Everything Skin is a 12 year project with my bioo-chemist in collaboration with several other PhDs. The Study focused on extracting the active ingredients from the Immune System of Large Carnivorous plants. Extraordinary medicinal properties of these plants were found in Medical Journals dating back to the 1860’s when the English were trying to exterminate the Indians by lacing smallpox in blankets they gave them as gifts. The Indians began to die quickly until an old Indian woman, most likely the healer of the tribe, found the plant and began making an extract. After taking it they quickly stopped dying.
Fast forward to today, We now have the same active ingredients mixed in a compounded pharmaceutical gel which works on everything relating to our skin and a Special note with Pimples.
Everything Skin formula has been used on almost every skin malady including cold sores / herpes 1, herpes 2, burns, mosquito bites / insect bites / spider bites, cuts, scratches, abrasions, shingles, pimples and MORE with borderline miraculous results. These remarkable results have not been seen just by us, but countless others over the last 150 years.
THE SECRET FOR SUCCESS is to use 4x a day as described below. Results are fast.
Apply morning, afternoon and dinner time and then before bed (4x a day). Cover the area with a band-aid before bed to keep from rubbing off during sleep or if location can be rubbed off by clothing. The results are ASTONISHING.
Everything Skin comes in a 12g TUBE.
Apply to affected area of skin 4x a day:
– After shower in the morning,
– During mid-day
– Dinner time
– Just before bed
Depending on area, some will place a band-aid or similar covering over affected area including at night to keep remedy from being rubbed off.
Screw off cap to remove seal, then replace. Carefully squeeze the air out of the tube after using before closing cap back in place.
The testimonials below are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling.
“Dear Sir,
I am writing to thank you for the sample of Everything Skin that you gave to Travis Smith. Travis told me I should try it for his sister who has had an issue with acne on her face for a very long time. We weren’t sure if it was cystic acne or how to treat it. We have tried many different products, some of which have included: Thayers ph balancing cleanser, toner and Blemish Clearing Balm, Proactiv, and Proactiv MD. Regardless of the type of product we tried, the results have always been the same. She continues to have a red face, swollen areas of break out and reaction, pealing, drying skin, or more blemishes. My daughter began using Everything Skin exclusively around early April 2024. She has been faithful in using it two times a day each day for the entire month. Some of the great results we have seen are no redness or dryness, swelling has disappeared, blemishes have almost completely gone away. Thew few breakouts she had, we instantly applied Everything Skin and noted that it was gone within a day or two! Her face is now clearer than it has been in an extremely long time. We want to say thank you for giving Everything Skin to my son Travis Smith for us to sample. This is a product that works!”
— Sandy, Arizona
Pictures before using Everything Skin

Pictures after using Everything Skin

The Story behind this Testimony
Adrian is a 10 year old boy who lives in Mexico and is a relative of Veronica, Scott’s wife. These growths had grown above and below Adrian’s eyes. The kids at school began calling him a monster and a freak which soon led him into depression and not wanting to go to school anymore.
His parents became desperate to find an answer as this crisis grew. After 2 years of multiple doctors’ care, including a dermatologist, the growths only became worse.
Here is the Story written by Adrian’s father.
“Dear Veronica and Scott, affectionate greetings from this warm land, which truly lives up to its name: “Mexicali”, the city that captured the sun!” And it seems that all the sun was concentrated in Mexicali these days, very hot and humid.
Anyway, Alma told me about the summary Scott asked for about Adrian, I will try to summarize the matter for you.
One day in 2012, we realized that Adrian had a wart in the lower part of his right eye on the skin that forms the pouch under the eye, it was kind of a thread, very thin and fine. We didn’t give it much importance because it appeared and disappeared. Because of how thin it was, Adrian took it off by twisting it off. Time passed and suddenly we were concerned that he was no longer able to twist them off and the warts were thickening and getting larger. We then went to see the ophthalmologist with whom I attend for the prescription of my lenses. We explained the case to her and she got down to work trying to remove Adrian’s wart with a small surgery. After many attempts to inject Adrian with anesthesia, he refused and the anesthesia was not properly placed. Anyway, she chose to cut the wart and between pulls, stretches and kicks, she managed to cut it, but not before giving it several cuts that mutilated it and left it with a grotesque appearance and Adrian with a great trauma, which to this date he has with the needles. A few days later we were disappointed to see that the wart did not subside or dry as if it had been pruned and began to grow and thicken. Eventually we took him to another doctor to remove it and the procedure was very similar to everything that happened with the ophthalmologist, but this time Adrian was brave and let himself be injected with the anesthesia and burned the wart. After all that fuss, We believe that we had won. However the wart reappeared and with more strength, three months later the wart became thicker and larger again.
We went to a dermatologist in June 2013 and this time Adrian didn’t allow anything to be done to him. We were resorting to home remedies and the internet, sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn’t, we went through all the options, from banana and lemon peels, “Dermo Padra” and finally freezing it with a product called “Point”, which Rafael did us the favor of providing us, which we used to treat Angela for some petty ones that came out on her knee, it didn’t work with her and we didn’t dare use it with Adrian.
Nothing seemed to work and we began to watch with horror as they spread through both eyes and grew as if they were mushrooms in a greenhouse. We consulted with the dermatologist and she recommended operating on Adrian with total anesthesia, something we did not agree with and we were delaying the decision. Until you and Scott introduced us to your product Everything Skin in April 2014. Really at that time we were very open to trying any product he recommended to us, however, given Scott’s track record in the matter of medicinal products that work, it gave us greater confidence to try it. We simply rely on his expertise and goodwill.
From the beginning we followed the recommendations, placing the ointment and covering it with band-aids, just as he told us. After a few days, we noticed that the warts grew in size and looked moist. Suddenly we saw the warts changed in color to a dull brown and not the vivid pinkish white they had been before. We became very excited and our hope grew about Adrian’s healing. In the first days we only put the ointment on at night before sleeping. We decided to apply the ointment four times a day as Scott recommended in the morning when he left for school, when he returned, after eating dinner and then before he went to bed. The results were quickly seen. Although at first Scott recommended dealing with one wart, seeing the good results with one growth, we decided to treat them all at the same time applying 4 times a day. The first growth, the one that had been traumatized by Adrian’s hands, the ophthalmologist’s scissors, the doctor’s soldering iron, took a little longer to subside, however we noticed that the others were relieved much faster as well as those that were very new in a week or two.
Finally in June 2014, these growths subsided and only a few very slight marks remained where they had been. We continued to apply the ointment until the end of July 2014, when Scott recommended that we discontinue it completely as these growths were completely gone.
Still to our amazement, these growths/warts disappeared and did not leave a trace that they’d ever been there. As soon as We visited you both again, Adrian ran to Scott and hugged him profusely he was so happy for the one who took his nightmares away. These warts above and below his eyes never came back which is now past the 10 year mark. We cannot thank You Scott and Veronica enough and this miracle product called “Everything Skin”.
— Andres, Mexicali, Mexico
Pictures of Adrian before using Everything Skin

Pictures of Adrian after using Everything Skin