They did an x-ray, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, as well as a CT of my abdomen/pelvis with and without contrast. After testing they found I had “non specific bowel gas problem” and “extensive diverticulosis” in the sigmoid colon. I was told to go on a soft diet.

On my follow-up appointment I was told I may need a bowel resection with the part of my sigmoid colon that had the diverticulosis taken out. My daughter is an RN and would not accept this. She had been on the whole 360 diet and I had her watching “Know the Cause”. I started the anti-fungal diet immediately. As I had been on quite a few antibiotics for chronic UTI’s and I had a fungal rash on my stomach – my Dr prescribed an anti-fungal drug for 14 days. I then took your product and was amazed at how much better I felt. I lost 4 pounds in the 2 days I took it. Between the diet and your product I feel better than I have in years. I have lost almost 30 pounds and plan to keep going for the other 30. I am going to do your 3 day flush at the change of each season.

Thank you so much and may God continue to bless you and your products.

PS – Had a follow-up with a wonderful Naturopathic Dr. my daughter found for me today. He was extremely surprised and pleased my blood work was negative for candida.”

— Janis, Hanford, California

“I am 78 yrs. old. For the last couple years, I guess I have not had to stress about having a bowel movement because somehow I lucked out, and ran across this product, from a tv show (know the cause). I have had bowel issues since I was born, I think…all my life….I have a spastic colon, and also had an elongated bowel, so movement was really an issue. I only wish someone had told me about poopdoc….years ago. So, now I tell any friend or anyone who says they have constipation problems. It is hard to convince elderly people to listen sometimes, but being the aggressive person I am, I just keep nagging until I get them to just try it, even buying the bottle myself, until they become a believer. One instance is a fella I help out, who is 94, and has had bowel issues his whole life. He would sit by the hour in the mornings waiting to see if he would be able to go, drinking tea, and taking otc laxatives, and nothing worked. He finally got into taking the poopdoc regularly, for a yr. now, and he tells people about it, and how it works. He just can’t believe it. He has parkinson’s, and is limited with walking and the like, but poopdoc works. I have an 84 yr. old friend, and just finally convinced her to try this, giving her the poopdoc, and just today, she was elated that she finally started going normal, after several days of struggling. I just had to say, “Just take it”,and call and ask her if she took it, and now she is pretty convinced she should not skip taking it. I ordered it for her, at her request. So, I just say, it works, and it will work for anyone, but it won’t work if you don’t take it….smile!


— Pat, Salmon, Idaho

“Dear Scott,

I can’t adequately put into words how much I appreciate your products and what a difference it has made in my life. For years, prescription medications have wrecked havoc on my gastrointestinal system. I tried just about every probiotic in captivity with little to no success. I literally spent hundreds of dollars on my “collection” of various brands. I was introduced to your products (Formula #1 & Formula #2) in early 2015 and things begin to change for the better. But it wasn’t until you came out with the Formula #3 Probiotic (along with #1 & #2) that I begin to experience significant results. I have no problem having daily bowel movements and my overall intestinal system “works” better and my overall health has improved significantly. To be totally honest, things will not be “perfect” until I’m off of the terrible meds prescribed for me by my doctors. I have full confidence in you and your products and thank you for your hard work in trying to help people like me live a more fulfilling life. I am looking forward to your “gut formula” and hoping I will be able to wean myself off the prescriptions completely and be totally healthy once again.

Lastly, thank you for all your kindness, patience and sincerity in your efforts in helping me. God’s blessings to you and your work.”

— Frank, Parrish, Florida

“I’m 78 years old. In fact, I’ll be 79 next month; and all my life before Poopdoc, I have tried every laxative on the market and enemas and on and on. I’ve even Doubled laxatives, tried another laxative because that one quit working; once I got Poopdoc, I have a new life now. No enemas, no laxatives and I just have a plain bowel movement every morning. People would tell me, “Well just drink a cup of coffee and you would have a bowel movement”. No, it wasn’t like that. I just could not have a bowel movement. Always constipated forever and ever. But with Poopdoc, I take a few at night and in the morning I have a bowel movement. That’s major major miraculous. So Thank God for whoever invented Poopdoc, I thank God that he would bless you abundantly in Jesus’ Name. Thank You!

This is the truth, and the truth sets you free.”

— Helen, Arnoldville, Lousiana

“Thank you for this wonderful product!!!”

— Deanna, Hillsborough, N.J.

“Awesome stuff. Love your product.”

— Samuel, Starke, Florida

“Just another thank you for such an AMAZING product after 8 years I’m still so grateful for the kind of life PoopDoc has given me!”

— Alyson, Las Vegas, Nevada

“My name is Clarissa, more than five years ago I was searching on the web for something for me to take for my constipation. I came across to this wedsite and as I was reading other testimonials I was convinced I wanted to try out this product. i ordered right away and was happy I did. I highly recomend poopdoc you won’t regredit.

Thank you PoopDoc for coming up with this product. God bless.”

— Clarissa, Montebello, California

“I am a physician, and I also have struggled (and I mean struggled!) with constipation for my entire 63 years on earth. This has been one of the major issues influencing many of my life decisions, and you are right; it’s not funny! I have received worthless (or worse) advice from doctors, semi-doctors, wannabe doctors and everybody else. I have used other magnesium-based products with some partial relief. I am writing because I just have to tell you that your product is the best thing I have ever used. I now consider my arsenal to be equipped for this challenge, and I am without words sufficient to tell you how grateful I am.”

— Lila, MD, Selah, Washington

“I am 63 and have had constant constipation for at least 37 years. I have tried everything including the fiber, stool softeners, and herbal laxatives. Even while on these products it would sometimes be weeks before I could have a bowel movement. Without them I wouldn’t go at all. My doctor said I couldn’t have a colonoscopy because of the constipation. He prescribed Miralax and a newer prescription medication. The Miralax and RX only made me more bloated and even more constipated. I’ve been on a raw diet and vegan diet. Nothing helped until I tried Magnesium Citrate. But then I developed an itching reaction when I took the very high concentrations of at least 1250 mg of the citrate. And it didn’t work that well for me. In desperation, I found PoopDoc and gave it a try. By following the recommendations on the bottle I can now have a bowel movement every morning. Even while traveling out of the country, I ordered PoopDoc because nothing works as easily and as well! This product has worked so well, I’ll be going back to my doctor to ask about the colonoscopy. Thank you so much for making this amazing product available and changing my life!”

— Carol, Ft Lauderdale, FL

“Scott & Adam.

Discovering PoopDoc was a true blessing beyond my wildest dreams. I suffered with constipation for years and have been constipation FREE everyday since using your fantabulous product. We truly need for everyone to know about this miracle marvel of a product that you have.
I discovered you guys through a show called “Know The Cause” with Doug Kaufman. You guys are a God send. I also want to say that taking your product makes me feel comfortable knowing that it is safe and all natural. Thanks again Scott for also taking the time to chat with your customers, something extra special that we customers appreciate, a hands on owner who cares.”


“Effects of Poopdoc constipation relief pills

Thank you, thank you thank you, and halleluia too! I have had issues constipation on and of for years, but as I have gotten older it has become more problematic. I have been on the “Blood type diet ” which has been very effective, and in addition to that I have added to that some of the Phase 1 tips. It has been very successful except for the constipation. So I have been eating extremely healthy, but it wasn’t enough. You are a true answer to prayer!”

— Kathleen, Jay, Maine

“I purchased Poopdoc for 95 year old relative with constipation issues. By taking only one pill per day, regularity was established. No issues since. I have subsequently referred two visiting nurses and a visiting physician to this product for possible application with their elderly patients. Poopdoc was referred to us by another relative who is a Naturopathic physician that has personally used the product.”

— Robert, Las Vegas, Nevada

“I have had IBS for about 10 years. I am 70 years old and have tried almost everything. I almost didn’t try your product because your advertisements are directed more for people who can’t go. But I thought the fiber might help my condition.

It has worked a miracle. I can now go out and eat without having to stay near a bathroom for about an hour. The emergencies have stopped. I can go out in public without worrying about the possibility of ruining my clothes. I never want to be without this product.

My life has been changed because of your fiber product.
Thank you so much.”

— Frances, Mobile, Alabama

“After 40 plus years of constipation, (constant) colon problems, and almost giving up because nothing was working, I heard about PoopDoc from a Doctors radio show and made one last try. This has turned out to virtually be a life-saver.

Besides most of my life experiencing never ending colon problems, my mother had died from colon cancer, so it was in the family. I have been on PoopDoc for 5 years now. Since then I have had excellent colonoscopy results. This has totally changed my life. I experience no more colon problems. I don’t think I would of made it if I hadn’t found you when I did. Even my closest friends are now using PoopDoc. I have raved about to to everybody I know. Thank you for the work you are doing, please don’t ever stop!”

— Carol, Greenville, Wisconsin

“I am one happy camper once again thanks to POOPDOC! This was my last resort I was going to try since that was natural. I had tried many herbal supplements nothing worked! I have four autoimmune diseases & have been suffering with constipation for 7 months. If anyone is suffering don’t wait another day as God is my witness if it worked for me it will work on anyone!!! There is a God who answers our prayers! Psalms 66:16-20! Thank you again for this amazing product!”

— Teresa, Chino, California

“PoopDoc is amazing!! About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable bowl syndrome). I believe I’ve had it for most of my life because I can remember being sick back into my childhood. I was brought to the family Medical Doctor with no results. Later in life I went to a specialist in gastroenterology. He put me on one prescription then another which barely scratched the surface of my problems, especially abdominal pain. Fast forward. I now work in a holistic dental office and am very much into the natural approach to healing. In the last couple years I have tried all different natural remedies to cure or help with IBS and nothing has helped either. And then I met Scott! He told me about his products and gave me samples to try and I was so excited because his products are completely natural. I was so impressed after using the samples that I went ahead and got the fiber, PoopDoc capsules and probiotics. He also gave me some of a new Gut formula that isn’t out yet. I have been using them now for about 2 months and my stomach has never felt better or worked better. I still have little flare ups IF I eat badly but as long as I am consistent in my daily consumption of the PoopDoc products my stomach feels amazing. I had gotten to the point where I thought I would be sick for the rest of my life but PoopDoc products came to the rescue! I have never felt better and could not be more thankful. I’m healed!! Thank you to PoopDoc for all you’ve done for me, keeping in touch to check on my progress and for making an amazing all natural product. You rock PoopDoc!!!”

— Ariel, Queen Creek, Arizona

“For five years I have suffered with pain that felt like it was on the right side of my uterus. I have seen some of the best doctors in the country. I refused a hysterectomy and finally consented to surgery last December to see if we could find what was causing this pain. They found nothing except my colon distally was distended. I’m an emergency room nurse. I refuse to take narcotics, but the pain was bad enough that I had to do something. I learned of the Formula #1 by looking at Doug Kaufman’s website. I have started taking it and I have no more pain. I’m so surprised at how much additional stool that I was retaining. I do think that the distended colon was pressing on a nerve from the retained stool. I would not absolutely say that I was constipated, just not going as much as I should to empty my colon. Thank you – pain free and loving life!!”

— Janice, New Hampshire

“I asked who I could talk to because I order PoopDoc for my grand daughter. She has had a problem since she was 4, Callia is now 11. We found PoopDoc and without it she becomes critical. Callia has been hospitalized because she can not move her bowels – products such as miralax make her even more sick and ravages her body. In the hospital she has to have a tube down her nose and into her stomach so the medication can be given to her. The medication the hospital gives her makes her vomit. She has had poop backed up in her bowel that was the size of a grapefruit.

I asked to talk to Scott. Scott called me back and I was blown away. To think that the owner and his company really do care, you don’t hear of that very often. It is a medical emergency for my grand daughter to have PoopDoc. All of you and the product that you deliver makes a huge difference in her young life.
I am so thankful for PoopDoc and a company of caring, compassionate people.”

— Ann, Little Falls, MN

“I was pleasantly surprised to receive my order in such a short time! Thank you very much.

I had two abdominal surgeries within thirteen (13) months 10 years ago. I had eighteen inches (18) of my colon removed and the second surgery was a bowel obstruction. Needless to say, I have trouble with constipation. The last surgeon told me “whatever you do…do not become constipated”!

I do all the right things…eat whole grains, high fiber diet, exercise…still to no avail. I have tried several things…stool softeners, laxatives which can be very disabling when taken on a regular basis …they are not meant for that.

My saving grace was when I was watching a television show…I believe it was a gentleman named Kaufman. They talked about the PoopDoc and I decided to give it a try……WAS I PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!

The constipation formula is fantastic…does the job…no cramps..feel great after elimination with no sore aching feeling in your lower abdomen which laxatives can leave you with. My internal organs ached and felt inflamed after using laxatives….BUT NOT WITH THE POOPDOC!

Thank you very much….you have made a very important daily ritual very “normal” for me now. I find that I have more energy and am not sluggish, bloated or gasey…I can think much clearer too. It has been a win win for me.

I would recommend PoopDoc to everyone and anyone who may have a constipation problem.

Keep up the good work…your product has changed my life and I am very grateful.


— Marie, Schenectady, NY

“I called this morning and asked who I could talk to because I order PoopDoc for my grand daughter. She has had a problem since she was 4, Callia is now 11. We found PoopDoc and without it she becomes critical. Callia has been hospitalized because she cannot move her bowels – products such as miralax make her even more sick and ravages her body. In the hospital she has to have a tube down her nose and into her stomach so the medication can be given to her. The medication the hospital gives her makes her vomit. She has had poop backed up in her bowel that was the size of a grapefruit.

Scott called me back and I was blown away. To think that the owner and his company really do care, you don’t hear of that very often. It is a medical emergency for my grand daughter to have PoopDoc. All of you and the product that you deliver makes a huge difference in her young life.
I am so thankful for PoopDoc and a company of caring, compassionate people.”

— Ann, Little Falls, MN

“I was in the hospitol for over 2 weeks from a stroke and everything they gave me for constipation while there didn’t work. By the time I got home I had not gone for 3 weeks. The doctors won’t let you take anything but their prescriptions. As soon as I got home I took PoopDoc and I went right away. Scott, I praise the Lord Jesus for finding PoopDoc. I wish everybody knew about your product but people generally just don’t know what to buy. I thank God for His answer to my prayers. I can’t tell you how much better I feel.”

— Sandra, Strong, Arkansas

“Scott and his team have been so helpful! A few phone consultations have been more beneficial to me than numerous doctor visits…and without the copay! Thank you.”

— Kandy, Kersey, Pennsylvania

“Thank you for great products. Following surgery last year I began having constipation problems. I am now on a regular routine of PoopDoc and Fiber. Today I am as regular as a clock. I wanted to say you can imagine how wonderful it feels, but you already know how great your products are and how much they help people like me. Thank you keep America moving.”

— Gary, Fountain Valley, California


Manna from Heaven – that’s what PoopDoc is for me.

Frustrated from years of conventional and homeopathic remedies for my IBS with severe constipation – I lucked up when I found PoopDoc.

The owner and his staff are rare gifts as well – they take time to answer all my questions – make suggestions and encourage me to call anytime I need more help. What a bonus – people who care !!!!!”

— Gwen, Aventura, Florida

“Your product has changed my life, I use to take 15 pills of the last product I was taking! That’s outrageous that I would have to swallow that many pills just to get results!

With PoopDoc I only have to take 2 pills at bedtime! I wish that my Mom was still alive and I knew about PoopDoc then, It would have saved her alot of suffering. Thank-You so much for your wonderful product, I will always stay with you.


— Melinda, Sacramento, California

“I just want to say thank you. I ordered your product and received it within a couple of days and just in time. I have used many many constipation products throughout the years with little to no real long term relief. This product is a miracle. No side effects no cramping and no diarrea. I am recommending this product to everyone I know that suffers. Thank you once again. Sincerely, A very happy customer”

— Kimberlee, Glastonbury, Conn

“I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with PoopDoc. Specifically, the Formula #1. I started using PoopDoc, Formula #1 this past summer. My constipation issues result from chronic health problems from diabetes, 2 pancreas transplants & a multitude of medications for chronic pain. I tried all medications available over the counter & many doctor prescribed medications as well. Some of those worked for short periods of time but none of them brought me the success that PoopDoc does.

I live on the East Coast and found your website just by chance. I am so glad I did!! From my very first phone call, even though I was embarrassed, your staff was so easy to discuss my situation with. They inquired about my specific problems and gave me results I am so pleased about. My husband does not have health issues but as we all know, over time as we get a little older our bodies change. He is now a happy customer too!

I would recommend PoopDoc for any type of issue from chronic health problems to just the slowing down of regularity.

Thanks again so much for all your help and with the discovery of this great supplement!


— Lauran, Fort Mill, South Carolina


I have had IBS since I was a child. I was always miserable because of the constipation problem. A friend sent me information on your product and I pitched it … yes that’s right .. I pitched it. THEN one day I was desperate and called and ordered PoopDoc, tried it and am now a believer. Thank God! I have reordered and now have my husband on it. I tell my friends to get the information and try it!! THANKS a Million!!!”

— Jill, Akron, Ohio

“To Whom It May Concern:

I have had a problem with constipation all my life, then a few years ago a firend told me about “poopdoc” and she even gave me a few of her pills to try. I have tried several OTC remedies and had very little success. Well, I tried the poopdoc remedy and much to my surprise, I had results that I have only imagined.

I immediately called got the information and my questions answered from Scott via phone call. I promptly ordered the 90 capsule bottle, and have been reordering regularly since. I sincerely feel that without the remedy, I would still be facing the on-going awful problem for the rest of my life. Thank God (and Scott) for helping me live a better life with the “poopdoc” remedy.”

— Judy, Globe, Arizona

“Hi Scott,

I enjoyed our recent phone conversation. And thank you for your generosity and attention to my product order. Although my PoopDoc Story is amazing and hard to believe for some people, in this email I want to express my thanks to you and your great products.

Here’s My Doctor Confirmed Story

Right after my younger brother died about two years ago, I sold my house in Grand Prairie, a suburb Dallas, Texas and moved in with my widowed mother on our small farm in Athens, Texas. Shortly after I moved in with mom, I became painfully aware of several serious health problems she had. A Neurologist diagnosed her with Dementia, another doctor diagnosed her with Type 2 Diabetes and her primary doctor was trying to help her get rid of a bad case of constipation. As a result, she was paying about $650.00 a month on doctor prescribed medications. Those medications were digging her deeper and deeper into a financial hole as she was living on a fixed retirement income. And because I had never experienced those health problems, I had no idea how to help her. So, I began to pray and ask God for wisdom and solutions about how I could help my precious 80 year old mom get well.

One night I was watching a Christian TV station, CTN, and Doug Kaufman, the host for the Know the Cause TV show, was talking about the fungus connection to all kinds of different diseases. And as I continued to watch his TV show over the next few months, I did my own research. As a result of that research, I felt that God was answering my prayers though Doug Kaufman. As a retired college instructor in Texas, I was used to doing a lot of research and making conclusions based on my findings. I now teach state certified educators how to address the Bible and its influence on American culture across the curriculum and in any grade. My personal website is Bible Culture Resources

And as a result of my findings, I helped my mom solve three problems: 1)Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis, 2) Severe Dementia diagnosis and 3) Chronic Constipation! My mom’s dementia diagnosis was performed by a board certified Neurologist in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He prescribed a medication for her, because she had a lot of problems remembering simple things like where her keys were. It was frustrating for her and me because I had to constantly help her find things.

Another doctor diagnosed her with Type 2 Diabetes. Every day, my mom had to prick her finger, put that blood in a monitor and check her blood sugar level. Then she had to write down on a special document and mail it. I can remember her frustrations as she occasionally had problems with getting enough blood or when the little monitor that she used to determine her blood sugar level wasn’t working right, causing her to have to prick another finger. But perhaps the most frustrating of all was her chronic constipation! Under the supervision of a doctor, she tried various strategies and prescriptions to solve her chronic constipation, but nothing worked! So, one evening on Doug Kaufman’s Know the Cause TV Show, I heard Scott Olsen’s very moving personal story about how and why he founded his company, PoopDoc. After watching Scott’s talk with Doug, I convinced my mom to try the Formula #1 product and about three hours later her constipation was solved! Nothing else would work! Her primary care doctor was so impressed with the PoopDoc #1 product that he asked my mom how to contact PoopDoc because he wanted to recommend it to some of his other patients.

How did my mom actually convince her three different doctors that she no longer had those health problems? First, she began to change her eating habits by following the Phase 1 Diet as recommended by Doug Kaufman. Secondly, she started taking PoopDoc #1 and thirdly she started taking Prevagen for her Dementia. As result of these changes, all three of my mom’s doctors completed her lab work and told her that she no longer needed them, because she didn’t have Diabetes anymore. Her Neurologist told her she no longer had severe dementia and another doctor wanted to know how she overcame her chronic constipation! How long did it take? For the chronic constipation it only took about 3 hours the first time. And as long as mom has taken PoopDoc #1, she hasn’t had any more problems. But for her dementia, it took about 6 months and for her Diabetes it took about 12 months.

Thank you Doug Kaufman! Thank you Scott Olsen!
And Thank you Kevin Underwood!”

— Larry D, M.Ed.,B.S., GTBE State Coordinator, TEA Approved CPE Provider

“Poopdoc really helps

I’m a new patient to this. I’m really happy I go everyday now. Before my doctors gave me different medications and I hardly went. Now I go at least once a day. It would ideal if I go twice. My stomach went down a little. Don’t feel no pain and all my gases come out. Once I’m out of the bed I have to go. My family is very surprised everyday in the morning I poop. My younger daughter ask do people suppose to go everyday. I told her you eat everyday then you suppose to poop everyday. Finally I found my natural supplement that helps, is not a drug (medicine). I will always buy it, thank you.”

— Josephine, Bronx, New York

“Thank you very much for your product. It’s the only one that has helped me without being habit forming or causing any discomfort. I continue to recommend to friends and family with similar issues. I am very grateful.


— Giselle

“Just wanted to say thank you so much for your product. So much good came out of a hardship for you but, it had an ultimate goodness for the lives of so many! 20 plus yrs of suffering and with the addition of your product my life has changed. Thank you God keep on blessing you and your family.”

— Yolanda, Berkeley, California

“This stuff is AMAZING! I have tried every colon cleanse under the sun, and I’ve even gone to the extreme of getting a colonic (which made me deathly ill)…this is the ONLY product that WORKS without making me sick (because I put the “T” in TOXIC). THANK YOU POOP DOC!! My stomach is flat, I’m calm as a cucumber, and I poop 2-3 times per day now. You are the BOMB!


— Angela, Garland, Texas

“Thank you for developing this product. I have breast cancer and I was watching Doug Kaufman’s show and saw you on there and you mentioned your wife had cancer and you developed this product to help other people avoid toxic build up. I thought I might have to go to the hospital. I mentioned this to my nurse and she told me I could buy over the counter laxatives. I would rather buy natural products so I called and order the probiotic and the constipation relief. I used 3 pills the first night and I had relief the next day. Now I use 2 pills at night. The product works as soon as I get up in the morning and it is so good to finally have relief. I would recommend this product to anyone who has constipation problems. I am getting ready to order some more. I would be lost and miserable without this product.”

— Rita, Goreville, Illinois

“I’m doing great thank you!! One a day works perfect. I’ve ordered another bottle since I shared some with my niece who will likely be ordering for herself. Between regularity and phase one eating I’ve lost 8 pounds and feel wonderful.

I have blamed my thyroid for the constipation but my doctor has been disappointing in helping me. So, with study I’ve decided to help myself with better eating and supplements. I must thank you too for the consult on the phone. I thank God for someone as helpful and professional as you were with me that day.”

— Kandy, Kersey, Pa.

“I am 57 years old and for all of my life I had a huge stomach problem and constipation. I was seen by many GI doctors and none of them could help me. I mean none. I thank God for Doug Kauffman on Know The Cause that had Scott With his poopdoc product. I can honestly tell you this product works. If it worked for me I can assure you it will work for you also.. Scott, don’t ever stop doing what you are doing to help so many people like me. May God bless you beyond measure!!”

— Ninfa, Wasco, California

“PoopDoc supplements have changes my life! I am more regular than I have been my entire life! Every morning with in a half hour I am in the bathroom. There is no pain or cramping. It’s just like Mother Nature intended! I am in and out of the bathroom with in minutes. I used to be able to read a novel just about while waiting to have a bowel movement! Now I feel lighter and more energetic! It is the best investment I have made in my health. I feel great! I love them!”

— Kim, St. Peters, Missouri

“Its kind of funny to talk about poop, but I have to say with the combination of the fiber and the pills, I have never pooped so well. I have a Thyroid problem and everything is very slow. I was always taking laxatives (before) because I wouldn’t go maybe once a day, and now I’m going at least two and three times a day. Sounds funny but its nice to have a regular BM without even thinking about it. I will be ordering more and I don’t want to run out because it nice to be regular. Thanks Patsy”

— Patsy, Sante Fe, New Mexico

“My daughter has IBS and major problems using the bathroom we have done what all the children’s hospital has said we have spent many trips to the specialists office for her issues and since starting this she has told me mom it’s working I am using the bathroom finally !! This is music to my ears and she said not bloating issues or gas problems also it has not tore her stomach up like laxatives or stool softer have done in my daughter past . I am using it myself once a day and found this is a great problem for stomach issues. I would recommend this product to everyone ! Thanks again poopdoc you have been a lifesaver to this family”

— Carrie, Sarasota, Florida

“Dear Scott:

I have watched Doug Kaufmann for a long time and trust his opinion and in the knowledge he has. As I said I saw you on Doug Kaufmann’s show when you spoke about the death of your wife and how you were lead to develop a product to help other people to be relieved of toxic build-up through constipation. I know toxic build-up can cause sickness, disease and other problems in our bodies. For years I have had problems with constipation and have not found any relief other then laxatives until I tried your products Formula #1 and Formula #2. It is such a wonderful feeling to be set free from constipation. Some people just can not understand how bad it can be. It can cause you to feel sluggish, no energy, bloated, depressed and can be difficult to have a good night sleep. Unless someone has experienced this, they can not understand what a wonderful feeling of relief it is to have a natural product like Poop Doc’s Formula #1 and Formula #2.

You seem honest, sincere and have a heart for people. I am so thankful to you Scott, to Doug Kaufmann and others for the knowledge you give to us and for this product that truly works. PoopDoc’s is the perfect name. God Bless all of you!

Sincerely grateful and a devoted customer!”

— Peg, Fort Lauderdale

“This is the best product I have ever used.”

— Robert, West Orange, New Jersey

“I started experiencing constipation for the first time in my life. What was once a easy breezy morning routine, started becoming time consuming or no results but a day of discomfort! I tried everything on the store shelves and then asked my doctor and she said ” Mmmm I guess try Miralax.” Really? Guess?? Been there , done that. Then I remembered the funny commercials on “Know the Cause”! I quickly sent for my free sample! I received it and was a little scared and didn’t really know how to decide what dose was right for me. The ‘cleanse’ was suggested for a 7, 5 3 , and so I went with a 3 pill dose for the first time. All I can say is THANK YOU! I have already had 2 friends try and both have thanked me! I can highly recommend this product and I am looking forward to doing a full cleanse!!!”

— Theresa, Township of Washington, New Jersey

“All I can say is that your product is a Godsend. I have been dealing with the constipation issue since my accident 2 1/2 years ago. My two drs. have prescribed meds that gave absolutely NO relief. One dose of your natural product and I was on my way to relief. Unbelievable. Can’t tell you how much better I feel all around. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Mainstream doctors, I’m sorry, really don’t care about the overall wellbeing of their patients. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is, but I’m sure that you have been told that and are fully aware of this type of experience.
Again – I certainly will be a loyal customer!!!”

— Sharon, Las Vegas

“I just want to sincerely thank you…

Hello There! My name is Amy and I recently received a sample of the poopdoc. I am 25 years old and battling with Crohn’s on top of that I am on a drug called methadone. For the first time in a year I have finally found a (supplement) thanks to yall that works for constipation. Ever since I started taking methadone my bowls have been irregular, and I have tried everything (included the dreaded enema!) I am so thankful for finding (PoopDoc), and I am ordering more after my sample runs out. I also will be telling all the patients as well as my doctor at the clinic about (PoopDoc), it has been a lifesaver. Thankyou!”

— Amy, Florence, South Carolina

“The product worked as promised… what impressed me the most was it was a gentle movement no harsh cramping. Noticed less bloating and movements improved significantly. Would recommend to anyone.”

— DLJ, Edison, NJ

“I ordered the free trial of the constipation relief from poopdoc and I was very pleasantly surprised that this was not like any other constipation relief formula I have ever tried and I have tried them all, this made me feel so much different the next day after waking up having taken it the night before, I felt energized with no cramping and feeling drained like most laxatives made me feel, I had a perfectly formed stool and it came out like I had never been constipated before. One has to try this poopdoc constipation relief for themselves to get the real difference it provides and almost miraculous relief without any of the misery of ordinary laxatives come with.

I give this stuff 10 stars!”

— Liz, Ashland, Oregon

“I am writing to your company “PoopDoc” to say thank you for a wonderful product ! I have been diagnosed with IBS, so has every other woman in America…”frustrating” ? Well, what do the doctors tell you ? Eat more fiber, drink more water etc…and take a laxative. I followed the regime and ended up with cramping and sweating on the throne. I thought this is it! I have to call the ambulance to take me to the ER ? Never again… I decided to go natural after that episode “colonics” had relief, but every week was getting very expensive. I decided to research and continue with colonics. One evening I was watching Doug Kaufman on TV and “PoopDoc”and they were talking about constipation, irritable bowel etc. I listened and tried the free sample. My PoopDoc pills came and I was amazed on the effectiveness of this product. No gas, No bloating and No cramping !! I was thrilled I finally found a product that works. I can only tell you that PoopDoc worked for me, and I usual don’t write about these things. After using the product, I wanted to reach out to others who suffer from IBS ? Most of us who suffer from IBS do have good diets. We are constantly aware of our problem. We want relief, so we try to eat fiber rich foods, fruit etc…and still no relief. What do we have to do? You almost want to give up. I have been in the medical field for 15 years and tried several products. The effectiveness of PooPDoc is amazing…try it ! You won’t be disappointed. “WHAT A RELIEF IT IS” …”

— (one) Happy Girl, Heidi, Park Ridge, New Jersey

“I love your products! I have multiple chemical sensitivity, which means I have serious reactions to many things in one’s everyday environment that others do not react to. I have purchased hundreds (maybe thousands) of health products over the years which I could not tolerate, so I was wary when I placed my order for the constipation relief and the fiber powder. I am ecstatic to report I have had no adverse reaction whatsoever to your products! I use them every day. They do what you advertise and I’ll never go without them. Thank you!”

— Joanna, Fallon, Illinois

“Poopdoc is my saving grace and I will never turn back to anything else. After over 10 years of religiously taking Ex-lax to just barely go to the bathroom I was finally able to give it up when I was introduced to Poopdoc. I have tried almost every laxative…. I have done every home remedy…. and I have heard everyone’s relief story but not one of those things have worked for me. Living a very fast pass life, having 2 kids, working out like crazy, having food allergies and working in the health and supplement industry it has always been a struggle for me to feel as bad as I did on the inside. No one can ever understand when I would say that I felt like I weighed 500 pounds and that I am up to my eyeballs with toxins. Many people would say” its all in your head…how could you put yourself on a stage and do a bikini competition and think that you are fat?”. Most would think that you are crazy for saying and or thinking something like that but if you have ever been as constipated as I have and have ever felt like every food that you put into your body was pilling up and up on top of the next thing then you know what I am talking about. Thanks to Poopdoc it has not only allowed me to cold turkey stop Ex-lax but it has given me stomach relief, it has cleared my mind and has put a smile back on my face. I feel alive again full of energy and excited to get up start the day and know that I will have a chance to eliminate what I have ate every time I eat holding no toxins in my body! I can now say that Poopdoc along side with Nutrsumma’s Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics I feel like a whole new person. THANKS POOPDOC!!!!!”

— Rahnee, Rancho Santa Margarita, California

“DO NOT LEAVE HOME and take PoopDoc!!! Wife has had constipation for 4 years. It was like clockwork every day for 20 years then suddenly changed. Up to 12 days would pass with maybe only a small bowel movement in 4 days. Certainly not enough considering the food intake. Visited with several doctors including a GI Doctor and we were told take over the counter products. None of them worked. Even Magnesium Citrate (2 bottles back to back) failed to product any type of bowel movement for 4 days. GI Doctor just did not know what to do and dismissed the 12 days as “acceptable”. Conventional medical people had no idea what to do except go home and wait. Found PoopDoc and tried it. At first the feeling was ‘poopdoc is just another internet scam’ idea entered into the head. 1 day passed, then 2 days with no results. Stayed on Poopdoc at 7 pills per day for 3 days and WOW. The flush occurred. It still takes 8 pills daily to maintain formed bowel movement but now it is a daily event. What a mental relief. This stuff really works!!”

— Aaron, Castalian Springs, Tennessee

“For many years, I suffered from dirreaha, but then it changed to constipation. After having a colonoscopy, I was diagnosed with a colon problem. So, she had me taking several different over-the-counter products including Milk of Magnesia, Miralax, Medimucil, etc.

My niece, went online to “What’s the Cause”, and entered constipation. From there she went to the video introducing PoopDoc. She forwarded it to me, and I called for the free samples. After taking them, and actually before taking all of them, I called to place my order for the capsules and fiber.

I just want to say how much relief I have gotten from them, and I highly recommend them to anyone who suffers from my problem. One gastroenterologist told me I was going to have to have a portion of my colon removed. That is when I changed doctors, had the tests, and nothing was mentioned about removal of any portion of my colon.

I highly recommend PoopDoc to anyone and everyone who suffers from constipation.

Thank you PoopDoc for giving me relief. I also feel much better, and am not bloated as I was before.


— Dorothy, Big Sandy, Texas

“Finally the help I needed!!! I developed severe weird allergies out of the blue about 2 years ago. Never before was I allergic to anything. My allergies consisted of yeast, sugar, apples, high sugar fruits & veggies, grass, cats, anything blue…yes the color blue (I know…ridiculous). The blue dye color sent me the ER twice! First time after taking the allergy pill Claratin & the 2nd time from one sip of blueberry tea. You would not have believed the hives & severe reaction! After a ton of allergy testing, doctor visits & rounds and rounds of steroids I finally figured out what was wrong with me by doing a lot of internet research. I had a candida yeast overgrowth which took over my body and my life and not in a good way at all. I suffered everyday with constant itch head to toe and hives on a daily basis. I was miserable! 16 days ago I did the 3 day cleanse of 7 – 5 – 3. It was a long 3 days, but soooo very worth it! I no longer am one bit itchy. I have not had a hive since. I am back to eating apples, which is my favorite fruit….before I would take one bite and have hives for a week. First apple in 2 years – my gosh it was fantastic!!! In addition to the 3 day cleanse I am also on the phase 1 diet of Doug Kaufman, the yeast expert! After the cleanse I have a daily regimen of taking a probiotic in the am and the pm, multi vitamins, multi complex enzymes, coconut oil, delimmune & one poopdoc before bed. I have never felt healthier, energetic, more clean, happier & itch/hive free in years! My body thanks you poopdoc.com!!! You are a life saver & I no longer have to live in a bubble! I plan on doing the 3 day cleanse every 4 months for the rest of my life so I never return to the horrific state I was in before the cleanse! Good luck everyone…best wishes to you all!”

— Jacqui, Escanuba, Michigan

“Hello, I just wanted to send you a true factual testimonial. I have been constipated for almost 3 years and I have tried everything but the kitchen sink, literally. I ran across PooPDoc and called in my order actually doubting it would work. For the first time in 3 years I have had good bowel movements two times a day for today being my 3rd consecutive day. Between taking PooPDoc and drinking 64 ounces of water each day, my constipation has become history and that is the God-Honest truth.”

— Ken, Owner KGGM FM Radio, Serving Northeast Louisiana

“I Love Love Love your product, finally something Natural that really works! No More miralax, x-lax or any other “Junk”.

God Bless You!!
I can go everyday. No more Cramps!! Yeah and I know it won’t hurt Me because of Chemicals!!”

— Ruth, Jackson, Mo.

“I cannot begin to tell you what a great product this is. It helps all of us. thank you”

— Gary, Fountain valley, California

“Before poopdoc I had a terrible time with hard, painful stools. The laxatives I was taking stopped working. I was so worried what I was doing to my colon and over all health. I take strong pain medication for chronic pain. PoopDoc has changed my life. I no longer fear trying to have bowel movements. I feel better and drink more water along with eating more fruits and vegetables. The staff always returns my calls in a timely manner. They are always there to help. I would recommend this product to anyone having trouble with bowel movements. Thank you for changing my life.”

— Patti, Louisville, Kentucky

“Hello it gives me great pleasure to write about the effcetiveness of this product. It has been only one week since my husband and i started using poopdoc, and we have seen and felt the difference in our bodies. I never knew these was so much waste in the colon. Poopdoc is very gentle there is no cramping unlike the other stuff i haved tried in the past. It has been one week and the results are great cant think of what one month will be like, there wont be enough words to explain the benifits of this great product. Thank you for such a wonderful product.”

— Verlie, British Virgins Islands

“My brother, Larry, has been battling colon cancer all year. The last 5-6 months of his life, the tumors had grown so big that he was no longer able to …well… poop. He tried everything the doctors could throw at him and nothing. After being backed for days, I looked online and found PoopDoc. I ordered some and had it shipped to him. This is the ONLY thing that worked. It was such a relief for him, and ever since he has sworn by it.

Larry passed the week of Thanksgiving, and in his final days, was still asking me to order PoopDoc for him.

Thank you for a product that not only works, but helped make the final months of my brother’s time on Earth much more comfortable and bearable.

I will continue to spread the word.”

— Jason, Kent, Ohio

“My story begins years ago when I was just starting to get diverticulosis. Diverticulosis is the name of it when the balloon like pouches on the colon wall are not inflamed/infected. When they do inflame/infect it is known by its more common name of diverticulitis.

Aside: Diverticulosis/diverticulitis is NOTHING TO TREAT LIGHTLY! It is potentially life threatening!

This went on for years and whenever I had an attack it was treated with powerful antibiotics which, while addressing the main problem of the diverticulitis attack, was, in my opinion, playing hell with the good bacteria in my gut which caused me to become badly constipated from then on, even after the diverticulitis attack was subdued.

I tried many OTC products like Miralax, the ever popular prune juice, “drink more water”, “increase fiber”, “exercise more”, stool softeners…yadda yadda yadda. All worked to a modest degree, give or take. I was careful to RARELY take stimulant laxatives which can lead to losing whatever motility you have left.

Finally in desperation I went to another gastroenterologist and consulted a surgeon. Both agreed that this had reached the stage of requiring surgery. I under went the surgery where they removed a foot of my colon. The operation was a success but it was a trip through hell that I don’t ever want to walk again!

After this, for years, I was still plagued with constipation with the medical profession not being much help. I even resorted to colonics a few times. One MD told me that I had very little motility and would be laxative dependent for life.

I stumbled on Poopdoc just by browsing the internet looking for constipation solutions. I purchased Poopdoc capsules as well as his fiber formula #2.

I did the 7-5-3 colon flush. While delighted to be getting cleaned out it was coming out with the consistency of liquid and mud. I had to clean the toilet bowl after every BM. (I would never leave that disgusting mess for my wife.)

Next I started to take Poopdoc formula #2. I take it a little different than Scott recommends: I take 3 capsules and formula #2 together right before bedtime.

Today I am a regular as a clock. Every day so far I am having 2 BM and they are consistently formed but at the same time soft enough to pass easily.

The motility that is “moving things along” is my own because Poopdoc is NOT a stimulant laxative!

My own opinion is that Poopdoc causes bowel “muscle memory” to re-activate itself much as a person’s balancing mechanism allows someone to still ride a bike even after many years away from it.

PS: I like the little electric mixer I purchased from Scott also. With this and a cup or glass and you have an instant mini blender.”

— Tom, Landing, NJ

“First of all, I want to say that I have been fighting constipation since I was 18 years of age. I am now 64 years of age and was still fighting the problem. I am

serious, it has always been a bothersome problem. Well, I am here to say that my problem has been solved. Your product is a miraculous discovery. The poopdoc capsules worked the first time I took them. About a week after I was taking them, I decided to do the colon cleanse. It worked wonders. I have a bowel movement every morning upon arrising and some days two more througout the day. I feel better and would recommend and have recommeded this product

to everyone who needs help with constipation. I was diagnosed by by family phycian that I had IBS w/cronic constipation and also bad inner and outer hemmorhoids. He prescribed Linzess which worked well, but it gave me diarrhea. I stopped the Linzess and started taking PoopDoc and fiber supplement and I do not have any more problems. Thank You so much for your product. It is truly a ‘Miracle’.”

— Lasley, Abbeville, Louisiana

“A friend recommended Poopdoc, knowing my history of always having trouble with constipation. It has been a life saver, I not only feel better, my bloating has pretty much been eliminated. I can now travel & not be embarrassed about my stomach issues.

Thanks so much,”

— Carol, Lubbock, Texas

“I am so grateful to share my experience with Poop Doc Constipation Relief Formula. In September 2008 we moved into a rental with mold. That year my entire family became sick. Mine was gastrointestinal. I had 3 hospitalizations due to an abcess in my colon and diverticulitis. In September I was told to have a resection and “everything would go back to normal”. It didn’t. I alternated between diarrhea and constipation with occasional incontinence. I was horrified and terrified. I had a medical procedure where they put a baloon up your bum to check my pelvic floor muscles. I went to pelvic floor therapy for nearly a year. I became bedridden, wracked with pain. Pain management gladly gave me medication after medication once offering me “methadone”. I thought Geeze lady, why don’t you just give me heroine? The pain meds exacerbated my back pain and my constipation. At this point I could NOT have a bm. Literally, my body no longer had the urge. Consequently my desire to eat diminished and I lost over 50 pounds without trying. I’m no doctor…but I would say if you can’t eat and can’t poop you are pretty sick. Not one doctor addressed those issues seriously or the wasting that was happening to my body. I would lie in bed in pain and research the internet for solutions on a pad my son had gotten for Christmas. I was desperate…I tried vitamins, prunes, Fruit-eze, flax seeds, Chia seeds, Heather’s Acacia fiber, milk of magnesia, digestive enzymes, miralax, multiple probiotics and yogurts, prescription meds including Linzess, stool softeners, senekot, fleets enemas, smooth move tea, not to mention the glycerine suppositories, preparation H and the adult diapers and pads. I ordered numerous items over the internet, all promised to resolve my constipation. And some did for a week or two and then they quit working. I was crushed and even more despondent after another failure. I even bought a squatty potty, thinking that perhaps that would help. FINALLY a MIRACLE! I came accross PoopDoc Constipation Relief. I called in my order because I wanted to know their return policy. I did the suggested cleanse…and on the first day…after 4 years…I felt an unusual feeling…the natural urge to defacate. I am so grateful to Scott and PoopDoc for using a natural product that is gentle and helps my body do what it’s supposed to do (doo-doo!). I am a widow and I’ve known a number of families with children with cancer. I would recommend this product for everyone. Check with Scott, but I’ve been told it can be mixed with applesauce for the young and old. No more suffering. No more pain. Just simple blessed relief. Thank You Scott and PoopDoc!”

— Teresa, Anaheim, California

“I have dealt with IBS, and acid reflux over the past 30 years and 10 years ago I had a bowel resection on one side for a precancerous growth from my appendix which had attached to the bowel. Since that time I continued on my medications for both the stomach and bowel plus over the counter fiber supplements. I was diagnosed also at that time with diverticulosus and since then have developed severe diverticulitis several times and always was in some amount of pain daily with the stomach and colon area and the fiber supplement stopped working very well.

At that point my daughter told me about Poopdoc and the amazing results she had gotten with her son and his condition which is chronic constipation.

I read the website and was so impressed with the site and the treatment of the things I was suffering from – the big one being the ongoing infection from diverticulitis flareups and the constant antibotics I seemed to have to take plus the ongoing pain from both my stomach and intestinal tract, that I decided to pursue the Poopdoc products.

I did the cleanout in the beginning and did 7 pills the first day and had absolutely no pain or discomfort and it worked so well that it was like being in the bathroom all day with no upset stomach or pain that you get with the colonoscopy preps. The next day I took 5 pills and the 3rd day 3 pills. I then started just the 2 pills at night and added the fiber that the Poopdoc site sells and by being supported by my conversations with Scott and information from him as for the way to use the product to produce good results I was able to get excellent relief. I now only take 1 pill at night and the fiber in the morning and I am so improved with the results and the discomfort I had is mostly gone. I also ordered the mixer they sell for the fiber and this is the best product ever as it mixes it instantly and no stirring and trying to mix it manually and a really great product.

Everyone is different in the dose that works best for them and you need to give it awhile to adjust to the right amount. I would highly recommend this product and also I am very impressed by the support I got from the staff. This has been a life changing experience.”

— Lu Anne, Omaha, Nebraska

“Yes, I’ve been taking all three of your products and have had great results. I’m 60 years old and have suffered from constipation all my life. As a child I became ill in the 1950’s was diagnose with meningitis by then I was in a coma. From then on my fight to have a normal B/M started. Around the age of 9, I remember having to go to the hospital and have stool dug out of me.The trauma was was some thing I’ll never forget, and I started using laxatives and would double over from the pain and maybe 2 or 3 times a week I’d have a B/M and they weren’t normal. Soon my mother began giving my epson salts – 1 tablespoon in warm water also painful but I’d have a B/M and that is how I lived for the next 40 years. About 2 years ago I was hospitalized my kidneys were shouting down and I hadn’t had a B/M for over a week. I was in the hospital for 3 days before I began to respond to treatment and the medication was really hard on my body. Not to long ago I was talking to a friend at the gym about poop, and she told my about the “POOPDOC”. I placed an order and it’s been about 60 days since I’ve been taking his products and the second day I had a B/M. For the first time in my life I have had a B/M every morning now. WOW…Thank you, Poop Doc”

— Donna, Huber Heights, Ohio

“PoopDoc praise!

I was diagnosed with “IBS with constipation” and have struggled with bowel regularity for many years. I’ve recently started colonics and heard about PoopDoc through them. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for this product! Not only does it work, but it’s like clockwork…even while traveling! I’ve tried MANY different products over the years and none are as predictable or as effective as PoopDoc. It’s truly AMAZING!

Thank you for such a wonderful product; it’s a lifesaver! I absolutely love it! My only regret is that I didn’t find it sooner.


— Manisha, Mesa, Arizona

“My wife has had bowel problems for most of our 18 year marriage. She thought it was normal for her to have a movement every 2 or 3 days and that she just had to live with the discomfort. We have bought fiber pills and she has tried all kinds of softeners and laxatives with bad or mixed results. I heard a radio commercial on a Saturday morning (Dr. Bob) about PoopDoc and thought it was worth a shot. The results have been simply amazing. My wife takes one or two capsules a day and has a daily movement. She no longer has pain from backed up bowels and frequently has said that she can’t believe how much better she feels now and just wished she had found PoopDoc sooner. Your product has changed her life!”

— Trevor, Mesa, Arizona

“Hi Scott

I hope all is well. There are still a ton of inquiries coming in for your product from the Encopresis boards Im on. So far all that are trying it, that Im aware of, are having great success with it.

My son, is on week 6, day 5 and still going every day.
I have him on a great schedule that will work also when he goes back to school. Probiotic in the morning, Poopdoc at 4pm and on the toilet at 9pm.

Its just like clockwork every night now. Ive started adding some things back to his diet too that I know in the past would be constipating for him. It seems the maintenance dose at is all he needs to even pass constipating type foods. So no more diet restrictions, which is really nice.

My son is like a new person. He has gotten super active and worry free. We even went to a pool party today for 6 hours and not once did I have to worry about accidents in the pool. Actually I didn’t even think about it at all for the first time in 5 years! It is such a great feeling for all of us.

Have a good night!

Take Care”

— Julie, Nebraska

“Hello folks @ Poodoc! I want to say a big THANK YOU for developing this product. I had such a problem with consipation due to medications I have to take. I wouldn’t be able to “go” for weeks and was so sick all the time, not to mention bloated and in pain. My constpation took over my life and nothing seemed to work. I’ve tried almost every product out there but it just caused vomiting and more pain. I did some research and found your product and figured, ” what do I have to loose?”. I am so glad I did! Poopdoc worked wonders and didn’t have any of the awful side effects that everything else did. I feel 100% better and my abdomen is so flat now! I don’t know how I ever lived without Poopdoc, it have really given me my life back. I will definitely be recommending Poopdoc to anyone I know who suffers from consipation. Great product, it’s a miracle worker and I really can’t thank you enough!!”

— Tina, Ontario, Canada

“I wanted to share with you how the Constipation Relief formula has helped me. I have suffered with constipation for a long time and have tried a number of products on the market but nothing worked for me. I even resorted to using laxatives which is NOT what you should use to relieve constipation. It’s a temporary remedy, not for long term use. I started using the Constipation Relief several weeks ago, and I must say that it really works!! After I did the flush, I started using the Fiber on a daily basis and so far, I can say, It’s the best thing I’ve done for myself to get back on track. I have been MOVING ever since :). I will continue to use these products because they truly work.

Thank you”

— Lana

“Thank you for a wonderful product that has always worked. My Wife Tiffany is very Disabled. She had her stomach removed because it did not digest right and the food would come back up rotten. She has gastro-paresis. this disease can be crippling to make a BM. plus my wife also has problems with here Intestines/colon/rectum.

I have troubles because of a stomach disorder which makes me not able to go to the bathroom on my own to make a BM.. also do to medication making me constipated and extremely nauseous and vomit if I can’t make a BM . Thanks to Poop Doc I do not have a BM problem now

Thank you for such a wonderful product.”

— Michael and Tiffany, Sarasota, Florida

“Hi Scott,

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful PoopDoc products!

I am the mother of a 19-year-old daughter who has suffered with chronic constipation since the age of 1. Over the years, it was common to hear her crying in the bathroom. In desperation, I did everything our American culture says we should do to cure constipation: optimized her diet, made sure she drank plenty of water, made sure she got adequate exercise, etc., etc., all to no avail. I took her to a pediatric nutritionist, a pediatric endocrinologist … followed their professional advice, all to no avail. When she was 7, I took her to a pediatric gastroenterologist, who put her on a month-long course of a prescription laxative. It worked for that month, but she was in the same predicament at the end of the month. When she was 10, I again took her to see a pediatric gastroenterologist. He wanted to put her on a prescription laxative, daily, FOR LIFE — polyethylene glycol — which is now available over the counter. I researched the product and was horrified at what I learned.

Plus, it just didn’t make sense that a toxic chemical would be the key to restoring her health. I decided not to give it to her, but rather to continue with optimizing her diet, water intake and exercise.

Unfortunately, this strategy was never enough to conquer her chronic constipation.

Thank God I saw your appearance on “Know the Cause”! Everything you had to say just made too much sense! I ordered the Complete Colon Pack for her, and she started on it when she got home from college for the summer. It’s only been three weeks, but the benefit was almost immediate. She is now having at least one COMFORTABLE movement every day! Before, she would often “go” as infrequently as once a week. And it was NEVER comfortable! She had almost concluded that chronic constipation was something she would have to live with the rest of her life … she is so happy and relieved that’s NOT the case … and SO AM I!

Best of all, this protocol does more than just “produce movements” — it restores health!

Thank you again for creating such wonderful, health-restoring products!”

— PJ, Des Moines, Iowa

“My son who is almost 9 has dealt with chronic constipation and Encopresis for almost 5 years. We had tried 3 GI’s who kept putting him on Miralax, Ex lax and Enemas, which was a nightmare of continued constipation and constant soiling/leaking.

We also tried Aloe Vera, Fish Oil, Olive Oil, Flax seeds, Molasses, Apple Juice, Plumsmart juice, High fiber diets, Low fiber diets, Citrucel, all forms of fiber tablets/powders, Magnesium, Alive childrens all veggie vitamins.

Back in the Winter of 2012, we tried the Soiling Solutions program. It got him to stop holding his poop, but it didnt cure his chronic constipation and it wasnt a long term solution.

This Spring, we tried a Gluten and Dairy free diet. Neither seemed to affect his ability to go. We also increased his fruit, vegetables and exercise and to no avail, he still couldnt go.

We were at the point where we were going to fly out to a well renown Colorectal center so he could be put on an extensive laxative program. I was super anxious and torn about this, so I continued to research more natural alternatives and found POOPDOC’s website.

We are two weeks into using poopdoc and my son has gone every single day on a maintenance dose. We also use poopdocs probiotic and soon his fiber supplement.

We are super grateful for poopdocs product AND the generosity of Scotts time to help us get our son going!

Im spreading the word. There are thousands of kids suffering with Encopresis that are in the same situation my son was in. Years and years of constipation, soiling and doctors that could not help. Your product is a true miracle!”

— Julie, Nebraska

“I have battled constipation & IBS for most of my life. I have long been in a battle just to be regular. The past year or so it seemed to be even more difficult, in spite of many “natural” treatments. I made sure to get lots of fiber, but that only seemed to compound the issue . . . then I found Poopdoc! I started with the 3 day cleanse – which was exactly as it said – it never caused cramping or serious discomfort, it just worked and quite effectively. After that, I started with one capsule before bed and am absolutely amazed! I am having normal BM’s every day and they are colon clearing. This is a first for me! And, this is day after day, regardless of the business or stress of the day – at some point everything just works – and I have never been cramped or experienced any discomfort – it’s just all normal. I am beyond satisfied and happy to finally have found a natural product that truly does the trick!

Happy to be regular!”

— Margaret, Baton Rouge, LA

“I have dealt with constipation all my life and as a child I endured terrible remedies for constipation. There was no product you could take on a daily basis that was healthy to prevent constipation and a sour stomach. As an adult my problems grew worse.. nausea, headaches, pressure and pain in my back and around my waste. I had a sour stomach with heartburn and bloating, feeling sluggish all the time then one day I found a show on the NRB channel called Know The Cause with Doug Kaufmann (a great show with great products for a healthy life). One of the products featured was poopdoc. I got this product and did the cleanse that it suggested me to do and my life changed. Symptoms gone – havenít had a headache since and I even had an increase in energy. I take it daily for life without constipation and a healthy colon. This is an awesome product! I will not go without it. Poopdoc gave me a better quality of life I have recommended it to all. Poopdoc is for everyone as a healthy body starts with a healthy colon.”

— Kathy, New Waverly, Texas

“I suffered a spinal cord injury 5 years ago that paralyzed half my body and left me with sluggish bowels. I am on high doses of morphine for the pain, which only adds to the constipation problem. The past five years had been a nightmare and weeks would pass without having a bowel movement. I have had to visit the ER at least 3 times as a result. The strongest stuff the doctors prescribed could not help with my issues. Or, in order for their prescription product to work, i would have to suffer weeks of diarrhea. Of course, I eat a high fiber diet and take psyllium husk, drink lots of water, and all that is recommended for a healthy bowel….but all to no avail until I found Doug Kauffman’s website and his link to poopdoc. The website was very informative, simple and what they had to say made sense to me. The product was also affordable…very important on a meager disability income. I was thrilled when my package arrived within one day of ordering! Within 3 days I began to have regular bowel movements and I didn’t have to suffer diarrhea. I have been regular, having a bowel movement EVERY DAY, since taking poopdoc. Thank you so much for your wonderful product!”

— Jillian, Mission Viejo, California

“I was born with a lazy colon and suffered for years with constipation. I take PoopDoc every night and have a healthy go every morning and am no longer grumpy. I have been taking this wonderful product for over five years.”

— Steve, Beverly Hills, California

“This Testimonial is Long Overdue!!

I have suffered from severe constipation for as far back as I can remember-I would say as far back as around 2-3 years old. One day after trying all the doctors recommendations and everything else humanly possible I could find to move my bowels I decided, while I was on vacation, to search the web AGAIN for anything that could offer a solution. Then, there it was POOP DOC! I said to myself-really? Poop Doc? I began to read everything I could about it and after reading the list of ingredients I made my decision I was going to try it. I am a nurse so I always thoroughly review everything and then some. I proceeded to call the company to ask a few questions and got Scott on the phone. Little did I know Scott was about to become my best friend in this long overdue endeavor! We planned everything out given my history of IBS and I began the program following Scott’s directions to a “T”. The very next day to my surprise (but not to Scott’s) I had what most people wouldn’t be too excited over for a bowel movement-but for me I knew there was hope. I stayed in contact with Scott just about every to every other day for the next couple of weeks. It took me about a year I would say to rid myself of all the toxins but each day I felt better and better. I am convinced that by now without this product I probably would have had bowel surgery or even worse cancer! I CAN”T BE WITHOUT THIS PRODUCT! If anyone is on the fence about buying this don’t be -it’s a life saver. Thank you Scott for your determination to help humanity and to honor the memory of your deceased wife. I know she is smiling down at you and is very proud….Much love and many Blessings”

— Liz, Boston


Just wanted to express my gratitude for this simply amazing product. I thought I was doomed having constipation and other GI issues for the rest of my life… Till now!!! Poopdoc is by far the best product I have ever used. Simply miraculous. I am completely amazed, happy and relieved that this wonderful product exists! I will be a customer for life because it will assure me of staying healthy. What a piece of mind. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for inventing this natural miracle!!! ”

— Joanna, Kirkland, Quebec

“Hi Scott

I have had constipation problems for as long as I can remember I have hemroids due to this. I also have had phlem issues for years sinus infections always got bronchitis when I got sick. Called you and started on my regime and am happy to say, you can set a clock by me now first thing in the morning and usually after each meal unless I haven’t drank my water like I am suppose to.

The biggest issue I am impressed with is stomach bloat and fat, I have lost most of my gut and love handles something no matter how I starved myself couldn’t budge that. Anyway I will be a poop-doc girl forever and one with much more energy.”

— Laura, Illinois

“The pills are the best. I have tried other pills in the past and I have always cramped up and had to stay home. I didn’t have a need to lose weight because I am pretty slender already however I have ALWAYS had a pooch stomach and people thought I was pregnant. Well that has stopped and my sides have started to shrink. Jeans and pants that were tight in the stomach and waist are now either just right or to big. I have recommended this product to several co-workers and friends. They figure they don’t need it since its for constipation. I tell them it doesn’t matter get a cleanse and flush your self. You’d be suprised …. I love it.”

— Velia, Mesa, Arizona

“I have had constipation problems for 40 years. Doctors told me take more fiber, drink more water, but I had no results. I took all sorts of laxatives, enemas, etc. and nothing helped. After ordering Poopdoc and using it the very first night I had relief. I plan to continue to use it all the time so I donít have the pain and hard stools any more.”

— Ann, Fort Wayne, Indiana

“Hi Scott,

At 63 years old I learned a very hard lesson and because of that lesson I have gained wisdom. I have chosen to take control of my own body and seek the wisdom of the Lord. I will no longer allow doctors to put me on medications that are killing me. I have had trouble having bowel movements for many years and they thought it was because I had low thyroid. Four years ago I had a colonoscopy and was told that I had diverticulosis and was given Polyethylene Glycol, generic for Miralax to take everyday for the rest of my life so that I would have a bowel movement everyday. After taking this for 4 years I woke up one morning getting ready to take it and it was as if the Lord lit up the bottle. I began questioning and asking myself what was Polyethylene Glycol? I typed it in to Google and it said that it was ANTI-FREEZE. What was I doing taking that and what had it done to my body? I was in shock as I read the directions and that you should never take it more than 10 days. I don’t believe it should be taken ever. I have been on it for 4 years. I have been on Antibiotics for 7 years to keep me from getting sick because I have asthma and Bronchiectasis which is constant infection in the lungs. How can you stay on antibiotics for 7 years without paying the price? The yeast infections were horrible. I have decided that when and if I become sick I will take the antibiotic only when necessary. I was on 13 medications at the time of starting this program a month ago and have cut myself off of 7 of them. Medications have side affects and they just kept giving more and more medicines.

I remembered my brother Augie who started watching Know The Cause three years ago when he was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. They wanted him to have the whipple surgery (huge) and all the treatments for cancer. He took charge of his own life and began the Phase 1 diet and taking the supplements that would kill fungus. He chose not go back to the doctor to be treated for cancer. He is healthy and strong today and we believe the Lord has healed him of that disease through this eating plan. Watching Know The Cause I realized that Doug really had something that made a lot of sense.

I began the phase 1 diet and then discovered Poopdoc and placed an order over the internet. Knowing I was going to need a lot of help when getting off the Anti-Freeze I ordered the largest pack. When I received the package within a few days I called Poopdoc and spoke to Scott who spent so much time on the phone with me when I told him what I had been taking for so many years. Over the month I have spoken with Scott many times and he has guided me in my new project of being able to poop without dangerous Anti-freeze using all natural ingredients. Scott and I have laughed a lot about this over the month. How silly of me to be given a medication and just taking it without questioning what it was. I began having great bowel movements and a cleansing like never before. I believe a lot of toxins have been cleared from my system.

I felt like I was dying and so sick all the time. I am regaining my energy and strength back. I have taken my life back and have started to make decisions for myself instead of just showing up at the doctors office and doing everything they say to do without any questions asked.

Thank you Doug and Scott for caring so much about the health of others and teaching us how to live healthy and allowing God to use you in such a wonderful way. I have learned to eat a new way. It feels so good to be free from all the horrible things that were harming me. I know I still have a lot to learn and will continue watching Know The Cause and also learning from my friend Scott my Poopdoc.”

— Living To Heal, Amelia, Brownstown, Michigan

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful product! It has been a life saver! I have shared the news of PoopDoc to everyone that asks and I am so grateful that it helps me stay regular and healthy!”

— Ginny, Folsom, California

“I have the safe go-ahead from my Perinatal High-risk OB/GYN to take while pregnant. Had I known this for my last pregnancy; I would have been alot more comfortable. Thank you! :)”

— Sara, Las Vegas, Nevada

“I am a 36 year old female, who has suffered from constipation since I was a teenager.

I have used so many different forms of laxatives for such a long time that I was becoming used to them and having to increase my dose which was not a good sign. No matter how much water I drank, how much good food I ate (and I do eat a very good diet, rich in fibre etc, nothing worked)

I was at the end of my rope when I happened across Poop Doc on the Internet. I read all the reviews and thought that many of the people sounded so like me!! I had nothing else to lose so I thought I would order one bottle to see how it went.

I hadnít been to the toilet in about 4 days when I got it. I took 8 the first night. In the morning and for the entire rest of the day I visited the toilet, I have never pooped so much in my life. I reduced it the next day to 6, then to 4, then to 3, and I am still going 3 times a day. I am just trying to adjust the dose to suit me.

I have to add that I had no discomfort at all. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to finally find something that works and also something I can take on a regular basis.


— Karen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

“I’ve been using the product (very happily) for over a year now and when my elderly dog became constipated I couldn’t bear to think that he was experiencing the same pain that I had gone through. Now, I know that your product did not say anything about animal usage, however because it’s all natural I figured I would give it a try. So, I began mixing one pill per day into a container of applesauce. After a few days, my dogs issues were fully resolved!! Because of his age, I’m continuing this “maintenance” dose as it appears to have really helped him feel like a young pup again! He is 11 years old and weighs 50 pounds and looks forward to his daily “treat”. (which I have sampled and it tasted just fine) Thank you for not only helping me, but helping my best buddy! You’ve got a customer for life!!”

— Kelly, Phoenix, Arizona

“To the Poopdoc team,

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. You don’t understand how amazingly grateful I am for your products.

I have struggled with sever constipation for about 30 years and have tried everything.And I mean everything. At 18 I had my appendix out because the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, at 28 I was finally diagnosed with IBS. I usually only have one bowel movement every ten days. Now I have 2 to 3 a day.The other thing I have found is the pain I use to get in my right side, and the pressure pain in my sternum, has now gone. The other thing that I believe these amazing products have done is stopped my headaches and migraines. Before Poopdoc, I would have headaches most days and a migraine at least once a fortnight. I have not had a migraine now in about 6 weeks, and have had a headache twice in this same period.

Your products are amazing. No pain or cramping, spasms or diarrhea like most products I’ve tried., It took about 3 days to get things moving. I took 3 constipation relief every night for about a week then dropped to 2 a night. I also take the probiotics and the PoopDoc’s Daily Fiber Supplement daily.

I was also impressed with the delivery time. As I am in Western Australia, I expected at least 3 week wait. I received the products in about 9 business days.

So again, thank you for an amazing product.

I would and have recommended these wonderful products to anyone.

Kind Regards,”

— Sharon, Waikiki, Australia

“I started having constipation after a month long trip out of the country. I tried many remedies but nothing worked. I heard about PoopDoc on the radio and decided it was worth a try. I love it. I use 1 per day and may be able to go to 1 (cap) every other day. I am no longer bloated and every morning like clockwork, it does its magic. I also eat a very high fiber diet and drink several bottles of water a day…really necessary for good digestion and colon health!”

— Barbara, Long Beach, California

“I WANTED TO SHARE WITH YOU my personal experience and thanks to “PooPDoc” and all those that help to make this wonderful business thrive. I can certainly attest to this personally as I “WAS” one of those who had suffered from this debilitating and sever issue of constipation. I would like to take the time to share with you the very positive results I have experienced since being on the product “PooPDoc” as I’m free at last, yes free at last ! This wonderful product does work, along with the many other benefit’s attached to this extremely effective product.

Throughout the last few years I had begun investing much time and interest in my own personal health, as prior to this, I was a care giver for close to 10 years and although admirable, many times we end up ignoring our own health and thus end up paying the consequence’s. When it comes down to it, we really can’t help others until we are taking charge of our own personal health and well being.

I’m so grateful to of found the refuge in this product called ìPoopDoc” as my life has taken a literal 360 degree turn around from day one since receiving my products, prior to this I was most miserable and exhausted, yet today I’m actually wearing a genuine smile on my face with each “new” day forward.

I believe we all have the responsibility to seek out the help we need and to never give up until we have found our desired results and the deliverance needed.

There are many great resources available today such as the Internet and also that of speaking with others more knowledgeable than ourselves in a given field of expertise and especially when at times those in the medical field have “written us off”, as I had experienced, so I would add, “don’t ever give up, as help is out there”.

Here is a brief scenario of what I had been going through this past year or so prior to coming across this wonderfully effective product called non other than, “PooPDoc”. I couldn’t of thought of a better name myself, the name really does speak for itself.

Throughout the past year or so I have dealt with the VERY severe effects of constipation, until you have actually lived through this very debilitating problem, it might be difficult to understand completely of just how challenging of a problem this can be. I’m assuming since you are on this page of reviews that you too are looking for relief yourself or know someone else that is personally dealing with this dire problem.

In my case, it had literally begun sucking the very life and energy from EVERY aspect of my life both physically and emotionally. Upon awaking each morning prior to getting on “PooPDoc” natural products… where there was once smiles prior to my constipation problems, my smiles soon turned to literal tears with having to deal with this major issue. It was a two edged sword of sorts as every morning I had literally found myself in a state of anticipated torture and hesitancy of the possibility of having a bowel movement due to the severe cramping and very painful experience that followed if and when I finally did have one, than on the other hand I was so longing to have a one good Poop yet fearful and apprehensive due to the pain that came with it and than the obvious concerns of needing to release the build up of the toxins and that of being completely bound up. I had found myself in great duress.

I also found myself praying each morning for one simple bowel movement and one that did not require the inducement of such pain.

I have also found in life, that we can pray until we are blue in the face but until we have actually taken action, many of our prayers can fall to the ground… this is one of the reasons God gave us such a wonderful and amazing brain, to think and to ACT…and this is what I did that day when researching and coming upon this great product.

As we all know, with “much strain comes much pain” and this is what I had experienced for close to an entire year until I came across “PooPDoc’s” web site. I have since learned so much more about the dire importance of having regular smooth bowl movements DAILY, and then the great beneficial results that follow and in the way in which our body’s were designed to naturally work and function. This product assists our body’s in natural means of getting us back on track again, I also had recognized the consequence’s I was experiencing in many other areas of my overall health with this issue of constipation. Today I’m SO very thankfully as I have begun the healing process throughout the last few months since being on this God sent product.

With my last “Colon” appointment, my Doctor’s literal last words to me were, ” Judy, we have done everything possible for you” and “that this was something I just need to learn to live with it”. I kindly walked out the door that day in tears and never returned. I did not expect nor except what he had said as I know that healing is always available and especially when we have searched and done our part by finding the right route and product for the particular problem we are physically facing. I must add that many of these doctors mean well yet “some” are unlearned and limited in their knowledge regarding the avenue of natural forms of healing. I also know that there is a fine balance to this all and I’m not an extremest in either direction. I’m very thankful for many of my doctors, yet for those doctors out there who have not done their own honest research and homework regarding alternative forms of healing, and specifically those who have “written their patients off”.. this to me is heart wrenching.

So I began my own personal quest, I had tried many, many products out there and also searched out different products from some very well known Health and Natural remedy stores in my local area yet still came up with -0- results from the many products I had tried, than one particular day I had come across “PooPDoc’s” web site, I must be honest with you that the name itself had certainly caught my attention and after reading the many very positive reviews of others sharing how well this product worked for them, the very results that I had been searching for such a long time, the more I read on and the learning that came along with it of just how this product naturally works with our body and the entire healing process that begins from day one, the more convinced I became. So long story even longer, I had figured I would give this an honest shot, and that I did. The day I received my package I was quite thrilled yet also cautious, I had even went the route prior of doing daily coffee enemas daily for some time just for some basic relief day in and day out which in the long run never really actually addressed the real problem, and doing this on a daily basis was not a healthy avenue to go. I was looking to get to “the root of the problem” rather than that of just masking it and putting a band aid on the real issue.

So as I followed the simple instructions on the label from “PooPDoc”, along with the personal, kind consultations and support of their very knowledgeable and helpful staff via my phone conversations with them, Well… that very following morning after taking the product that night, who woulda believed it… that very bright and tearless morning I had a perfectly smooth bowl movement with no straining or discomfort .

After the first few days of these solid results, I thought “okay this must be too good to be true” yet continued the simple regimen, and each and every day since for close to 3 months now I have been having regular daily bowl movement’s and even sometimes an extra bonus of two movements in a day. As I mentioned earlier about the healing processes, I can tell you that my body has finally begun healing up as I have gotten back my vigor, strength and excitement for life again… there are now also many days I go with out the natural pills as I’m finding that my body is healing itself “from the inside out”.

I’m so very grateful for the relief I have found through “PooPDoc” and that of claiming my life and health back again. I have also learned much more regarding how our bodies were not meant to harbor these build up of toxins but rather the vital need to flush out our systems regularly and keeping the good things such as the healthy bacteria and ridding the bad bacteria out, and holding fast to the vital nutrient’s we receive from the foods we eat and vitamin’s we might be taking.

I encourage anyone that is dealing with moderate to severe bowel issues to take charge of your life again and learn more of the benefit’s of this great product and get started on the road to recovery….and oh yes, one more thing of importance especially to us gals, as you all well know if you or a loved one is dealing with this problem, with it comes very severe bloating. I weigh 108 pounds and I’m 5 ‘2 in height, throughout that year of constipation I had literally went up 3 pant sizes due to being so severely bloated, I actually had to buy new pants that year to aid in compensating for my bloated belly, yet today I’m back to my regular pant size which is also a great relief and an added extra blessing to this product.

Today I’m just thrilled with each new day as I awake with a smile on my face while taking my morning trek to the bathroom with a great calm and assured confidence.

I have also been very grateful to be able to help and lead another to “a way out” for those who are also dealing with this debilitating issue of constipation with this very sterling product. Relief is out there and I have found it through ” PooPDoc” and no, I am not a family member nor paid to share this great news regarding that of the “PooPDoc” and their impeccable products and “5 star” customer service, I’m just one VERY, VERY happy and relieved customer.

Thank you for this awesome product! You guys are the very best and have been a God send for my life.

Kindly and Thankful,”

— Judy, Bradenton, Florida


Hi Scott-

I luv. luv, luv PoopDoc. I feel so energetic. I get up in the morning raring to go and looking forward to “#2”. I feel so rejuvenated since I started using PoopDoc. “It feels great to feel great again!” Thank you for making such an outstanding product.

Excited to be blessed,”

— Adele, Rancho Cuca Monga, California

“Poopdoc is a life saver. I have struggled with constipation for many years. I was skeptical, but desperate. My doctor had told me I had to find something to move my bowels because the long term use of enemas were not healthy. I took a leap of faith, took Poopdoc and in 20 hours I was having results without enemas for the first time in months. What a relief! This product was great and so glad I found it. Thank you Poopdoc.com

Grateful forever,”

— Kim from Kansas

“Thank you for your product. It is great. I am 82 years old, and this is the only product that has worked for me.”

— Mrs. Eileen, Payson, Arizona

“This is a great product. My husband & I are both on it. Just got my parents on board as well. They are both on several medications which create constipation issues. Their problems have all cleared up. We are all happy campers now!”

— Kathie, Lodi, California

“The poopdoc was for my mother who was suffering with diverticulitis for about one in a half weeks. She took only one pill (cause she was nervous) and within 3 hours she had finally been able to go to the bathroom. Her swollen stomach and terrible pain started to go down. I really believe in this poopdoc. She is still taking all that medicine her doctor subscribed (which did absolutely nothing for that 11\2 weeks). Thank you so much. I am telling everyone who will listen on how much this works.


— Stephanie, Amherst Junction, Wisconsin

“I’ve been using the colon cleanse and fibre for about a month now with wonderful results. Everyone with constipation needs to know about PoopDoc.”

— Gibby, Greenwood, Indiana

“Love it

Hi there,
I’ve always had a “not so fun” digestive track. It would either be runny or backed up nothing was ever consistent. Then the worst happened I was backed up all the time. I tried everything from eating bananas, prunes, taking stool softeners and then laxatives, etc. Laxatives seemed to be the only thing that worked and I had to do it once a week and every time I took it I would wake up with such a bad belly ache and break out in cold sweats. I became dependant on it, until the inevitable happened …they no longer worked!!!! I still woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible stomach ache and cold sweats but nothing would come out. Then a couple hours after the pain would stop yet still no bowel movement just a constant grumble in my tummy, so all that pain and trying to go for nothing, it was such a disappointment. Desperate for daily relief instead of the once a week torture that was no longer working, I google’d constipation relief and stumbled across the poopdoc. I did some research and read the testimonials and was reluctant but I was desperate and really had nothing to lose. I needed some help going to the bathroom and it was to good of a price not to at least try. I received it as promised within a couple days.. actually it was shipped the same day i ordered. I hesitated on doing the flush out so I only took 3, I didn’t have a BM the next morning but I could tell something was developing, took 3 more the next night and guess what the next morning I finally had a BM and I guess I was backed up enough that 3 pills for 2 days in a row gave me a flush out anyways and I was going to the bathroom pretty much all day. But absolutely no pain it was amazing to feel like I have to use the bathroom again. I’ve only had to take 2 a night and have been going regularly since. Occasionally I will forget to take a dose and I will still have a BM the next day. And since my relief my friends have asked what’s different you don’t seem so irritated. It’s great not to have the constant discomfort of pressure. And I’ve also noticed that the skin on my face has a much smoother look to it. Before the poop doctor I started to have malasma (darkness of the skin). It’s almost gone! So, poopdoc the answer to your question, is everything ok? YES YES I feel great thanks so much. I’m in a better mood, I have an appetite again, the malasma is going away. And all around feel better about myself.
I am so thankful that you are around to help people like me.
Forever grateful”

— JoAnn, FLA

“I’ve had a irregularity problem for decades. I drank 1/2 to 3/4 gal of water per day, walked three miles a day, and took plenty of fiber. I still had a problem. I have been taking Poop Doc for three weeks and I have results every day. I guess you could call me a regular guy now.”

— Manual

“The cleansing was a very gentle experience, no cramps or pain. After all was complete, my stomach was literally flat! I have recommended the treatment to many people!

Thank you,”

— Denise, Rochelle, Illinois

“I just wanted to send a note of Thanks!! Your product is a miracle worker and I don’t know how I’ve survived life before it!! I’ve been on long term pain management therapy for a bladder disease and the med’s were doing a number on my bowels. It was making it so that my constipation was becoming as much of an issue as my chronic pain problems were. Not to mention that the pain was only exacerbated by the chronic constipation! I have to admit that when I heard about your product, I was skeptical, but I thought it couldn’t hurt. And, I am so glad I gave it a try!! Poopdoc has given me back a “normal routine”, which I have to say I REALLY took for granted! I’m so very thankful and I sing your praises to others I know with similar conditions (along with my Doctor at the Pain Clinic) I wish you long time success and hope that you continue to offer your products to those of us who are so desperately in need!

Again, Thank you!!”

— Kelly, Phoenix, Arizona

“So so happy I found your product. My life long issues are resolved. I will never be without my PoopDoc!”

— Marcy, Scottsdale, Arizona

“I have been extremely happy with your PoopDoc Colon cleanse and want to leave a testimonial.

For most of my life I have had issues with constipation no matter how much water I drink, how much fiber I eat, or how much I exercise. People feel guilty when they look at what I eat because it is so healthy and natural. I exercise regularly and yet I was developing a pot belly and my weight had not changed. My bowels are the most inconsistent thing in my body and when they are not working my entire system ìmind and bodyî works harder to function, stay focused, and be happy. I found your website by accident and decided to give PoopDoc a try. It has been the best thing I have ever done for my body. It has cleaned out my intestinal track without cramping or discomfort. My pot belly has almost flattened out and I feel great. When my intestinal/bowel system is working my brain is happy and I feel energized. Bowels rule the world.”

— Mary, Antioch, Illinois

“Dear Scott

I am an 87 year old widower who has had constipation problems all my life. Recently I went 13 days without a bowel movement. I got panicky and went to the emergency room who gave me some prescription medication and sent me home. Eighteen days later I still had not had a meaningful bowel movement.This time I was really worried and back again to the emergency room who did an MRI and sent me home. I prayed to God for relief and he led me to your web site and PoopDoc. I did the colon cleanse and for the first time in 31 days I got relief. I have regulated my dosage so I have a bowel movement every day, which is something that hasn’t happened in years. I don’t know how to thank you for the miracle that you have been producing and can only hope this testimonial will lead others with chronic constipation to your product.


— Gibby, Indiana

“I WAS LEARY AT FIRST, BUT NOW I’M A BELIEVER! I am a 35 year old that has had constipation issues since I was younger. I would go 10+ days without a movement. Even laxatives, enemas, and stool softeners wouldn’t work. I found out about POOPDOC from an HCG forum that I follow and decided to give it a try. I was sure it wouldn’t work, but boy was I wrong! I called and placed my order on the phone and was surprised that I talked to an actual human…lol! Scott was very helpful in answering all my questions (and I had lots) so I ordered a bottle of POOPDOC pills and the fiber that he recommended. I started out taking 8 pills and the next morning there was a HUGE breakthru…lol! From the very first day I felt so much better. I continued with the process that Scott personally told me to do. Today is 2 weeks on the program and I can honestly say that I feel like a new person. I lost some weight, my stomache “pouch” has gone down, and I have more energy. I take my recommended dose every night before bed, and I am guarenteed a “smooth move” in the morning. No pain, no cramps, and no straining. Another plus is that I know that if I have any questions, all I have to do is make a call to Scott and he’s there to help. In fact, after I get done typing this, I am making a call to order some more pills and fiber. I do not want to be without this.”

— Jennifer, Marana, Arizona

“I just wanted to thank you for making available this incredible product . Even with a good diet and good water intake , I have had constipation issues since a child. This is the first product that has consistently helped me have at least one or more bowel movements daily and I am thrilled!!! As a retired nurse , I know the great value of daily bowel elimination to relieve the body of waste and toxins . The ingredients are so not contain harmful addictive agents as so many do. The PoopDoc cleanses thoroughly and completely without cramping and the benefits of the overall feeling of less tummy bloating , etc. is fabulous. I believe the science behind itís formula is unequal to anything of its kind and I highly recommend it to anyone. Thanks so much again and God Bless You.”

— Penny, Tallahassee, Florida

“Started the product about a week ago with 6 capsules the 1st day; 4 capsules the 2nd day and produced lots of watery stool. But surprisingly, no cramping. I only felt that my bowels were working and active and could hear bowel sounds without a stethoscope (I am a registered nurse). For the last 4-5 days, I have been taking 3 capsules and was thrilled when something happened that I heard the PoopDr say during a radio interview…I just had a smooth, 6-8 footer. That may not be a big deal to some, but I have had small, hard ball BM’s about 3-4 times/week for the majority of my 37 years on this earth. I am convinced that I have finally stumbled upon something that will forever change my bowel whoas and I am telling everyone I know with bowel troubles about this product.”

— Xavier, Lexington, North Carolina

“PoopDoc WOW! What a find. I suffered for years from constipation in all the different stages. I used most of the available treatment which did not work satisfactorily. I was at the stage of giving up when my wife told me to try the internet. I took her advice and WOW! WHAT A FIND – PoopDoc Dietary Supplement. I called the Company immediately and the representative who answered was a GOD-SEND, he was so helpful, went beyond his call of duty. I used PoopDoc for over one year with very satisfactory results of between 1 to 3 motions per day. I am very grateful to the inventor of this product and pray and hope it helps millions of suffering people.”

— Daniel, Palm Bay, Florida

“Best Product I have ever taken, Thanks

Customer for Life!”

— Brian, Anna Maria, Florida

“Just wanted to tell you a “Big Thank You” for your selfless work to help sooo many of us Poopless Folks.

Here are some things that happened to me:Blood pressure going down
Weight going down
Spare tire midsection going down
Not feeling as tired
Sleeping better
Constipation gone
Diarrhea gone
Embarrassing gas gone
Cramping & bloating getting better daily
Straining gone ñ seconds itís gone
Heart burn so much better and most of the time gone
Just one month on PoopDoc. Love the idea to have a Healthy, regular and easy bowel movement that helps eliminate parasites and stuff sticking to the inside of my colon. Fungus is a problem too these days and its covered too.
A BIG Thank You Doc. What a Wonderful Relief and thanks to you.

Hay “Bless Your socks off” and your business”

— Ruth, Fairbanks, Alaska

“After many, many years of constipation, I finally found something that works. No pain, no distress, just a comfortable, natural bowel movement. I have been using PoopDoc for several weeks now and have settled in to taking two every night before I go to bed. After reading other testimonials, it seems we are all saying the same thing. Those of us who have tried everything else to no avail, are singing PoopDoc’s praises. Don’t hesitate to try this product; you will be glad you did.”

— Jess, North Carolina

“What can I say! But the answer to my prayers after trying everything else, I saw you on know the cause program and if Doug recommends it, I trust him he is so awesome. I love Doug cause he has helped so many people. I sent bottles to 4 people that were suffering with constipation like me and all of them have called to thank me so I say thank you so much to you! People out there this works. Try it”

— Frances, Ed Couch, Texas


I feel like you saved my life. I have to take pain Pills for my bad legs. Well to make it short they would bind me so bad. I would take up to 5 different things to relieve me and they didnít always work, these were prescription medicines and some of them were brutal. Sometimes I would go 6-7 days with out a movement. My daughter had a friend that used PooPDoc so when I got it I thought just another pill from the internet & it wonít work. But to my surprise I took it that very night & boy did I go the next morning I was so happy I cried. Believe me I donít often do this but I feel you saved my life.

Thank you

PS I am your customer for life { IT WORKS}”

— Stuart, Sun Lakes, Arizona

“Hi Scott,

I first saw you on Doug Kaufman’s “Know the Cause” program. I really trust his judgment and believe the people he has on his program to be trustworthy. So I thought, what do I have to lose. I am so glad I did, because I donít believe there is another product that works so well. I am about to finish my 21 days, and donít want to stop taking them. They work so good! Every morning like clockwork, I get up and have a BM or two with ease. I would certainly recommend this product to anyone having constipation problems. IT WORKS!

Thank you Scott for all your help. I love the little mixer you sent me.

Have a Blessed Day!!”

— Geri, Wills Point, Texas

“Hi Scott,

I just wanted to tell you it’s been almost 2 years now that I have been using the poopdoc pills. Remember the first night I took the pills ? I even called that night because I was so hesitant to take it and you surely made me feel safe and you told me when I asked you is there’s any bad side effects? do you recall that? You simply replied “only good stuffs”! Yes, you were absolutely so RIGHT !!! and I can say that now because I have never felt so good with my life after I took the pills that night until now…

There’s more good stuffs happens to me Scott, this help me so much with my problem of severe constipation and diarhea…. When I found out due to my gallblader removal I suffered from Anxiety attack to Panic attack, insomia palpitatiion at night, sweating, backaches and most of all allergies and I gained so much weight because I simply cannot digest the food I ate…

Scott, this pills saved my life. Cleansing your colon is such a wonderful simple step that you can give to yourself! I wish I can convince more friends how important it is…Not only because you have constipation but colon cleansing with this method very good advise.

I take 1-2 pills a day to help me eliminate more waste and I feel so energetic just right after the daily morning routine in the bathroom…Now I can even have 1-2 bowel movements everyday and that’s wonderful!!!!!

Also, remember the first night too when I told you I have problem burping? Whew just right after I took the first 7 pills that night I kept burping and burpling and burping remember that one Scott? We were both laughing lol…

Have a wonderful evening and keep up the good work helping people like me…”

— Tess, Millbrae, CA


My name is Greg and I would like to share my story with you.

In 1999 I had something happen to me that changed my life, I was watching the super bowl and at half time my stomach started to hurt so I lied down, after a short time the pain was so bad I had to go to the emergency room. The doctors gave me something for the pain and then they preformed blood tests trying to determine what was wrong. The blood tests showed that my blood enzymes that were extremely high so the doctors at the emergency room had to transfer me. I was transferred to one the best hospitals around because something was really wrong with me.

When I got to the bigger hospital the doctors did extensive testing to try find out what was causing the elevation in my enzymes and the extreme pain I was having. They told my wife what was wrong and it was bad, my pancreas was shutting down. The doctors did not know why but the pancreas was spilling enzymes into my abdominal cavity so they did not know if I was going to make it. They had to put me into induced coma and try some non surgical solutions. Then doctors ran a water like solution through my abdominal cavity in hopes of rinsing out the enzymes and to see if my pancreas would start working again. After two weeks of being in a coma the doctors didnít see progress, so after being married for just a few years, my wife had to make a hard decision, either let me go or give the doctors permission to perform a surgery that I only had a 8% chance to survive. Well, I guess you can tell by the fact that Iím writing this my wife gave the surgeons permission to operate and I made it through.

After being in an induced coma for two months they slowly reduced the medicine and I slowly started to come out of the coma. I freaked out when I saw all the drain tubs coming out my sides and the big open cut down my whole belly! That is when the surgeons told me what they had to do; part of my pancreas had to be removed because it had died. The pancreas enzymes had spilled all over my insides and that is what caused the pain that I felt when I first felt sick. The surgery took hours to complete, they had to pull all of my intestines out to wash them down and clean out my entire abdominal cavity. Before they could get access to maneuver my intestines they had to carefully cut them apart. They compared the damage that the enzymes caused to the effect that battery acid would cause; it scared all of my intestines together. When the surgery was finished my intestines were placed back into me but the large incisions down my belly was left open so that any remain infection could be removed without making a new cut. I spent 69 days in surgical intensive care and I was in the hospital for over 6 months.

Well that brings me to my problem that the POOPDOC solved for me. As a result of the damage the enzymes caused my intestines are scared together and the scaring extends through most of my abdominal area and to my muscles. Iím in an extreme amount of pain so I have to take a lot of pain medicine. Unfortunately all of the scaring and pain medicine has a major effect on my digestive system and my bowel movements were sporadic and painful. I tried every kind of medicine there is in hopes of being able to have a regular bowl movement but nothing worked. At that point, my stomach was extended so badly from being backed up when I bent over it would push the food I just had eaten out my mouth. It got so bad that I could only eat soup and water, which is when I realized how important water is to the bowel. I started to drink a lot of water; I started to feel a little better and it was helping to get some of the toxins out of my body and it also help to add water to my intestines. I would also take laxatives, I would take a lot at one time but when I took them they would hurt. The laxatives made my intestines move a lot and they would tug and pull on the scar tissue. The scar tissue went from my intestines to my muscles and nerves so the more they moved the more it hurt. I know laxatives are not good for you and if I did not take enough they would get caught and that hurt so bad! That is why I had to make sure I took enough but the down side is diarrhea, which is why water was so important so I would not get dehydrated. I had enough of the pills, the laxatives and the pain so I was determined to find something that would work for me. Something that did not make me hurt more than I did before I took it.

The next day I went on the internet typed in constipation that is when I found POOPDOC. I started to read the testimonials and it was hard to believe, but the more I read the people stories it sounded like what I was looking for. I order the pills; I got them in a few days – I took 10 the first night. In the morning I went to the bathroom for the first time in long time, I must have lost 10 pounds. The pills didnít cause me any pain, even after taking 10 pills, it did not hurt, and I could not believe it! After that, I reduced the amount of pills each day. I adjust the amount of pills I take each night depending on the amount of pain medicine a take during the day. Usually, I take between-3-to-5-pills each night and drink a lot of water. I now have regular bowl movements every day, no diarrhea and no pain. The POOPDOC HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! If you have problems with constipation give this a try. I canít emphases this enough, the POOPDOC really works and if it worked for me Iím sure it will work for you.”

— Sincerely, Greg, Bolongbrook, Illinois

“Hi, I took 5 poopdoc tabs last night. I woke up and sorry for being so graphic. when I eliminated I heard a plop in the toliet. I have never heard that before. A large amount was released from my body. Also, I have been retaining water in my leggs. I have been releasing a lot of water from my body also. I thank God there is something that will help me cleanse my body quickly and help with my water retention as well. God Bless. You may use my testamony as well. And remember this is just the 1st day!”

— Vera from Indiana

“Thank you to you and your company for such a wonderful product. I want to say to anyone who suffers from chronic constipation that, just as the bottle says: THE WAIT IS REALLY OVER, FOLKS!

Looking at the label on a Poop Doc bottle makes me laugh every time (and when you’re constipated, laughing is one thing that is hard to do)!

Thanks again,”

— Mary, Key West, FL


— Catalina, Yuba City, California

“I just wanted to thank PoopDoc for a much needed relief that I have been getting with this product. My hairdresser & I were talking one day (as we all do with hairdressers J) she was telling me about this product as I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I have had that since 1997. I have tried all the over the counter products with NO relief. I have tried natural & holistic products as well. Most of them gave me severe cramping, some bloating & uncomfortable, the other’s had no effect at all on my system.

I am also taking & will be taking pain medications for the rest of my life due to a Nerve condition that is all through my body. So, as we all know – pain medications also cause constipation. PoopDoc helps me so much that I needed to share this with you all. Up until a few years ago, NOTHING had every helped. I am so glad that my hair dresser gave this information to me & I will be passing this along to all my friends that are in the same situation I WAS in.

I also need to share that I am a Wedding Coordinator & a Rugby trainer. So I need to be able to move around a lot & not have such pain/bloating feeling. This REALLY helps.

Thanks PoopDoc”

— Leslie, Fountain Valley, California

“I have seen patients who have constipation issues. Over and over again I recommended my patients to take the Colon Cleanser supplements by PoopDoc. The feedback I received from my patients have always been positive, and in a matter of day, their constipation was resolved. Beside annual check-up with your physician for a possible colonoscopy, Colon Cleanser could also support in helping with your constipation issues.”

— Dr. Tam, Phoenix, AZ

“Hello! I am one person who can’t poop. But no more. A doctor told me about PoopDoc and said that this product would help with the pooping process. What the majority of people don’t realize is once you eat and don’t poop the food just stays in the colon. Great, is this really what we want. I don’t!

Ever since I was really young and could remember I would go maybe a few days a week. Boy was I full of poop. My stomach was always hurting me and I looked like I was pregnant. The energy wasn’t there. In the late 90’s I actually had to go to the hospital because of severe pains in the stomach. The doctor in the ER didn’t even ask me about empting the bowels. I had to be my own doctor and help myself.

Because of my own situation I took courses and learned how to help myself. I even taught classes at an adult evening class. The adults there didn’t realize it either how colon health is so important. I have been taking poopdoc way more than five years now. Every night before I go to bed I take a few. The next day I know that I will go. How exciting is that.


— Helene, Hatboro, PA

“Just wanted to say thank you very much for your concern and interest in how I’m doing with your product. I’ve been using the pills for about a week and have started using the fiber now too. I had gastric bypass surgery about 5 years ago so my digestive system works a bit different than the average person. I didn’t realize how constipated I was, just figured it was one of the issues that comes along with bariatric surgery. I can’t believe how much better I’m feeling since starting the cleanse. I’m still working out the proper amount to take for best results but I know it works. Thank you again, I appreciate the product and the fact that you take time to follow up and inquire on how its working.

Many thank you’s”

— Diane, Clovis, California

“I’ve been taking the pills for about 2 weeks now. The first few days I had terrible diarrhea and was ready to send them back. My daughter told me to keep taking them, that sometimes it takes awhile for our systems to get use to certain things, so I kept taking them. She was right. I wake up, go to the bathroom and for the first time in years I actually have hunger pangs! I really didn’t even realize how long it had been since I actually felt those. I’m 48 years old and have been suffering from constipation since I was 13. I was so tired of everyone telling me what to eat, etc. When someone is constipated, what works for most people DOES NOT work for the constipated person. I kid you not, my love handles that I have been trying to get rid of for 5 years to no avail are finally going away and I’m not even dieting or exercising right now. I’m so thankful to the Lord, because I finally got serious about praying for help and this is where He led me. GOD IS GOOD!”

— Mary, Esko, Minnesota

“Hi Scott … as much as we joke around about PoopDoc on our online (HCG) Diet thread, this has been such a help to so many of us. We send many folks to you knowing that they will be getting amazing personal service and relief from just one phone call. Your product has become the go-to fix in our community!”

— Have a blessed day in the Lord! Pam

“It’s true that Poopdoc works in cases where everything else has failed. An extremely healthy diet, proper food combining, fasting, probiotics, and every herbal remedy I have heard of did not provide the cure that Poopdoc has. Thank you!”

— Robert, Phoenix, AZ

“It must be extremely rewarding to market a product which is doing miracles for humanity. I sent a bottle to a missionary friend of my in Greenville, S. C. for his wife. It’s basically turned her life around (like a different person) because of her success with your product ….. and she already possessed such a sweet spirit. You know, I don’t know of anyone, anywhere in this country that couldn’t benefit from PoopDoc. Again, I’m extremely fortunate to have found your website and to have actually placed the order. I mean … all these chemical drug companies with billions of dollars really have no answer to the many aspects of problems regarding diet and elimination. Millions are suffering simply because of their lack of knowledge and their trust that they place with their doctors.”

— A friend and Believer, K. Mark, North Carolina

“Before PoopDoc I had rock-hard BM’S that also caused bleeding. It was painful and extremely hard to go. After hearing Dr. Bob on the radio I decided to find out more about PoopDoc. OVERNIGHT PoopDoc changed my life! I feel SO MUCH better. I’m now going 2x a day and (pain) is a thing of the past. I am 82 years old, still run 3 businesses and I haven’t felt this good in years! This is truly a great product.”

— Al, Tempe, Arizona

“Just a note to tell you how happy I am with the Daily Fiber Supplement. In my opinion, the most important thing a person can do to insure good health is to have a generous, daily elimination. The body does not function efficiently if it has to carry around large amounts of waste and toxins. Taking the fiber first thing in the morning is simple and an easy way to” keep things moving.”

Thank you so much for your wonderful products.”

— Joline, Mesa, Arizona

“Finally, something that is safe and actually works!! Thank you!!”

— Diana, Chandler, Arizona

“I originally called you because I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis. I was in alot of pain and desperate for help, when I heard your company mentioned on the Dr. Bob Martin radio show. I ordered the Colon Cleanse and the Daily Fiber. After about three months, I felt much better, and after 6 months, I didn’t know I had Diverticulitis anymore. Yours was not the only product I ordered looking for help, but it was the only one that worked. I can’t thank you enough!”

— Denise, Scottsdale, Arizona

“Thank you so much for your product! I am disabled with severe spinal problems and the associated pain it brings. I have to take some very strong pain meds, and one of the side effects, as everybody knows, is constipation. I have tried just about every product out there, but “Poop Doc” is different, It works great.

When I am bloated and bound up I know it will be gone in the morning if I take 5 capsules at bed-time.

Thank you again!”

— Mike, New River, Arizona

“I have been diagnosed with chronic constipation and had been taking 24 mcg of amitiza which is a prescription drug, twice a day for two months. Two to three weeks could go by and still no bowel movement or when my bowels did finally move, it was like three hard little peanuts. When I reported back to my Doctor’s office they told me to go to the nearest emergency room and that there was nothing that they could do for me. After feeling abandoned by them, I began to pray. I started researching the internet and God led me to a website named PoopDoc. Ever since I started taking PoopDoc I have been going to the bathroom regularly. I now have at least 2 to 3 bowel movements a day. PoopDoc has truly been a blessing to me. Thank you Scott for all your help and support.”

— Suzanne, Lansing, Michigan

“Scott i will never be without your product again ..It works so wonderful for me and I’m a brittle diabetic on insulin and it has changed the way my blood sugars does and the way i feel too .I have battled this for many many years and i told my Doctor i was going to look on the internet for something ..Cause all his prescription he told me to get was waste of my money and i found your product and ordered it and like wow ..It really worth everything to me…It really does work and no drugs involved and all natural …What a product .Wonderful and also my spouse is taking now and so we both know this product we will never be without …People having problems with their colon need to try. .Just once I promise you’ll never be without and you want be wasting your money ..I promise it works”

— Marsha, Louisiana

“I just wanted to write and let you know I cannot live without POOPDOC!!! I have my mother’s constitution, which means I don’t have a bowel movement very often, weekly if I am lucky. And when I did use the bathroom it was very hard to do. Sometimes I felt like I was giving birth!!! I also suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so when it wasn’t hard it was diarrhea. Not fun, especially when traveling! I started taking POOPDOC several years ago and I will not go a single day without it. I take 1-2 capsules a day to stay regular. It is so nice to use the bathroom everyday with ease and comfort and not have all that pain and mess. I feel so much better!!!!

I recommended POOPDOC to Mom and she swears by it now too! Thanks for a great product that has made life so much better!!!”

— Heidi, Georgetown, SC



“Thank you for taking the time for speaking to me on the phone today, feel like I have a new friend 🙂

A few years ago, my family and I was driving down the freeway and saw your billboard that said “The Wait is over…. Poopdoc”. We had a good laugh about it and I decided right then and there to go to the website so we could have a little more humor on our drive. Once I went to the website, I was no longer laughing and became intrigued enough to place an order. Poopdoc has literally changed my entire life, and I LOVE to tell everyone about it my “magic pills”. For years I had struggled with being irregular and had been diagnosed with having IBS, it owned my life and I never knew when it would strike. Sadly I actually felt like living with being more constipated then “regular” was better as at least I could go on with my life. The first time I took Poopdoc, I was sceptical and scared as I wasn’t sure what would happen. I had used laxatives my entire life and was always met with severe pain and cramping. I was amazed when I woke up the morning after taking my first dose of the product and couldn’t believe that not only did I need to go to the bathroom, BUT there was no pain or cramping at all. I proceeded to complete the “cleanse” over the next 2 days and was amazed at how good I felt. I lost 8lbs in three days, and while I was not looking to lose any weight, I couldn’t believe the amount of waste had been inside my body (and who knew for how long). I have been using this product now for the last 2 years and share it with all my friends and family who can’t believe the results they have gotten. I tell them all the same thing, try it once and you will not believe how great it works, but most importantly how great they will feel! It never fails, they always call me up the very next day and say… “OMG, this is awesome, how can I get it myself!!!”

Thank you so much for changing my life!!!

— Amy CBA, CSM, Peoria, AZ

“My name is Bobby I wanted to share my testimony. The results of my using Poopdoc have been nothing short of a miracle. I have had a severe case of psoriasis for the last 4 years. Doctors told me there was no cure. I have tried all types of natural cures, pills and skin creams with little results. The medicine doctors prescribed would damage liver and other organs. After about 3 weeks of taking Poopdoc I begin to notice a change in my skin, less itching and redness. I noticed every time my bowel became sluggish my condition had became worse. But after using Poopdoc for about 2 months my skin has almost completely cleared up! I will never be without this product. Thanks so much!”

— Bobby, Saltville, VA

“Hi. My name is Sherry, I’m Bobbys’ wife. I watched Bobby suffer with this awful disease the intense itching and burning was miserable. It was very hard for him to get relief. Soaking in oatmeal water, applying cocoa butter creme mixed with baby oil on moist skin only to have it dried out and itching in 10 minutes. He even put VO5 hair dressing on it to get relief. Herbal supplements only helped some. He had all but given up anything would truly work. Then I found Poopdoc but he didn’t want ot try it. I said look at all these testimonies you will never know till you try. And He’s so glad he did! Thanks Scott for all the help you’ve given us.”

— Sherry, Saltville, VA

“My wife had been suffering form bloated stomach and constipation for years. Over eating would caused her to have nausea resulting in vomiting. After just the first regime of 4 days treatment of 4 tabs before bedtime and 4 days of thorough cleansing of her guts and colon, she said she felt so relieved ever since for the past 2 weeks and still counting.

As for me, a few days ago I had poop that looked like those of goats or rabbits. I pop 2 tabs before bedtime and the next day my system was flushed and I am back to normal. PoopDoc colon Cleanse is certainly worth the price paid for. Will always stock up for emergency. Thank you so much.”

— Stanley, Singapore

“I just wanted to Thank You for your product, which helped me with my IBS issues. I have tried many remedies such as laxatives, fiber therapy, diet, exercise, water, diet tea which just killed my good bacteria, etc. and NOTHING has ever helped. As soon as I have heard an advertisement of Dr.Bob on the radio, I ordered a smallest bottle, took just three pills and the next morning I got (results)! I have also ordered PoopDoc for my adorable parents as a gift – instant results and I promised them it would work, and from now on they enjoy their life without any signs of constipation. Now, I recommend PoopDoc to all my friends, because it works! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY!!! AND MAKING THIS PRODUCT AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE!!!”

— Olga, Cave Creek, Arizona

“The cleanser has been working great. It’s the first thing that has actually worked for me and I am VERY thankful for that. I have tried so many other products. This works every time and doesn’t make my stomach hurt or anything!Thanks so much!”

— Lori – Westwood, New Jersey

“I have had constipation on and off for years. PoopDoc seems to be the only product I found that gently relieves this problem without a stomach ache. Thanks!”

— Steve – Los Angeles , California

“My daughter, who is two years old, has had extreme constipation since she was born.  It causd many sleepless nights for me seeing her scream and cry as she tried to poop, sometimes making her little bottom even bleed. The doctors had me try everything such as laxitives, laxative cookies, different fibers, oil in her bottom to mention a few. Nothing worked. Then our prayers were answered when a family friend told us about PoopDoc. Within 24hours my daughter was pooping regularly with no pain or strain! She was a whole different child! Before she wouldn’t go for days and now she is so proud when she says “look Mommy!” as she point to her poopoo and there was no pain in her face;only a smile from a very happy child. I cannot thank you enough! Our whole family thanks you!!”

— Karen – Mesa, Arizona

“Constipation is an ongoing problem with many women I see everyday. PoopDoc has so many times come to the rescue with our patients who have complaints but simply need to have a good bowel movement. They not only become regular but love the flatter tummies!”

— Rose – Medical Assistant, OBGYN, Scottsdale , Arizona

“Thank you for your product. Thank you for your time and for your interest in me. My name is Leigh and I am 40 years old. I have had a life long problem with constipation beginning with early childhood. I have tried laxatives, enemas, fiber therapy, prescription medications, diet, exercise, water etc. and NOTHING has ever helped long term. From the advice of a friend, I tried your product. I was VERY skeptical. Why would it work when nothing else has? To my amazement, I have been regular since day one of using your product. Better than regular!! And no pain, not one cramp. I cannot believe it! I am so grateful. This is the first testimonial I have ever written and I can do so with complete honesty and sincerity. I feel good and healthy, have lost weight and my stomach is flatter than before. Best of all, I no longer feel the daily anxiety that comes with chronic constipation. Again, thank you so much.”

— Leigh, Mesa, Arizona

“OMG It does really work! I have had problems with constipation for over 10 yrs. When I saw your website and read about PoopDoc I could not help but wonder if this was not yet another bogus claim, because I have tried about everything on the market! But boy was I wrong! I took the capsules as I was directed and within 4 hours I was already seeing results. I would recommend this product to anyone who has problems with constipation.Most of the time when you buy a product online you never hear from them again. But I have had the most wonderful support you could ever ask for. They answer any questions you have, even if you have several like I did. Thanks again for letting me be able to live my life without feeling bloated, and not having to worry about constipation. Thanks for all your help and thanks for such a great product!”

— Melanie, Tennessee

“I have to tell you this product is awesome. I did try another one, a little cheaper and it took 5 days to kind of start working. More gas than results. One dose of POOPDOC and the next morning it is working full blown. It truly is the best.

I have had a constipation problem for 30 years now, since my first born and its so exhausting taking laxatives and feeling sick when its starting to work. I would like to tell everyone not to waste their money on the herbal or otc products. THIS IS THE ONE THAT WORKS, you dont feel sick, you just start having regular bowel movements like the normal person.


— Cindy California.

“Since my pregnancy and the birth of my baby 16 months ago (I’m 29), I have had the worst issues with constipation! I figured my constipation would end after having my baby but it didn’t. I wouldn’t have a b.m. for 5 days, sometimes longer and when I would go #2 there was pain and nothing to show for it!!! I wondered where all my food went! I tried almost everything but nothing worked.

Laxatives were temporary and never fixed the issue. Fiber pills simply didn’t work and the drinks are too gross to even go there. And, nature’s gift…the prune. I could drink 8 ounces a day and nothing. I can only imagine how compacted I must have been. I found PoopDoc online and the rest is history. I am so amazed at this product! After just 4 hours of taking the first dosage I finally had a b.m. and then another and another.

Now I go every day, instead of once a week! I wish I would have found these pills earlier! I really think PoopDoc might have saved me from any serious problems in the future. I am thankful for finding the site. This was definetly an investment that will last me the rest of my life. Thank you thank you thank you.”

— Isabella, Oregon

“I have suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation my entire life. Just recently it has become a MAJOR problem. I haven’t went to the bathroom in over three weeks. I tried laxatives, enema’s, Fibercon, prune juice, everything you can possibly think of.

A few days ago I went to the hospital to get tests done on my lower bowel as I feared I must have a blockage. Before the x-rays they had me drink 25 ounces of barium so it would show where the blockage was (if there was one). When I left the hospital my problems became even worse. I coulndn’t even eat for when I did I threw up. I couldn’t keep anything down not even water. It was terrible, I was so sick. I called for my test results and everything came back “normal”. The doctor told me to continue taking Zelnorm that it would help but it didn’t. I couldn’t even keep the pills down. Another 2 days went by and I still didn’t have a bowel movement. My stomach was so hard and swollen it looked like I was pregnant with triplets. I couldn’t take feeling so sick anymore. I was never so sick in my entire life. I truly felt like I was going to die.

My mother got scared as she noticed my skin color was turning a light purple and decided she was taking me to the emergency room right away. They gave me an x-ray at the ER. The doctor told me I was full of barium from the test I got done previously at the hospital. They never told me to drink tons of water after the test. It turned to concrete in my insides. They gave me 2 enema’s. I layed there as long as I could. My skin was purple and I got really scared. It was poisoning my system.

Then finally I went to the bathroom. Not long after my skin started turning back to a more normal color. I left the emergency room and started to drink tons of water to get the barium out of me. Three days later I still didn’t have a bowel movement. I knew I had a lot still inside me from the three weeks I didn’t go from the little I went from the enema.

My Mom went on the internet searching for answers to help with my severe constipation. She came across PoopDoc. Not only did I go the next day after taking PoopDoc but my pregnant looking stomach went back to normal and my skin color is healthy again. PoopDoc is the ONLY thing that makes me go to the bathroom and it did not make me feel sick or hurt my stomach. Now, I go to the bathroom at least once a day. THANK YOU POOPDOC, YOU GAVE ME RELIEF!”

— Love, Jennifer Saxton, Pennsylvania

“This Testimonial is for all those skeptics out there wondering
whether this product works, I feel it saved my daughters life. My 23 year old daughter has suffered from severe constipation all her life. Through the years the problem has only gotten worst and has taken a toll on her life. She would only have one bowl movement once every two to three weeks. She had a colonoscopy a few years ago and was diagnosed having Diverticulitis. She was put on Zelnorm. That didn’t work, no bowl movements. We tried everything you could think
of: Stool softners – Herbal supplements – Enemas – Fibercon Etc.

One Month ago, her Gastroenterologist doctor ordered a colon x-ray. The test lasted for 4 hours she drank the Barium sulfate, went home and became very ill. She had not eaten for 5 days could not even hold water down, and was running a fever. At 1am in the morning I rushed her to the Emergency room. She had an Intestinal Blockage. After they removed the blockage, x-rays were done. When she was given the Barium Sulfate at the other hospital (and was never told to drink water. The Barium sulfate has now turned to clay (on top of all the other problems) and was blocked in the intestine.

She went to her family doctor, he gave her prescriptions that would make the Barium move through her Colon. That didn’t work. I as a mother watching my child suffer was heart sick, I didn’t know what could be done. I was reading articles on the web and came across PoopDoc by accident. I ordered it, and it’s been a God send. The second day it started cleaning her out, all the toxic poison that was in her. Before she would not even get out of bed. Never felt good. Headaches-No Concentration-Depression. She has done more in one day than the last 2 months after PoopDoc moved her bowels.

This effects the whole family when someone is suffering the way my daughter did. This is a mothers Testimonial. I would recommend this product for anyone that has lost hope. There are no side effects. I feel it saved her life and for that I Thank You.”

— Vickie Saxton, Pennsylvania

“I just want to say that I very pleased with the product. I have been using PoopDoc for 3 months and I stopped using it for about 2 weeks and felt the effects of not using PoopDoc. I’m so pleased with the product that I just had to write you all and let you know. I will my daily regiment. I’m also using the daily
fiber that you have as well and they both REALLY have helped me with my constipation. I love your products. Thank you again!”

— Michelle, Ft. Lee, N.J.

“Awesome Product!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love your product. I have been using PoopDoc for about a year and it’s a wonderful product. I should be a distributor! I have been given testimony and samples to everyone in my family, anyone who will listens as well as friends.

For instance, my friend has had a problem with going to the bathroom for years. I told her about your product and gave her a sample of mine (four capsules). The first thing out of her mouth was “Michelle this better not make me cramp! (“I remember the Epson Salt you gave me. I thought I was going to die!”) I told her “girl be quiet and just take these four!” She took them and felt like a million bucks. She felt so good she borrowed ten more from me (never got them back) and ordered four bottles of the economy size to take with her to Iraq. She said this is the best thing she has tried in her life! She said she likes that she can hold it until she gets to a comfortable location and not explode all over the place, (like with another product she tried).

We were at a family reunion this summer and my cousin was walking around complaining about having a head ache, how her chest was hurting, she was dizzy, and she was upset because she couldn’t eat. I asked “what’s up with you?” Her sister blurted out “she’s full of it! She hasn’t gone to the bathroom in almost two weeks.” My cousin was so embarrassed. I told her “girl that can kill you! All those toxics in your system. Pass me my purse.” I gave her my magic number (four capsules twice in one day). My aunt was like take it; you know she’s the family pharmacist (LOL). She got a cure for everything that ails you.” I told her this analogy I had gotten in an email:

All the organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who the one in charge was.” I should be in charge,” said the brain , “Because I run all the body’s systems, so without me nothing would happen.” “I should be in charge,” said the blood , “Because I circulate oxygen all over so without me you’d all waste away.” “I should be in charge,” said the stomach,” Because I process food and give all of you energy.” “I should be in charge,” said the legs, “because I carry the body wherever it needs to go.” “I should be in charge,” said the eyes, “Because I allow the body to see where it goes.” “I should be in charge,” said the rectum, “Because I’m responsible for waste removal.

“All the other body parts laughed at the rectum and insulted him, so in a huff, he shut down tight. Within a few days, the brain had a terrible headache, the stomach was bloated, the legs got wobbly, the eyes got watery, and the blood was toxic. They all decided “okay, okay! The rectum should be the boss.

The Moral of the story the butt controls everything is usually in charge!! She’s is now a firm believer that the rectum RULES! She took it that night with plenty of water and the first thing in the morning. We put a sign on the bathroom door “For Shawn’s Use Only!” It cleaned her right out, she ate everything she could get her hands on and she ordered three bottles.

Now’s she’s a faithful user of PoopDoc!My brother’s girlfriend (I turned her on to PoopDoc) went to Atlanta to visit her aunt and her aunt was complaining of not going to the bathroom and she gave her my magic number (4) and her aunt is hooked on them as well. The aunt took hers and gave her the money for her bottle and ordered some more!

I went to my gastrologist and I had to take all the items I was taking and I showed him the product and he was like I never heard of this, he read the ingredients and said “WOW! This is great! This has the same ingredients that are in our medicine that we prescribe.” He told me to keep using it. I could go on and on with testimonies about your product. You have at least 15-20 faithful users just from my network of family and friends. Keep the excellent products as is and don’t change a thing.”

— Michelle, MSG, USA, Quartermaster Center & Schools

“Just wanted to thank you for your great product. I have FIBROMYALGIA and IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, and unfortunately, the medicines they give for the fibromyalgia make the constipation WORSE! But PoopDoc is the first product I have taken that really works. I am normal now. What a blessing Thanks!”

— Debbie Walnut Cove, North Carolin

“Hi everyone:

I am a TRUE believer in “Paying if Forward” so I needed to share something special with each of you. I have been suffering with constipation for years. If I am lucky, I go to the bathroom once or twice every two weeks. Two months ago my best friend Lorraine was suffering from constipation and told me about PoopDoc and that I should try it and I have not looked back since then. Honestly, with EVERY item I have ever tried, this is the most comforting product on the market. I have not experienced ANY cramping, nausea, or pain associated with the product since I have been using it. Two weeks ago, my mother was taken to the hospital for sever constipation. The doctors placed her on three different prescriptions and not one of them worked. I sent her some of my pills and I promise you, my mom got out of the bed after being sick for one week straight with constipation. Now, I am giving POOPDOC as gifts for my family and friends. It works! Take it from a once sufferer.”

— Falisa, Ft. Washington, MD

“I had IBS with severe cramping, bloating and even occasional nausea and vomiting. Everything my Doctor gave me didn’t work. Then I found Poopdoc. PoopDoc not only took it away (cramping, bloating, nausea) but my fatigue is gone! When I shared some PoopDoc with my friend (who has the same IBS problems I do) her first words to me were “where can I order some of this??!!” It works!!!”

— Lawanda, Goshen, Alabama



“After radiation and surgery for cancer I suffered constipation for months. I could only go once every 4 or 5 days and it was a very hard stool. The relief after using PooPDoc was wonderful.”

— Nick, Huntington, IL.

“Thank you very much for your product. My daughter was in such bad shape after having been on pain killers for eleven years following a back operation, that she thought she would have to have more surgery for an impacted colon. These products have literally saved her life. She had instant results and is now doing so much better. Her energy level has improved so much now that her body is rid of so much toxic waste. She sleeps less and has now been able to cut way back on the meds she was addicted to. Thanks again for the wonderful product that has helped my daughter to return to health.


— Jan, Anchorage, Alaska

“I’m writing this to inform others that may have been born with ‘Charcot – Marie – Tooth disease’, a muscular atrophy.  I suffered from constipation due to weakness in my body and from taking a lot of medication.  For me the PoopDoc lived up to its name in only 1 hour and 10 minutes.  I’m writing this in hopes that someone else who may have this disease may read this and know there’s something out there that works!  Called PoopDoc!

God Bless you as you continue to help others.”

— Lynda, Buckhead, Georgia

“My daughter received a back injury working at her job approximately 12 years ago. (She worked on the ramp for a major airline.) She subsequently endured several surgeries, some of which were performed by incisions in both the abdomen as well as the back. The agony she has suffered has been unbearable, both physically and mentally for her, and certainly has affect ed the entire family emotionally.

In a desperate attempt to somewhat subdue such immense pain, she resorted to taking the medications for pain which the physicians perscribed for her. The consequences of course, were not only addiction to narcotics, but the resulting constipation from the drugs, as well.

I have attempted to help her return to health using natural vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, probiotics, keifer, prune juice and other fruit juices, raw vegetables, etc. During her last visit with me, she confided that she had been passing blood in her stools for several months; however, there was very little fecal matter, and much blood. Needless to say, I was extremely alarmed and formulated an aggressive program to assist her in resolving the problem of sluggish and inflamed bowels.

Since she had been seeing her physician on a regular basis and all he would do was prescribe laxatives and an occasional enema , we elected not to schedule another doctor’s visit. She stated that the laxatives were not even effective, no matter how much or which brands she took.

We began using the various types of fiber supplements on the market, as well as increasing the prune juice and keifer to 32 ounces per day. She then began experiencing large, painful bowel movements, even with the use of suppositories. Finally there was some degree of relief; however, when she returned to her home out of state, she again experienced diffulty moving her bowels. Days and even up to a week would go by with no results. She had even scheduled an appointment with a gastroenterologist for possible surgery to remove any impaction.

In the meantime, I was looking for answers on line, and by the Grace of God found the ” PoopDoc .” I immediately asked for three bottles to be sent to her address. Thank the Lord she cancelled her appointment and took the capsules as directed. She experienced results the very next day. In fact, she was awakened earlier than her normal waking time by the urge to move her bowels. She later told me that she “kept going and going and going all day.” Imagine how much of a cesspool there was in that poor girl’s body, a literal sewer of rotting, decaying toxins being reabsorbed and recirculating in her blood stream.

Several months later, she is now in so much better health. Her energy level has returned and she is able to lead a normal life. She has been cutting back on the pain meds and her goal is to eliminate them completely. I believe with all my heart that this product was a God send and saved her life. I wish we had known about it years ago.

In a following email I will describe how the fiber blend has helped me with just the opposite problem.

Thanks again for your gift to all who need healing in this area. It is my prayer that everyone who is contemplating surgery or other “unnatural” procedures will be able to at least give this a try.


— Jan, Brush Prairie, Washington

“For as long as three years, I’ve been having problems with constipation.  I became anorexic at the age of eleven and that threw my system off course.  When your digestive system has little in it, it has nothing for you to take out.  I didn’t realize this because I was starving myself to death.  I was anorexic for nearly five months before my mom notic ed what I was doing. I went from 115 lbs. to 83 lbs.  Then my parents laid down the law.  I had to eat three meals a day plus snacks.  I ballooned to 115 lbs in no time flat.  But that wasn’t the only problem.  I also notic ed that my stomach was swollen and looked and felt like I was pregnant.  I thought maybe I just needed to exercise or something.  So that’s what I did.  It didn’t work.  I tried prune juice and oatmeal and it still didn’t work!  I went weeks and weeks without ever taking a bowel movement.  I told my mom about this concern and she took me to the doctor.  The doctor told me the same thing I’ve been doing for years already (I was 15 at the time).  The doctor gave us a prescription which we didn’t get.  So I just went back to exercising, prune juice and oatmeal.  Then one day I felt my clothes getting tighter.  I stepp ed on my bathroom scale and found out that I weigh ed 122 lbs.  I was shocked!  I have had enough.  I got on the internet and started surfing for a miracle detoxification product.  And I found PoopDoc!  I liked the other testimonies and what it guaranteed .  I called PoopDoc and a nice guy told me all I ne ed ed to know.  After a few weeks, I finally ma il ed my money order for it.  As soon as it arriv ed , I took about ten capsules and got instant results.  I lost about 10 lbs. and start ed taking bowel movements regularly.  I no longer feel bloat ed or about to explode.  PoopDoc is worth the money and patience.  I would never recommend anything else!”

— Cinnamon, Fayetteville, Georgia

“After 8 years of abdominal pain at night and 7 doctors, unrelentless testing and years of pain medication I experienced complete relief last weekend when I started taking your product. You have accomplished what the doctors and hospitals couldn’t figure out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

— Dave, San Antonio , TX

“Dear Sirs,

Allow me to take this opportunity to tell you what an incredible product you have at Optimum Health, in Poopdoc Colon Cleanse. Having been a physician for the last 30 years…..I was a Heart Surgeon in N.Y.C., recently retired; I’m quite familiar with all of the medical solutions for severe constipation. In addition, I come from a medical family…..there are 7 physicians in my immediate family. My Father was a Homeopathic physician, so, I am also familiar and have tried all of the natural solutions for constipation, as I have been plagued with it all of my adult life. With all of the above attempts, I also eat very carefully…..tremendous amounts of vegetables, fruit, very little meat, good amount of fresh water fish, and, get at least 2 hours of exercise daily. Yet, none of this solved my severe constipation. Then, I saw an ad for Poopdoc.com. colon cleanse. I read the information, was impressed by the fact that it works on the small and large intestines, as well as, the colon……believe me, most of the colon cleansers on the market just work on the colon….major difference. Allow me to elaborate further, if I may. Most of your old, toxic fecal matter is to be found in the intestines, not in the colon. That is why PoopDoc colon cleanse works so well. For me, it was a miracle. Maintaining my diet and exercise and taking the recommended dose of PoopDoc, I lost 11 pounds in 15 days and had energy that I had not had in decades. Please try this product. It will flush out the toxins from your digestive tract and will positively help with your constipation.


— Gary, M.D., Las Vegas, Nevada

“I have tried every prescription medication currently available as well as most over the counter and web products for my chronic IBS with constipation. No product has ever worked as reliably and without side effects as Poopdoc. It has been a true miracle product for me.When I take four capsules at night, I have a predictable and easy bowel movement the next morning. I recommend this product without reservation.”

— David, Pittsburgh, PA

“On June 2 -3, 2007 I spent 13 hours in the Emergency Room at Loma Linda University Medical Center where I was diagnosed with a bladder infection on completion of all pertinent diagnostic tests. The horrific pain only increased on being sent home with antibiotics and pain reliever. Subsequent days resulted in my being unable to walk, to get out of bed and increased pain in the lower quadrant of my abdomen. Severe vomiting ensued along with severe pain in the area of my hip replacement.

I phoned my cousin in desperation and she told me about “PoopDoc”. On or during the latter, I spoke to an Angel – Scott.  On taking the first regimen of “PoopDoc”, a huge fecal blockage was released and passed. Subsequent pain subsided and I am mending by continued use of “Poopdoc”.

With all my heart, I thank you and your product for being there for me.

Most sincerely,”

— Agnes, Apple Valley, California

“After 35 years of problems with IBS, numerous medical procedures and three operations at one of the Top Ten hospitals in North America,……. after using your product for approximately 6 months I’m experiencing the best health I’ve had in years.

Your product works and with no side effects or discomfort, period. I don’t think the medical world will endorse this though, because it would empty out a lot of hospital beds throughout the country and probably would save a significant number of lives by reversing problems that lead to serious diseases, to and including colon cancer. All I can do is thank you for providing something the medical establish knows (or seemingly knows) nothing about.

I have waited six months before submitting this to make sure I’m correct in my testimony. The product actually started working the day after it was taken.”

— Mark, Asheboro, North Carolina






“I just wanted Poopdoc to know that your colon cleanse is the best product for constipation that I’ve ever used. I have suffered from constipation and hard stools for years and have tried other cleansers and laxatives but Poopdoc’s colon cleanser is the best product on the ma rket. After doing the 3-day cleanse, I am feeling so much better. I was skeptical at first, but read the testimonials and was convinced that it was a great product and immediately ordered a bottle. Thank you Poopdoc for helping me with my constipation. I just ordered some of your daily fiber supplement and will continue to use your great products.”

— Roselyn, Ashford, West Virginia

“Hello my name is Tiffany. I am 24 years old and have had problems with my bowels all my life. When I was a baby my mother used to have to give me stool softeners and change my diet to help me go to the bathroom. As I have gotten older I have kind of brushed my problem to the side and just dealt with it. I then came across PooPDoc from a co-worker and friend of mine. When she was talking about it I kind of didn’t think it would work because I have tried everything throughout my life to fix my problem. Then I decided to try it because I was feeling so bloated and didn’t feel like I was completely cleaned out. I started the pills on Friday and within two hours of taking them I went to the bathroom with no cramping and discomfort. I took one more that night and again had no problems. I have been taking them ever since then and have never felt better. I now have passed my experience on to my dad who has had the same issues. I highly recommend this to anyone even if you just need an everyday helper.”

— Tiffany, Scottsdale, Arizona

“I first read about PoopDoc on the internet and after having constant digestive and constipation issues, I decided to try the product. I am a physical education teacher and I am in my mid fifties. I have always tried to eat healthy and make sure my family did the same. After I started taking the (PoopDoc) capsules in the morning and in the evening, I found that I dropped 8 pounds [ I averaged 130 – 132 at five foot 7 which I did not like,] felt more energy, my stomach did get flatter and I never had any more constipation issues. Also, I lost my mother to colon cancer eight years ago at the age of 67, and perhaps if she would have been more aware of colon health, she would still be here today. It has become a regular in my daily routine. Thanks so much for your product!”

— Linda, Ballwin, Missouri

“My mother is 93 years old. She had been suffering from severe constipation for several years. I came across PoopDoc on the internet and decided to try it. She’s been using it for 4 years now and has had no constipation problems at all. Sometimes she swears she’s pooping out more than what she is eating. My question is why hasn’t the word about your product gotten out to doctors and hospitals? I don’t believe in miracles but this product is as close to a miracle product that I’ve ever seen. I highly recommend it.”

— Marty, East Bridgewater , Ma.

“After trying your product and following your suggestions I am convinced of the overall health benefits of maintaining proper digestive function.
I started with the colon cleanse as directed and immediately knew how important this is, following up with the Probiotic and fiber supplement and staying on that for a month now, I wish I had done it earlier.
I am a professional pilot and sometimes sitting down for a healthy meal is a challenge making digestive health even more important, with your product I feel better than ever. One of the unforeseen benefits is my change in attitude and eating habits. Basically, I just don’t want to eat fast food, fried food, heavy fatty meals , so I have lost some inches off of my waste and am feeling great. I have more energy and have peace of mind knowing that my body is absorbing much more nutrients and minerals than it has since childhood.

The Poopdoc products have given me a way to restore my digestive system to what it was in my youth.

Thank you for a great product that actually does what it is advertised to do.”

— Paul, Executive Jet Services

“PoopDoc.com has jump-started my rehabilitation (like possibly saving my life). A year ago I suffered a stroke. After all the medications, tests and procedures, I could barely go. One day after first “PoopDoc” Oxygen Pills my system started eliminating (poisoned toxins). By the third I was having regular relief and what a feeling! Remember, this was after years of struggling and recently using one of the most advertised intestinal cleanser. By the third week I suddenly slept longer! Folks, be careful, this could be a HEALING PARTY and another book just around the corner! Thanks PoopDoc.com (and your wonderful mother Scott!) what more can I say …YOU’RE THE GREATEST!”

— Signed: Mike (author), Age 81, Calhoun County, Florida

“I’ll always remember the night I phoned Poopdoc for the first time. Practically in tears, I was so weary of years of chronic constipation. Literally the better part of 50 years. All my married life (41 years) constipation has been a huge problem. Years of living off of laxatives, etc. Was I ever thrilled when I received my first order of Poopdoc products. I started right away with the recommended dosage and have had good success with my bowel movements since then. I highly recommend this product especially to those who feel like me that they have tried everything, even MD’s and specialists. Try it, you have nothing to lose. It will work for you too!”

— Regina, Dayton, Ohio

“I had given up on believing that there was anything that would give me any relief…Thank heaven I didn’t give up – this is the absolute best product ever…and it truly works”

— Carol, La Verne, California


— JESSICA, ADEL, Georgia

“I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner who practices in Ireland. All ayurvedic practitioners check the tongue for toxins. When we see a coating on the tongue we recommend a colon cleanse. Poopdoc is the best and fastest cleanse I have found to date. It works as effectively as a colonic (I used to administer colon therapy) without the invasive procedure! My clients have reported relief from bloating, gas, constipation and ulcerative colitis. They have also had massive increases in energy. I found it especially helpful for children who suffer from miscellaneous tummy aches. It is easy to administer to them since it is tasteless and works very fast and efficiently. I would recommend cleansing with Poopdoc at least every 3 months.

Thanks a lot to the makers of Poopdoc!”

— Elaine, County Galway, Ireland

“For years I suffered with chronic constipation. One morning on the way to work I saw a billboard advertising poopdoc. I wrote down the web address and that evening I ordered my first three 90 count bottles. I was amazed at the results. Since then I have used poopdoc faithfully. I recommend poopdoc to anyone who has a problem with constipation. It worked for me and will work for you…thank you poopdoc.”

— Bob, Phoenix, Arizona

“For years I had a problem with “bowel obstruction” and in and out of the hospital 6 or 7 times with this problem and hospitalized – till a friend of mine told me about “PoopDoc” and sent me her “free bottle” for me to try. And I’m happy to say ever since I have been taking “PoopDoc” I have not been hospitalized for bowel obstruction – in over a year – I am 76 years young and I thank God that I have found a product that works for me – when all the medications that Dr.’s gave me did not work – I thank you “PoopDoc”

— Mrs. Raymond S., Interlachen, Florida

“And a Word from my Husband –

Yes PoopDoc works for my wife, how many times I brought her to the hospital emergency for bowel obstruction and watched them pump her stomach. It has been over a year since I last brought her for that problem.

We have a 30 year old handicapped daughter in a wheel chair and now she doesn’t have to run back and forth to the hospital to see Mom in the hospital.
Thank you PoopDoc”

— Raymond S., Interlachen, Florida

“We tried your dietary supplement for the past several months and are extremely pleased to have finally found a product that works well for both of us. We are happy to become one of your regular customers.”

— Tom and Maryann, Middleton, Wisc.

“About 6 months ago my Doctor (Gynocologist/OBGYN) recommended PoopDoc to me. I had a good laugh and then went to the Internet to check it out. It sounded good to me so I ordered two bottles. I found I only have to take 3 capsules once every 2-3 weeks and I’m good. I was so amazed that I told my husband so he now uses mine and says they work wonders. I have bragged so much to all my friends that they now borrow from me all the time. I finally insisted that they now order their own which I did for them today. I love the name and always get a good laugh when I tell people about them. The real beauty though is that they really work and believe me, I have tried everything. Thank goodness for POOPDOC LOL”

— Marion, Gilbert, Arizona

“My letter is a witness to the fact that PoopDoc is the only effective treatment I have to relieve constipation. I am taking multi-medications which cause constipation and my age, 74, has simply worsened the constipation. In the past I’ve tried many recommended laxatives, advertised sure remedies for the constipation etc. and nothing worked. When I began taking PoopDoc I finally found a reliable (sure to eliminate) a constipation problem. Not only that but I also found PoopDoc cleanses the colon of fecal matter which had been stuck to the colon wall.

I have diverticulitis which causes severe pain, discomfort and blockage which can be readily felt in the lower right side of the abdomen. When I feel this condition beginning I grab the PoopDoc bottle take three capsules at bedtime and the blockage eliminates itself in the morning.

I can’t readily or adequately express how PoopDoc has helped me.

When nothing else worked and this includes multi-taking of stool softeners, PoopDoc is effective every time.

The day I contacted you has been and continues to be a blessing for me.


— Agnes, Apple Valley, California


Let me tell you how much poopdoc has helped me. I praise the Lord first of all for turning this product into a miracle in my life. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (ulcers in the colon) 10 years ago during the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy. The doctors told me at the time there wasn’t anything they could give me because I was pregnant, so the battle had just begun. Ater the delivery of my precious daughter I suffered from extreme constipation alternating with bloody diarrhea. I knew nothing about treating my condition except for the fact I would be on harmful steriods and other anti-inflammatory medications.

These medications gave me horrible emotional and physical side affects and for the next 4 yrs I was in and out of the hospital for severe malnourishment, joint pain, dehydration and significant loss of blood in my stool. My lowest drop was at 83 pounds and dying! Ater 4 yrs of suffering I began studying natural supplementation alternatives. I did find many things that brought incredible relief to my condition and allowed me to come off my medications. BUT of ALL the FIBERS I have tried, including: ground flaxseed, 3 different whole food fiber mixes, 2 or 3 different herb powder mixes (which cramped my gut), apple fiber, prunes, lots of vegetables, fruits and salads, which had helped very little and not near enough.

Through continual prayer I found poopdoc while searching the web for more constipation relief products. I ordered right away and to my COMPLETE AMAZEMENT it worked GREAT! My husband and daughter also benefit from it’s powerful working affects. Poopdoc is by far the only fiber that works without cramping my colon or irritating my ulcers. It also balances my blood sugar level. I now poop 2 to 3 times a day by taking 1 to 2 Poopdoc capsules along with 1 tbls of Daily Poopdoc fiber. I thought I might not ever find something that works soooooo well!

I give thanks to Jesus my Savior and Lord for Poopdoc. WOW again!”

— Brandi, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

“After years of dealing with IBS, dry skin, severe constipation, and the list goes on, I finally had a doctor that went the extra mile, and found that I had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. All thyroid tests would come back in the normal zone, but I was sick. A sluggish thyroid will be very important when it comes to constipation problems. My problems though were already set, because for years I abused laxatives, senna, dieters tea, anything to help with my problem. I needed to find a better way to help myself, because even with thyroid medicine, which helped some of my other problems, it could not help my one big problem, and that was the severe constipation. ( Because of all may years of abuse) One evening, looking on the internet to find some help, I can across POOPDOC and thought I have tried everything else what the heck. I talked to a really knowledgeable man named Scott. I was a bit afraid to discuss this problem, but he was very supportive and told me about this product and how it could help. Well all I can say is it works, it does not cause the cramping that other products produce, and for the first time I feel I have found someone that not only has a great product, but a person that has given me some really good advice to promote some really good habits for better colon health. Scott thanks for the help and for the great product.”

— Diane, St. Louis, Mo.

“The doctors in the emergency room of the Mayo Hospital looked at each other and said, “She may never have control of her bowels again”. They were talking about me. No way!!!

I waited in pain about 2 weeks to have my impacted bowel procedure done by a specialist at Mayo. We tried to get the appointment sooner but I was not a patient and there was lack of communication between emergency room and appointments. I felt like I was just a # and not a woman in allot of pain. The specialist told me, “You will be on laxatives for the rest of your life”.

Why would I want to loose the muscle control God gave me! He also promoted enemas. They are terrible, especially if you are packed from stress, pain and mistakes done by a surgeon who was only suppose to remove a small hemorrhoid on the outside.

PoopDoc to the rescue! I really needed and appreciate his “one on one”. He is there to guide you down your own personal path to recovery. I’m a great example of cleansed without laxatives, enemas or endless doctor visits. What a relief! I can now move around with ease because wherever I go PoopDoc’s all natural, colon cleanse capsules and fiber travel with me. Thank you PoopDoc for all your help.”

— Pat, Payson, Arizona

“This is best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life. I’ve suffered from constipation as long as I can remember. On top of the constipation I’ve had to deal with, I now have to take pain medicine which adds to the problem. I’ve tried all the over-the-counter laxatives, stool softeners…you name it I’ve tried it. Before I got your product I was taking 10 laxatives and 6 stool softeners everyday and it still didn’t work. Now I take 4 PoopDoc and I have no more problems!

I think PoopDoc is a God-sent.”

— Linda, Mesa, Arizona

“Back in February of this year I ordered your product only after it was suggested to me by my OBGYN Dr. ‘s office and Rose his assistant. You then called me and spoke to me for over 30 minutes about my issue of constipation that I have had in excess of at least 10 years; sometimes not having a movement for 12-15 days. There are no words to describe how depressed I was; trying countless remedies with nothing ever working for me, until now. Using the cleanse, fiber, probiotics and a digestive enzyme; I have never felt better! Anyone who is having issues with constipation and or bloating needs to be using your products. I can’t thank you enough for helping me.”

— Lisa, Phoenix, Arizona

“It was poopdoc that actually started my recovery to health. My system was constipated and just starting the colon working again which this product is guaranteed to do, let me begin to see the affects of a healthy working colon. I have been using the product for over two years and I am very pleased with the results, it is without a doubt the best product on the market. What a difference a working colon can do for a persons health. As I began to get better, I began to eat better choices and begin recovery….Even began to exercise which I had not done in a awhile only because I did not feel well. Thanks Poop Doc….Awesome Product”

— Dan… Calif.

“Hello my name is mark. I was looking on the net for something to help my constipation!! I could barely poop and it really hurt. Little peanut size and pencil size poops is all that I could do!! I was totally plugged up from painkillers. (Previous back injury). I was taking prodieum, stool softeners, laxatives, fiber. You name it I tried it!! And none of them worked !!!!!

The last month before trying Poopdoc. I was in absolute pain, Wicked cramps, I couldn’t bend over my guts hurt soooo bad from no bowl movement I was scared to eat because nothing came out and when it did It was very painfull and sometimes bloody. I was eating 6-8 oranges a day of cereal But I couldn’t barely poop!!!!! I’m thinking enemas. And operations, its scary when you can’t poop!! You have all these fears of uncontrollable thoughts going through your head Well I went on the net and saw poopdoc. I read a lot of testimonies from
other people who had tried the poopdoc. I figured I want to try it I have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

I talkd to Scott and ordered a bottle. Well my first nite I ate 9 Pills with lots of water. The next morning sitting on the toilet was the happiest day of my life!!!!! ( I’m 46 ) I was so relieved all the impacted poop an cramps an what ever else was in my colon was gone!!!! WOW. WOW I did a 3 day cleanse and I have never felt better. The RELIEF Words can’t explain. I feel soooo good!!! Back to eating an enjoying life.
Its amazing!!!!
I will never be constipated agin!!!!!!
Thanxxx soooo much
Sincerely. One happy pooper!!!!!”

— Mark, British Columbia, Canada

“Dear Scott,

Yeah for Poopdoc!!! I will always be indebted to a friend who introduced me and my son to poopdoc. She first called another friend of mine who is a retired doctor who has diabetes. He began taking it with much success. His stomach had gotten to the point he couldn’t see his feet and he tells me that he has lost so much weight in his stomach he can even see his legs! Cindy told me about Poopdoc about the same time she told my friend. When my friend told me about his success story I thought of my son who had been having difficulty with weight and elimination as well. He would spend so much time in the bathroom I would think he was really sick. When I asked him if he was ill, he just said it took time. He is very overweight but he said he would try Poopdoc at my request.

At first, he began having stools of dark red blood and then in about a week it was bright red blood but he didn’t give up because of the results he had heard other people have. The blood thing really scared me but after talking to Scott I felt better. The poopdoc must have healed that hemorrhoid because my son said that all the blood stuff all went away. That was about 6 weeks ago and the blood has stopped and instead of having to go without success he is regular as clockwork. He feels better, looks better and has lost a few pounds. He has even been walking the dog every day. Now he is weighing more often and telling me that he has hopes of losing more weight.

My own story is not as dramatic but I have had IBS in the past. For years I suffered. Being a university professor who had to leave the classroom at a moment’s notice was not very professional but it happened to me. Then after I retired, I learned about Poopdoc. For the first week on Poopdoc, I felt like I had diarrhea all time. I kept taking it thinking at least I wasn’t constipated. By the end of the second week I felt so good. I didn’t have bloating. I wasn’t afraid to go out of the house for fear I’d need to go immediately as I had in the past with the IBS. It has changed both our lives. Thanks so much for working so hard to help make people well. You are our “Poop” angel!!”

— Donna, PHD (professor & educator) from Hays, Kansas

“Dustin here,

Hi Scott, mom said I should write you a thankyou note for poopdoc. Here it is. THANK YOU. I am overweight and have always had trouble going to the bathroom. I always felt like I needed to go but I could only get out pencil sized pieces and little peanuts. You would think by looking at me I would go a lot because I am big. I would still feel like I had to go when I got up. Mom got some poopdoc for me and then I didn’t know what to think when I saw all that blood at first. I knew that wasn’t normal although I had bled before from having a hemorrhoid. I thought the poopdoc made me bleed or I had cancer or something. Actually, I freaked out. It was dark red and I’d always heard that couldn’t be a good sign. After about a week of that I really got scared when the blood became bright red. I kept on taking poopdoc because I was feeling better even though I was bleeding. I didn’t know really what to think. Two weeks of bright red blood and then it stopped. Man, was I glad. Maybe, I wasn’t going to die afterall. Besides that, I think my hemorrhoid went away and…I don’t feel like I have to go all the time. In fact, I am regular for the first time that I remember.

I have lost about 10 pounds which is not that much when I weigh so much (380 pounds). I have hopes of losing more weight. I even have more energy to do my art and to walk Lucy, my boxer dog. Thank you again for poopdoc. If my dog ever gets constipated, guess what she will be getting! Yes, I will give her poopdoc! I see mom called you our poop angel and I agree.

I am writing to share my personal journey with using PoopDoc to support my daughter. After countless trips to the GI specialists for my 4 year-old daughter, I have landed a product that works. She had been on a plethora of medicine from the doctors with very limited success. Then, we found PoopDoc! She has been on it for a few months with no bouts of constipation. Prior to PoopDoc, we would have to give her suppositories and enemas on a frequent basis. You can imagine the trauma that creates for a little girl! We are so thankful for this product and Scott’s assistance.”

— Mandy, Eureka, Missouri

“I have been using the daily fiber for three months and am so thankful a friend told me about it. This is truly a miracle working product!!! I had a problem with constipation for years but since using this product I feel like a new person. Scott you are such a blessing. Thanks for caring for others and helping us get “UNPLUGGED”!!!!


— Julie, Huber Heights, Ohio

“PoopDoc is a lifesaver! This is not an exaggeration. For several years I have had extreme stress in my life which caused my entire digestive system to stop working. I did not know this was possible but it happens! Doctor’s have many names for it; one favorite is “sluggish bowel.” Sluggish means it doesn’t work. The answer from the medical community after many different tests – MRI, ultrasound, X-rays, etc. was “We can do exploratory surgery,” and “Hopefully things will get moving again.” I could not believe my ears, that’s it, that and take medicine for GERD and stool softeners and Fiber. As my little girl likes to say, “There’s only one problem,” it did not work and taking the fiber made it worse. As a mother of six, social worker and competitive triathlete, I decided that was not going to be the final answer, mainly because I was desperate. Exercise helps alleviate stress. It’s not possible to exercise when you are so bloated you cannot move and it is not possible to exercise when you have zero energy. I was literally being poisoned by my own non-functioning system. That is where PoopDoc comes in…I stumbled on it and decided to order it, what did I have to loose, I had tried every other crazy idea out there, including eating beets every day for dinner! POOPDOC WORKS! That’s it; it’s that simple (most good things usually are). I had instant relief and started to feel like myself again immediately. I used PoopDoc for a few months and then added PoopDoc Daily Fiber and they are a wonderful combination. Like the founder, I have been on a mission and tell anyone that will listen about this product. I know that for me I’d heard for many years about how everyone’s bowel habits are different and that it is okay not to go every day! That’s ridicules, what do you think happens when you don’t go? I have lost 14 of the 30 pounds I’d gained, and that did not require any effort, just wanting to get moving again (no pun intended). I do not take any medicine, any stool softeners and no fiber, except PoopDoc Daily Fiber. I highly recommend trying the two products, what do you have to loose, there is 100% guarantee offered, that helped me decide too, now everyone in my family is taking PoopDoc.”

— Jackie, Plano, Texas


I have used alternative and western medicine for 30 years to treat/heal Chrohns, Fibromyalgia, Borderline Lupus, IBS, and Hypothyroidism. Before seeing my present healthcare practitioner, I had spent thousands on all types of remedies and office visits. After having finally found your product, I discovered the core of these diseases/conditions. Our intestinal tract is the KEY to our health. My present healthcare practitioner advocates NO supplemention due to it’s force on the body. He strongly recommends letting the body heal on its own with good nutritional foods. This is the only colon assistance other than enzymes he will advise me to use. My Chrohns, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and IBS are healed and I am continuing to follow the nutritional protocol and expecting the thyroid to follow in healing. Thanks for such a great product. A happy colon is a successful and happy individual.”

— Micki, Rapid City, South Dakota

“Thank you poopdoc for your products. I am 80 years old and have had a problem with constipation and irritable bowel ALL my life. Your – – daily supplement and fiber – – has finally been the answer it works consistently —other products have worked for awhile then I have to change to something else. This product is wonderful—thank you again.”

— Eileen, Payson, Arizona

“Scott, Love this product!!!!!! I have gone every morning without fail. No cramping or bleeding. That hasn’t happened since 1975. I have told everyone about it. Grateful for the prompt delivery too.”

— Lanita, Phoenix, Arizona

“Awesome product

About the Poopdoc, you got a awesome product there. I am truly impressed. Poopdoc has achieved in 7 days, What no other constipation relief product (there has been many) has been able To achieve in 2 years and countless hospital visits.

It took 3 days before the stuff took slowly effect, but now my wife goes 3-4 times a day. No pain, no strain. She is a different woman now thanks to your product.

Nobody in my town including Doctors, pharmacies or any one else I’ve talked to has never heard of Poopdoc. It’s a shame!

Thanks again, we’ll order shortly.”

— Simon, Alberta, Canada

“Dear Scott,

I was at a point that i was considering ending my life—you may think that I am being dramatic, however, my family and friends will tell you otherwise. You see, I have been in severe chronic pain for the last 15 years due to three back surgeries. I am on dasibility and have to take medications that make me extremely constipated. I have always been prone to constipation, and have tried everything in the book—laxatives, herbs, drinks, and I was at my wits end! The laxatives are so hard on your body, and I had become dependant on them, I was taking up to 30 pills a night! My doctor knew all of this, but was unable to figure out what else I could do. Doctor’s only think of medicine when someone needs help. Between my pain and constipation it got so that was all I was thinking, and the constipation made my back worse, because I would go days without going, and when I did it would strain my back—my life revolved around all of this.

I decided to take another look on the internet, and my eye caught POOPDOC, I love a good laugh, and I thought that whatever this product was, at least they had a sense of humor! When I called I got a human being on the line, Scott, how often does that happen these days??? Scott promised me that POOPDOC would work for me, and there was a money back guarantee, so there was nothing to lose. Well, I was amazed by POOPDOC, nothing had ever worked like this did and does!!! I no longer think of ending my life because at least I know that I will go everyday, and I will not strain my back. Also, there is nothing in POOPDOC that is bad for my body, in fact it is good for my body! It is a miracle, thank you so much for this wonderful product, it truly has saved my life.”

— Elizabeth, San Francisco, CA.

“I went through the colon cleanse and am now on the maintenance routine and what a pleasure it is to have normal movements without strain and feeling miserable and uncomfortable. I now have a daily routine that makes my life pleasant each day. Getting up in the morning is a good experience once again and being able to look forward to a pleasant day thanks to using the poopdoc pills. It has made my life a happy experience once again.

Thank You,”

— Evelyn, Sun City West, Arizona

“This product is an absolute Godsend. For the first time in my life, I have results everyday, and I feel so much better everyday.

I would, and have recommended it to family and friends.

Thanks to all connected with Poopdoc.”

— Judy, Globe, Arizona

“I came across PoopDoc when I searched on “constipation” when in Vanuatu some years ago.

I did the colon cleanse with immediate relief. Since then”, apart for a month when in transit I have only taken one capsule per day and it keeps me regular. Water is important. I can recommend this product.”

— Keitha, St Georges Basin NSW, Australia

“I got up in the morning looking forward to difficulty and straining and spent the day in discomfort unable to relieve myself. I often felt very miserable and had problems with bleeding hemorrhoids and soreness.

Each day was an unpleasant task spent trying to overlook the misery and to find something to be happy about. I ate healthy consuming fruits and vegetables and always disappointment that nothing helped. I don’t believe in talking medications unless I just can’t avoid it.

But now I get up grateful each morning and look forward to a healthy, happy day with energy to enjoy whatever my day might bring. What can I say your natural product is great and it has changed my life. Thank you!”


“PoopDoc is fantastic! I have been constipated for over 30 yrs. and have been using natural herbal laxatives almost daily for many yrs. They become addictive and stop working after awhile but I’ve had no choice. Doctors recommendations haven’t worked either… I’ve tried many different over the counter products too. PoopDoc worked the first day with no cramps and great results. I love the results and feel great taking it. Thank you!!!”

— Carol, Plantation, Florida

“I am one of those who was constipated all my life. Things turned much worse when a specialist told me to start taking 3 calcium pill per day. I asked him to test me to make sure that I was low in calcium, he became angry and simply told me to smarten up and simply take them. That caused me to become chronically constipated. While talking to one of my neighbor, she mention Poopdoc and printed me a copy of what was on the Internet. Since I had only one kidney left due to cancer, I was sort of leery at the thought of taking something new, so I took a bottle of pills, borrowed from the neighbor, to show my doctor. He had no clue what it was so we decided that I would try it for 3 months and come back at that time to have test done to make sure everything was aok. Meanwhile, I started going to a reflexologist. She was horrified how my intestine had no movement at all and felt like cement. She kept telling me I needed to do something. So I starting the pills in December 2009 and the fiber later on. It was a miracle! I could not believe it but I still seemed to have some trouble and I suspected that it had to do with how I ate. I phone Scott and he recommended I read the book “Fit for Life”. You learn in that book never to mix carbohydrates with proteins. My life changed after that. When I went back to my reflexologist, she was amazed. She kept poking and sure enough, the intestine was working except for 4″ on each side where the colon is attached to the intestine. The next time everything was working great and now, for the first time in YEARS, I actually hear my intestine gurgling. Who would think that we be thrilled at the sound of out intestine gurgling. Scott, thank you for all your kind help and your being always so respectful.”

— Signed – O.T. from Manitoba, Canada

“You guys are the best! I’m taking it slow because I have IBS but I’m feeling and looking much better already and it’s only day 2! I can’t believe this I’ve been constipated my whole life and been to tons of doctors and NOTHING has helped me like this.”

— Elizabeth, R.N., Manomet, Massachusetts

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